We’ve divided this into three responsive readings; they may be done together as one long reading, or they can be punctuated with the suggested songs… or they can be used separately.
Leader: The Lord is King!
People: Let all the peoples of the earth tremble before him!
Leader: The Lord sits enthroned upon the cherubim!
People: Let the earth quake and tremble before him!
Leader: The Lord is great in Zion!
People: He is exalted above all peoples!
Leader: Let them praise your great and awesome name, O Lord!
People: Holy is He!
Congregational Response: “He Is Exalted” or “Awesome God”
Leader: Mighty King, you love justice.
People: You have established equity.
Leader: You have set up a just system.
People: You have brought righteousness into a new light.
Leader: Extol the Lord our God; worship at his footstool.
People: Holy is he!
Congregational Response: “Great Is the Lord”
Leader: They cried out to the Lord, and he heard them.
People: He spoke to them from a pillar of cloud.
Leader: They kept his decrees, the commandments they were given.
People: O Lord, you were a forgiving God, but you were an avenger of their wrong-doings.
Leader: Extol the Lord our God; worship at his holy mountain.
People: Holy is he!
Choral Response: “Holy Is He” (Clydesdale)… has congregation joining on “Holy, Holy, Holy”at the end.
Another Shorter Option:
Responsive Reading from Psalm 99
Leader: The Lord is King. he is exalted above all the people. Let us all praise his great and awesome name. Holy is he!
People: You are a mighty King, and you love justice. You have established equity. You have executed justice and righteousness.
Leader: Extol the Lord our God! Worship at his footstool! Holy is he!
People: You have answered your people who kept your decrees and the statutes you gave them. You were a forgiving God, but an avenger of their wrong-doings.
Leader: Let us extol the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain.
People: Let us worship our God because he is holy!
Leader: The Lord is King. He is exalted above all the people. Let us all praise his great and awesome name.
All: Holy is he!
Anthem Suggestion: Go immediately into “Holy Is He” (David Clydesdale) which includes the congregation’s singing of portions of the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Hymn Suggestion: “Holy, Holy, Holy”