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CEA Committee
September 11, 2009, VNA Headquarters, Richmond
Minutes: In-Person/Conference Call Meeting 12:30- 3 PM
Present: Cheri Blevins, Sharon Broscious, Nancy Craft, Jennifer Dixon, Pam Hash, JoAnne Henry, Kathy Mahone, Jennifer Matthews, Donna McCarthy, Marlene Pratt, Lolita Ramsey, Ann Rebera, David Simmons.
Item / Discussion / Action / ResolutionAnnouncements /
- Welcome, thank you for attending the meeting.
- Thank you for your reviews.
Approval of June 25, 2009 Minutes /
- Minutes approved as is. No changes
Old Business:
Fee schedule /
- Fee for applications requiring more than 2 reviews.
- Jennifer discussed that the board has left this to be a business decision of the CEA and no objections to it were raised.
- Fees will incur on a case by case basis.
- Committee approved of this and will add this to the website and start advertising this fee.
Will inform Debbie to post on website.
Will include this revision fee on the instructions for single and provider applications. / Discussion by email.
Provider annual reports and delinquent providers in submitting annual reports. Outcome and process of revoking providership. /
- Discussed process of what is coming in from Nancy. Nancy: Few providers haven’t come in yet. Debbie is looking for some of them. Annual reports gradually coming in, not sure follow-up Tina had been doing.
- Kathy: Tracking method for those renewals are captured in the database. They are working on improving the database, emails, follow-up etc. Debbie is working on a way to better track this.
- Annual report: programs are being sent in to us, but activities have not been reviewed yet by a peer reviewer. 11 providers this year to be reviewed. Decided that we set aside a time every 3 months to review annual reports and activities and catch up on activity reviews sent in thus far. We will wait until things settle down with the current applications and then get these annual activity reviews completed.
- Need to first figure out the process and improve the process of provider annual reviews prior to figuring out outcome and process of revoking providership. Will need to get a list/survey of how many providers have not submitted their annual reports.
- We also need to identify what happens to comments from Nancy when she reviews annual reports and whether that information is sent to the provider.
- Discussed provider renewal of Donna’s- no activities submitted. Activities mentioned in the application appear to be national conferences. Will need to clarify if applicant has targeted more than 50% of their activities to multiple regions- if so, not eligible to renew as a provider as of August 1st.
Will discuss with Debbie on when to send out annual provider activities to peer reviewers.
Lolita will update and send email to Debbie re: Donna’s review.
Will need to post on website dates of changes effective by the ANCC- both for committee and applicants. / Follow-up by email and follow-up at December meeting.
Job descriptions for reviewers. Bioform for reviewers and policy on conflict of interest (COI) with reviews. /
- We will need to update and review the job description for reviewers.
- Discussed need to have bioform and COI form completed for all peer reviewers. Need to document that all peer reviewers are qualified to be peer reviewers and submit form and CV.
- Discussed policy on COI with reviewing an application and to assess this prior to reviewing each and every application. Discussed process to go through if COI is present with reviewing an application.
- Revisions suggested for bioform will be completed and a final copy of the Bioform and COI form will be sent out to the committee. If peer reviewers can complete the form, electronic signature and email to Debbie.
Peer reviewers are to complete the form and CV and send to Debbie by email. / Follow-up by email and follow-up at December meeting.
Article with committee update to Virginia Nurse /
- Discussed writing an article in the newsletter. October 10th would be the deadline. Article should discuss fee changes, ANCC changes/transitioning over the next 1-2 years, VNA to be reviewed by the ANCC/process for reaccreditation.
- Asked for volunteers interested in writing the article to email with their interest.
Orientation/slides on ANCC changes- ANCC workshop report /
- Powerpoint slides for orientation and ANCC workshop report are still in progress.
- Requested to have workshop powerpoint slides from July sent/posted.
Lolita will send out ppt from July workshop and have Debbie post on website. / Follow-up by email and at December meeting.
ANCC notification of new coordinator-contact change /
- Check with Debbie to see if ANCC is aware of new coordinator contact information.
Monitoring subcommittee /
- Discussed creating a subcommittee to create a monitoring process for providers and single applicants who repeat activities.
- Subcommittee would help to create a process for keeping track of repeat activities.
- Need to review what is asked of single activity applicants after approval granted (i.e. post evaluation summary). Review what is sent to applicants when they are approved.
- Need to clarify and establish a policy when applicants do not comply with requirements.
- Monitoring subcommittee will be formulated in the near future and will delay this until other items are completed.
- A question came up about what happens to programs if a providership is lost. If an individual program is approved for 2 years, can it still be presented?--Will have to figure out this process.
Decision tree on ACLS or canned programs /
- Tabling this for now. Other items take priority at this time and will reconsider this later.
- Currently, ACLS and canned program information from ANCC posted on website.
New Business:
Update contact information /
- Please review the member list/contact information posted on the internal website and send any updates or changes to Debbie via email.
Single educational activity-updated forms-application, directions and review /
- Discussed changes for the single activity application and form A-G. Revisions and suggestions noted from the committee and will be made.
- Time did not permit discussion of changes to instructions and single activity review form. Members were asked to review these items and email with suggestions.
- Discussed using the forms as soon as they are finalized. Applicants can use the forms as soon as released, however, as of January 2010, applicants are required to use the forms.
- Goal is to get all forms revised, up and running before October workshop.
Provider form to be updated /
- Future item will be to revise and update the provider form to new ANCC criteria.
Policy reviews- split up policies among members for review and comments /
- Will email policies for each reviewer to review and revise. Review policies assigned for consistency with new ANCC criteria, clarity and processes.
- 1-2 policies will be assigned by email.
Date for fall workshop /
- Fall workshop will be October 29, 2009 at noon, Thursday.
Other items /
- Idea brought up for performance improvement activity: Survey applicants after new forms/applications rolled out to see if this is a better process for them. This can be used to document our internal evaluation and quality improvement.
- May want to consider getting feedback from applicant: Dallas Fort Worth.
Schedule next CE meeting /
- The next CE committee meeting will be a conference call December 4, 2009 at 12:30 – 3 pm.
VNA CEA Committee: 9/11/09 Meeting Minutes