CARE International in Ghana is inviting expression of interest from credible research institutions for partnership on impact monitoring and data share. CARE International in Ghana has three core long term programs that span 15 years.
Together with decentralized state offices, CARE implements the COMMUNITY LIVELIHOODS EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM to support the landless caretakers or farm-laborers whose livelihoods are based on cocoa production to
- improve cocoa productivity and profitability
- engage women in cocoa value chain in a meaningful and responsible manner
- engage youth in cocoa value chains in a profitable manner
- keep all their children in schools, girls and boys alike.
Together with Citizen Groups and Local organizations, CARE implements theFOREST AND NATURAL RESOURCE PROGRAM, aiming to empower vulnerable migrantfamilies and/or sharecroppers to
- access vital information, knowledge, and skills for their community based resource management initiatives
- diversify their forest based livelihoods with high value crops
- improve the diversity and profitability of their forest farms
- claim with a stronger voice their rights and demand accountability in the context of District level Forest Forums.
Together with local organizations, CARE implements the AGRICULTURE & FOODSECURITY PROGRAMME to support the food insecure and the hunger vulnerable, particularlywomen and youth to
- embrace climate resilient farming practices (conservation agriculture and integrated water resource management)
- organise themselves for financial security and social solidarity with self managed village saving associations
- recover their livelihoods after droughts/floods disasters through flexible inputs/food vouchers for work
- access effective, gender diverse agriculture extension system at the farm gate
To enable CARE in Ghana to make evidence-based statements about its impacts and its contribution to progress toward the MDGs, CARE has developed a standard set of indicators for tracking its achievements – in reducing poverty, empowering women and reaching social justice. These indicators take a “modified MDI” form, which incorporates all three dimensions of the unifying framework: human conditions, social positions, and enabling environment for advocacy.
To achieve this CARE wishes to partner with credible researchinstitutions and/ororganizations with the capacity to monitorimpact choosing the right data (useful, reliable, specific,); selecting and implementing the appropriate methods for collecting the data (valid sampling, standardised field methodologies); employing rigorous analysis and managing data well so that it is reliable, accurate, and available when needed. As and when appropriate, a contract would be signed for some specific deliverables including Strategic Impact Inquiry, baselines & evaluations, indicator tracking, joint publications, data share etc.
Interestedorganizations/institutions should submit an expression of interest to the Director of programs, Dr. Afurika Juvenal at .