Burwood Public School P&C Association
Minutes of the General Meeting
Tuesday 17 February 2015, School Staff Room
Attendance: Janelle Heron (chair), Carolyn Wallace-Whelan (Principal), James Wratten (Deputy Principal), Mark Burfield, Misako Burfield, Wendi Chen, Jenny Cho, Grace Guan, Anne Ho, Chun Hua, Nick Khuu, Mei Quing Liang, Tracy Xu, Sarah Yeom, Lucy Zhang, Wei Zhang
Apologies: Oliver Bock, Amanda Ng
The meeting was preceded from 9am by a “Welcome” Morning Tea, attended by over 30 parents. A comprehensive handout about the P&C Association was distributed, and Janelle (immediate past President / Canteen Convener) and later Mark (Secretary) spoke about the Association. Carolyn presented on the current situation of the School and then invited James to present more on the vision for the School, especially as each public school is required to develop a three year plan. Carolyn and James invited parent contributions and involvement beyond today’s meeting to developing this vision and plan.
After a short break, the P&C Association meeting commenced at 10.05am.
Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Minutes of the previous meeting of 16 December 2014 were distributed.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes:
Burwood Public School Festival
Further to the last P&C meeting in December, where it was suggested to move the Festival timing from late November (which is difficult for the teachers as it is during the preparation time for the school reports), it was proposed for the Festival to be early in Term 4 – Friday 16 October or else Friday 23 October. Mark will check with the usual carnival company (“Aussie Amusements”) about their availability for either of these dates. ACTION
Community Chest Raffle
The P&C Association used the Community Chest raffle organised through the Holroyd Rotary Club (with substantial prizes, and for use by community groups who receive 75% of the takings). This was drawn in January and a ticket bought through Burwood Public School was the third prize winner. The raffle raised about $2,000 for the school.
As the Community Chest raffle is run twice a year, it is proposed that we check through Amanda if next time we do the raffle drawn this July rather than next January (This will clearly separate the raffle from the Festival, and it will be drawn during the school year).
Coin counter
The coin counter discussed at the last meeting is yet to be purchased. ACTION
Old camphor laurel tree
Amanda was not at today’s meeting to confirm if she had contacted Enrico Coiro, who had removed the stump of the old camphor laurel tree and had offered to make a table top from it for the school. This is to be followed up. ACTION
President [Chair]:
Survey prepared by Oliver Bock
Based on discussions at the last meeting re communicating and getting feedback about the P&C Association, Oliver Bock drafted a comprehensive survey over the school holidays.
This is on SurveyMonkey and there is a $228 annual fee if we are to proceed to use this.
James is to check this and possible alternatives, indicating that confidential surveys are being run by the Department on specific issues. (Of course, these have a different purpose).
The Survey can provide feedback on issues such as the timing of the P&C Association meetings, help with P&C Association events, the canteen, uniform shop etc.
Carolyn mentioned at this point her desire to hold a “Dads’ Night” this year.
Social Media
Following on from the last meeting, there was further discussion about social media and the pros and cons of a Facebook presence.
It was again noted that last year, the school newsletter became an E-Newsletter, but several parents have not yet subscribed to this.
NSW State Election – fundraising opportunity
The NSW State Election is on Saturday 28 March, and Burwood Public School is used as a major polling booth from 8am-6pm. This provides an opportunity for the P&C Association to run a fundraising activity. In the past, we have run a sausage sizzle, but this can be labour intensive. Also James suggested that dumplings and yum cha may be preferable in consideration of the demographic. Other ideas put forward were a cake stall or a hamper raffle (eg using excess Easter eggs collected for the Easter Giving). Ultimately it was decided to sell cans of drink, tea and coffee, and foods that require no preparation on the day (eg, cakes, chips) from the canteen and/or a table outside the canteen. We could possibly ask parents to donate cakes, etc. Arathi Elamurugan (Canteen Manager) is to be informed.
Janelle informed that she would be only be available in the afternoon on 28 March (but could be a contact person), so we need an overall manager on the day and other parents on roster to cover especially in the morning if any idea is to proceed. ACTION
Janelle asked if we should hold a School Disco in Term 1. Carolyn suggested this might be better early in Term 2, and the date of Thursday 30 April was proposed. Janelle explained to the new parents that there are two sessions (Years K-2, eg from 4-5pm; and Years 3-6, eg from 4.15-5.15pm). The P&C Association provides a drink and an ice block. Cost is about $8 depending on the DJ. We can make about $2,000 through running a disco. ACTION
Easter Giving
The Easter Giving this year has been scheduled for the last day of Term 1, Thursday 2 April.
For this activity, the School invites elderly citizens from nearby group homes, and they are entertained by the students. A morning tea is prepared by the P&C Association (Janelle offered to arrange this, noting the need for more egg sandwiches), and chocolate egg hampers are donated to the homes, with eggs donated by K-2 students. ACTION
Carolyn noted that the School has been developing a relationship with the Bernard Chan Nursing Home, with students going there to sing, etc.
Thank You cards and certificates
Janelle raised again the need to ask students (eg through the SRC) to design Thank You cards and certificates that can be used by Burwood Public Schools for businesses and individuals, etc who support the School. ACTION
AGM Preparation:
The P&C Association AGM will be on Tuesday 17 March, 9am. All positions will be open for election by P&C Association members: President, Vice President (2 required), Secretary, Treasurer, Canteen Convener, Fundraising Convener, Uniform Shop Convener. Please consider about nominating yourself or someone else for one of these positions. ACTION
The P&C accounts have been submitted for audit prior to the AGM in March.
Translation of Notices
Mark informed that in some previous years, P&C Association (and school) notices had been translated into Chinese and Korean by parent volunteers and asked if parents could assist.
Two parents at the meeting volunteered to help with Chinese translation (Tracy Xu amd Lucy Zhang), and one with Korean translation (Sarah Yeom).
Garry Fuller (Treasurer) was not present, but Anne Ho (Uniform Shop Manager) confirmed that the P&C Association account name had been changed as required to delete the words “Uniform Shop”.
It is still to be confirmed if Garry has arranged for “read-only” online access so that bank statements and balance can be read by the bookkeeper and office bearers. In any case, this requires a letter endorsed by the three current account signatories.
School Contributions
Carolyn informed that a note will go out this week regarding the annual contribution required for each student. This will include a $45 voluntary contribution, which is the minimum allowed.
If required, the contributions can be made by part-payment, and also support is possible for families with financial difficulties.
Major Capital Works
As informed at the last meeting, a new pedestrian ramp is to be installed on the extension to Stanley Street into the school grounds. This will cost $69,000, with $15,000 to be provided by the School, and the balance to come from the Department’s maintenance funds.
Carolyn has been advised not to invest in other major capital works, as a plan for redevelopment and improvement of the school is soon to be drafted.
School Grounds improvement
The school grounds are coming into a “distressed state”, and there is a need for additional support to work on improving the garden areas.
Janelle suggested the possibility of working bees, eg after school, but James indicated the need for more professional help. ACTION
Greek School request
Carolyn informed of a request from the Greek School who hires rooms in the School after hours about use of interactive whiteboards.
It was agreed to allow use of the interactive whiteboards on condition of paying a substantial security deposit (eg $500) and an annual fee (eg $25). This fee will help cover wear and tear and replacement of light globes. Moved: Janelle Seconded: Mark Carried
Glee Club
Carolyn informed that the Glee Club, started last year, intends to have its performance in the 3rd Term this year.
Treat Day
For the new parents, it was explained that the P&C Association runs a Treat Day usually about once a term as a fundraiser. They involve the sale of sausages ($3), kebabs ($4) and vegetarian patties ($3) in rolls to students for their lunch on a designated day. (Carolyn further explained that usually the canteen sells only “green” and “amber” foods, as required, but once a term it can sell “red” foods). The food is cooked by Garry Fuller, but requires about 5-6 committed parent volunteers to help with cutting rolls, food preparation and serving from about 10-11.30am on that day.
For the last Treat Day, there were not enough parent volunteers so the regular canteen volunteers and some teaching staff were required to fill in.
It was decided to have a Treat Day in Term 1 on Thursday 26 March. This is also the day being celebrated as “Harmony Day’ at the school. As Janelle will not be available on this day, she asked if Mark can be in charge. Anne Ho and her Uniform Shop volunteers could also help after they have finished in the Uniform Shop on that morning. ACTION
Mother’s Day Stall
The Mother’s Day stall dates were set for Tuesday 5 and Thursday 7 May in the school hall.
Entertainment Book
Janelle had arranged for the sale of the Entertainment Book last year, and will do the same this year. It is also fairly easy minor fundraiser. ACTION
Other Fundraising Ideas
There was discussion on the 5c drive held last year. Carolyn informed that the outcome was not as successful as she had hoped … maybe a modification of this idea can be explored.
She did indicate that “mufti” days for fundraising should generally be reserved for events run by the SRC to raise funds for specific charities and causes.
YMCA – use of consumables
The YMCA before and after school program have been using some of the consumables in the canteen (eg gloves, foil..), and this has become an issue of concern.
Carolyn informed that the YMCA will soon be installing its own canteen (in a store room inside the hall), as part of the contract for the program. They will therefore no longer be using the school canteen.
Queuing system
There are ongoing issues arising from the queuing for lunch orders. Suggestions to alleviate the situation were discussed, eg signage that indicates “student” and “parent” lines.
On-line canteen ordering
Further to the above, the possibility of on-line canteen ordering was raised again. Now that the canteen has internet access, this is do-able. Some of the cons were mentioned (eg with regard to stock levels; cost for this service). Anyhow, Mark is to follow up on possible companies that can provide for on-line ordering. ACTION
Informing school excursions
Janelle reminded that the Canteen needs to be informed if there are school events that affect the food orders (eg, the Swimming Carnival), The School is to ensure that Arathi is to receive the Burwood Biz and Staff bulletin. ACTION
Uniform Shop:
Anne reported that currently she has volunteers to assist, but always welcomes more.
Anne showed samples and sought feedback on two new brands of culottes, noting the change of size and style to the previous brand. She is to seek more feedback and follow up.
General Business:
Parking for volunteers
Janelle drafted a letter last year to Burwood Council regarding the need for parent volunteers at the school (eg those working in the canteen) to have access to free long-term parking. She had asked Mark to edit the letter, and as this has not yet been done, Janelle and Mark will meet to do this. ACTION
Flashing lights on Conder Street
The Roads and Maritime Service (RMS) is to be followed up as they have not yet installed signage and flashing lights on Conder Street to indicate this is a school zone. ACTION
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 17 March, 9.00am – Annual General Meeting
The meeting closed at 11.05am