This workshop is for Nebraska parents of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, and teachers, speech-language pathologists, paraprofessionals,and interpreters who work in Nebraska school districts. Sessions are geared for adults and are not appropriate for children under 16 years of age. Childcare is not available.

There will be three (3) skill levels offered: beginning, intermediate and advanced. Theadvanced levelwill focus on interpreting skills.

Registration is required.

Costs for the Weekend Workshop:

This program is offered through the collaborative efforts of the Nebraska Department of Education – Special Populations (NDE) and Nebraska Regional Programs for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Workshop Location and times: The workshop will be held at the Hastings, Central Community College. Classroom details will be sent to those who register. Classes will be held Saturday, January 21, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, January 22, from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Those registered need to attend all sessions.

Meals: Meals are at the expense of participants. Participants will be able to purchase lunch at CCC on Saturday and enjoy numerous options at their cafeteria. If you prefer, you may bring your lunch.

Lodging: Nebraska parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing and Nebraska public schools employees need to contact their regional coordinator for lodging arrangements. A block of rooms has been reserved at a local hotel. Information will be sent to those who register.

Mileage: Mileage will be paid to parents and professionals who travel more than 30 miles (one way). Carpooling for professionals traveling from the same area is required in order to receive reimbursement for the mileage. Professionals who choose not to carpool will not be reimbursed. More information on carpools will follow after the registration deadline.

Please note: If youhave registered and are unable to attend, contact your regional coordinator immediately.

For more information for Nebraska parents and professionals: Contact Sue Czaplewski, 402-461-5611 or

2016Weekend to Sign Registration Form

For Nebraska Residents and Educational Interpreters Employed in Nebraska Schools

Registration deadline is Wednesday, January11, 2017.

One registration form per person.


City: / State: / Zip:
Home Phone: / Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
School District:
I am a: / ☐ Parent / ☐ Teacher / ☐ Educational Interpreter
☐ SLP / ☐ Other:
Method Used: / ☐ SEE / ☐ PSE / ☐ ASL / ☐ Don’t know
☐ Other:
How many years of signing experience?
Please select level of signing experience: / ☐Beginner
☐Advanced/ Educational Interpreter
Please return your registration form to your Regional Coordinator.
Central/Western Partnership
Sue Czaplewski, Coordinator
1117 East South Street
Hastings, NE 68901
(402) 463-5611 (v) Fax (402) 463-9555
/ Northeast Regional Program
Jill Hoffart, Coordinator
512 Philip Avenue
Norfolk, NE 68701
(402) 644-2500 x1154 (v) Fax (402) 644-2506

Southeast Regional Program
Jill Bird, Coordinator
5200 South 75th Street
Lincoln, NE 68516
(402) 436-1896 (v/tty) Fax (402) 436-1864
/ Metro Regional Program
Diane L. Meyer, Administrative Coordinator
6224 H Street
Omaha, NE 68117
(402) 339-2090 (v) Fax (402) 597-4811