Dear Coach Calley,
My name is Jason Adkins and I am the camp staff coordinator for ProCamps, one of the top sports camp organizations in the United States.
ProCamps will be conducting the Darren McFadden Football Camp in Little Rock, AR this year. Our goal is to make this event the premier youth sports camp in the area. One of the keys to accomplishing this is to hire a first-rate staff of local prep football coaches. I am contacting you to invite you to apply for a coaching position at Darren’s camp.
Please review the following camp information:
· Camp date: 6/12/2012 - 6/13/2012
· Camp time: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
· Camp facility: Maumelle High School - Little Rock, AR
The coaches’ compensation package includes camp apparel, a coaches’ appreciation luncheon, an autographed photo with Darren, and a salary of $150.
In order to be considered for a coaching position you must do the following:
1. Complete an online application (click here to go to the online application)
2. Submit a current background check. You may fulfill this requirement in any one of the three following ways. Regardless of which you choose, materials may be scanned and emailed, faxed, or mailed to me using the contact information noted below in my signature.
a. Submit a copy of your current background check OR a letter signed by a school administrator on school district letterhead indicating that you have a background check on file
b. Submit three reference letters, one of which must be from your current employer
c. Obtain and submit the results of a new background check (there is a link in the online application to Protect Youth Sports, where you can purchase a new background check by completing their secure, online application and paying a $15 fee via credit card – these results will be forwarded directly to me and kept confidential)
Feel free to forward this email to any other qualified coaches that you know. Hiring decisions will be based on the timely and accurate completion of the online application and background check requirement, the number of campers enrolled, and the qualifications of the applicant.
I encourage you to visit our website at for more information regarding the Darren McFadden Football Camp or any of the other camps that we conduct around the country for our clients in the NFL, NBA, and Major League Baseball. You may also contact me personally by phone or email if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jason Adkins
Camp Staff Coordinator | ProCamps®Worldwide
4600 McAuley Place, 4th FL, Cincinnati, OH 45242
Office: (513) 793-2267 |Fax: (513) 297-7205
Mobile: (513) 374-0311 |