Present: Reeve Derek Klassen, Councillors Herman Loeppky, Teddy Wilson, Don Boxall and CAO Wendy Wutzke.

Absent: Councillor Neville Skanderbeg

Call to order

Reeve Klassen called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Adoption of the Agenda

Wilson - Loeppky

2013/12 Be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella approve the agenda with additions.


Financial Statement

Wilson - Loeppky

2013/13 Be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella approve the financial statement for months ended, January 31st, 2013 and the unaudited financial statement for the year ended December 31st, 2012


Confirmation of Minutes

Wilson - Boxall

2013/14 Be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella approve the minutes of January 9th, 2013 as read and circulated.





Boxall -Loeppky

2013/15 Be it resolved that By-law 1/2013, being a bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Glenella to govern the organization of the Rural Municipality of Glenella and the Committee thereof be hereby given second reading.


Boxall –Wilson

2013/16 Be it resolved that By-law 1/2013, being a bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Glenella to govern the organization of the Rural Municipality of Glenella and the Committee thereof be hereby given third reading and be finally done and passed. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote is taken on the third reading of a by-law.

For the Motion – Klassen, Loeppky, Wilson, Boxall

Against – none

Abstained - none


Wilson - Loeppky

2013/17 Be it resolved that By-law 2/2013, being a bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Glenella to regulate the proceedings and conduct of the council of the Rural Municipality of Glenella and the committees thereof be hereby given second reading.


Boxall - Wilson

2013/18 Be it resolved that By-law 2/2013, being a bylaw of the Rural Municipality of Glenella to regulate the proceedings and conduct of the council of the Rural Municipality of Glenella and the committees thereof be hereby given third reading and be finally done and passed. In accordance with 137 M.A. requiring that a recorded vote is taken on the third reading of a by-law.

For the Motion – Klassen, Loeppky, Wilson, Boxall

Against – none

Abstained - none



Minister of Local Government sent a letter acknowledging receipt of our letter sent opposing forced amalgamations. Letters was received from their office also discussing steps of amalgamation as well as a letter requesting we provide the names of our preliminary partners by February 15, 2013. A copy of a petition to the Manitoba Legislature against amalgamation from Progressive Conservative MLA Vicki Neufeld. A letter from Sensus (our auditors) with a list of issues that need to be reviewed and agreed to by councils involved with amalgamation. AMM member advisories dated Jan 9,2013, Jan 16, 2013 and Feb 4, 2013 regarding their position on amalgamation. Copies of letters against amalgamations from the following municipalities: RM of Lansdowne, RM of Woodworth, RM of Grey, RM of Strathclair, RM of Lakeview, RM of Edward, RM of Miniota, RM of Rossburn, Town of Grandview, Town of Rossburn, Town of Hamiota, Village of Riverton, Village of Benito, Village of Elkhorn, a joint letter from 34 additional municipalities, letters with resolutions and requests for similar resolutions from RM of Wallace, RM of Grandview and Town of Emerson. Copy of letter from RM and Village of McCreary who are willing to amalgamate together, along with an invitation from the RM of McCreary to meet and discuss amalgamation. Letter from the Town of Neepawa who are interested in amalgamating with RM of Glenella, RM of Lansdowne, RM of Langford and RM of Rosedale (they had already received a letter from Glenella/Lansdowne/Langford that stated they did not want to amalgamate). Request from RM of McCreary to meet and discuss municipal amalgamation. There will be a municipal amalgamation seminar presented by the Province in Neepawa on February 15, at the Yellowhead Centre from 9:30-noon that all Council and CAO are invited to attend. – file all letters, circulate the petition for ratepayers to sign, attend the seminar

Loeppky - Boxall

2013/19 Whereas in the 2012 speech from the Throne, The Province announced that in the year ahead they will work with municipalities to begin a process of municipal amalgamations; and whereas the Province is requesting that municipalities provide a preliminary indication of who they are in discussions with by January 31, 2013 and have this partners confirmed by Council resolution by no later than March 31, 2013; and whereas the RM of Glenella feels that amalgamations should be the decision of the municipality and the wishes of the residents and not forced by the Province; therefore be it resolved that the Council of the RM of Glenella does hereby oppose the Provinces’s decision to force municipalities to amalgamate; and further be it resolve that the RM of Glenella request support from other municipalities by passing a similar resolution and forwarding it on to the Province as a united voice.


Correspondence - Regular

AMM sent the newsbulletin dated January 17th, 2013 and an invitation to the Mayors & Reeves & CAO meeting to be held in RM of Miniota on Thursday, March 21, 2013-Reeve & CAO to attend

Whitemud Watershed sent a copy of the minutes from their board meeting held January 24th, 2013, along with their 3rd quarter report -filed

Glenella Fire Dept. sent a copy of the minutes from their meeting held February 6th, 2013.-filed

Glenella Recreation Commission sent copies of the minutes from their meetings held June 18th, Oct 1st, Nov 5th, December 3rd, 2012 and January 7th, 2013, along with their financial statement for the period October 1st, 2012 to January 31st, 2013.-filed

Manitoba Good Roads Association sent a request to renew our membership for 2013, cost is $150.00

Wilson - Loeppky

2013/20 Be it resolved that Council of the RM of Glenella agree to renew their membership in Manitoba Good Roads Association for 2013 for $150.00.


Grant requests were received from the following:

4-H Beef Interclub Show and Sale

Burrows Trail Arts Council

Plumas/Lansdowne Ag Society


Wilson - Loeppky

2013/21 Be it resolved that Council of the RM of Glenella agree to the following grant requests:

4-H Beef Interclub Show and Sale $100

Burrows Trail Arts Council $ 50

Plumas/Lansdowne Ag Society $ 50

Kidsport $100

And further be it resolved 10 helmets be donated to the Glenella School for students to use that do not have their own helmets allowing all students to take part in school skating activities at the Glenella Arena.


Committee for the LUD of Glenella sent a copy of the minutes from their meeting held February 12th, 2013- filed

Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship sent a letter apologizing for not scheduling a meeting as requested during the AMM Convention. – filed.

Manitoba Weed Supervisors Association sent information regarding their annual Weed Seminar to be held March 20, 2013 in Carberry.

Loeppky - Wilson

2013/22 Be it resolved Don Boxall and Ray Wilson are hereby authorized to attend the Weed Seminar in Carberry on March 20, 2013 and further be it resolved that expenses be paid in accordance with Bylaw 1/2012.


Highline sent a revised quote for the purchase of an RCH mower.– filed

Big Grass Planning District sent a copy of the agenda for their meeting held January 25, 2013, along with a copy of their financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2012, the development officer report for 2012 and the budget for 2013. – filed.

Colt Bergsen sent a request to purchase the lot beside the Glenella Community Hall – tabled

Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship sent a letter regarding unlicensed works E of NE3-18-11wpm requesting the work be removed by April 1, 2013. – discuss with water resource officer

6491406 Manitoba Ltd. sent an offer to purchase Lots 8/9 Block 2 Plan 331 for $300.00 and Lots 5/6 Block 3 Plan 331 for $300.00. Reeve Klassen declared a conflict and left the meeting. Deputy Reeve Boxall assumed the chair.

Wilson - Boxall

2013/23 Be it resolved Council for the RM of Glenella agree to sell Lots 8/9 Block 2 Plan 331 to 6491406 Manitoba Ltd for $300.00 and further be it resolved Council for the RM of Glenella agree to sell Lots 5/6 Block 3 Plan 331 to 6491406 Manitoba Ltd. for $300.00 with the following conditions: all legal, transfer and costs associated with the sale shall be paid by the purchaser, the purchaser will be responsible for the 2013 property taxes from date of possession, the lots be sold in existing conditions, and any additional approaches added to the properties will be the responsibility of the purchaser.


Reeve Klassen returned to the meeting and assumed the chair.

Glenella School Playground Committee sent a request for the hall rental fees to be waived at their family dance to be held March 16, 2013.

Boxall - Wilson

2013/24 Be it resolved that Council for the RM of Glenella waive the hall rental fee for the Glenella School Playground Committee’s Family Dance to be held March 16, 2013 with the understanding that the hall be left in the same condition as it was before the event.



Boxall – Skanderbeg

2013/25 Be it resolved that accounts numbered #10276 to #10345 and amounting to $39,162.03, as well as accounts numbered #10346 to #10349 and amounting to $1,796.55 be hereby approved for payment.


New Business

Council reviewed the Tractor/Mower Operator applications received – tabled until next meeting.

Wilson - Loeppky

2013/26 Be it resolved that Council for the RM of Glenella designate 2011 for tax sale purposes.


Boxall - Wilson

2013/27 Be it resolved that Council for the RM of Glenella approve the following policy regarding the rental of chairs and tables from the Glenella Community Hall:

1)  Hall chairs may be rented with a minimum rental cost of $100.00 (1-100 chairs). For the rental of more than 100 chairs there will be an additional charge of $1.00/chair

2)  Hall round tables may be rented at a cost of $25 per table.

3)  All chairs and tables must be returned in good condition or the rentor will also be charged the costs to replace them. Carried.

Unfinished Business

RM of Glenella’s share of PCH Fundraising Co money– tabled

Committee Reports

Council discussed issues relating to the Community Hall, complaints from the caretaker, and outstanding repairs to complete the grant.

Open Discussion

Council discussed issues relating to the purchase of a new grader and will get quotes for the next regular meeting including a quote for a one way plow.

Notice of Motion



Wilson - Loeppky

2013/28 Be it resolved the meeting adjourn, the time being 2:15 p.m.



Reeve – Derek Klassen


C.A.O. - Wendy Wutzke