3rd June 2017
The Sailor 8 X 32 Hornpipe
1-8 1s cross RH to face out between 2s & 3s, all set, 1s dance round 1st Cs and all set across
9-16 Reels of 3 across, 1s finishing in 2nd pos. opp. side
17-24 1s lead down middle for 2 bars, lead up, cross & cast
25-32 2s & 1s dance R & L
Kelloholm Jig 8 X 32 Reel
1-8 1s set and cast; set and change places RH with first corner
9-12 1M & 2M; 1L & 3L set and change places LH
13-24 1s turn RH 1½; set, change places RH with 2nd corners; 1M&3M, 1L&3L set & changes places LH
25-32 3,1,2 advance and retire, six hands half way round
Bonnie Stronshiray 8 X 32 Strathspey
1-8 1s & 2s ¾ turn P both hands to finish in line up & down middle (M facing up, Ls down),
dance ½ reel of 4; turn P both hands to own side, having changed places
9-16 1s set advancing & turn 1st C 2 hands to finish 1L between 2s, 1M between 3s, set advancing &
turn 2nd Cs 2 hands to finish in sidelines on opp. side
17-18 All cross RH, 1s to face out on own side, Cs face each other diagonally
19-20 1M cast up round 2L while 1L casts round 3M while Cs advance & retire diagonally, one step
each way. 1M finishes between 2s all facing down and 1L finishes between 3s all facing up
21-22 All cross RH up and down dance, 1M to finish facing down, 1L facing up. Cs face diagonally
23-24 1M cast up round 2L, 1L cast down round 3M while Cs advance & retire. 1s finish facing P's 2ndC
25-32 1s dance ½ reel of 4 with these Cs, dance round each other passing left shoulders and dance
½ reel of 4 with 1st Cs. On last 2 bars 1s turn RH to own side in 2nd pos.
Scott Meikle 4 x 32 Reel
1-8 1s cross RH and cast to 2nd place, 1s dance ½ fig 8 round 2s
9-16 1s & 3s dance RH across, LH back
17-24 1L followed by 3L dance tandem reel of 3 across with 2s (Lsh to 2M) while 3M followed by 1M dance reel of 3 with 4s (Lsh to 4L). 1s end 3rd place, 3s end 2nd place (2314)
25-32 1s +4s dance ½ R&L, turn partners RH 1 ½ times.
The Zoologist 8 X 32 Jig
1- 8 1s cross down betw 2s+3s, cast R to face 2L/3M, ½ LSh reel of 3 across (1L+2s, 1M+3s),end facing
1st corner (position)
9-16 1s dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 and pass RSh to face 2nd corner (pstn), 1s dance ½ diagonal reel and
end in double triangle positions (facing opp sides)
17-24 1s dance Double Triangles and end in middle facing opposite sides RSh to RSh
25-32 1s dance LH across (1M+3s at top and 1L+2s), 1M followed by 3M+3L also 1L followed by 2L+2M
pass RSh diagonally across to change ends and loop round to right to end on own sides.
213 change ends and loop round to right to end on own sides.
Barbara’s Strathspey 8 x 32 Strathspey
1- 8 1s set, cast 1 place, dance ½ fig of 8 (1M round 2L, 1L round 3M) to 2nd place opp side
9-16 2s, 1s, 3s set, 1s cross passing R shoulder then 2M+1M & 1L+3L turn RH 1½ on sides
17-20 While 3M and 2L chase anticl'wise to face own partner ; 1M+3L also 2M+1L set advcg and ¾ turn 2H to end in line up/down middle. On bar 20, release hands and turn right about to finish back to back in middle of set, M facing down, L facing up.
21-24 All set and turn 2H to own sides. 3 1 2
25-32 All chase clockwise ½ way, all ½ turn partners RH and pull R shoulder back to twirl to places. 2 1 3
Tribute to the Borders 8 X 32 Jig
1-8 1s cross RH and cast, 1s turn RH to finish in prom. hold facing 2M
9-16 1s dance ½ reel with 2M & 3M, and then dance ½ reel with 3L & 2L to finish facing 3L
17-24 1s in prom. hold set to 3L, 2L, 2M & 3M, on last 2 bars all set into middle for
25-32 3 couple Allemande
Festival Fling 8 X 32 Reel
1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast 2 places & dance up to face 1st corners
9-16 1s set to 1st C, change places RH, 1st C persons pass LSh to face 2nd C (M facing M & L facing L). Original 1st C persons set to 2nd C, change places RH & 2nd C pass LSh to face 1st C (M facing M & L facing L)
17-24 Original 2nd corner persons set to 1st corners (1s), change places RH & 1s end facing opposite sides as for double triangles. All set, corner persons chase 1 place clockwise while 1s PdB round each other to face down (Man with partner on left)
25-32 1s dance down between 3s, cast up to 2nd place, dance up between 2s & cast to 2nd place
Miss Milligan's Strathspey 8 X 32 Strathspey
1-8 1s & 2s 4 hands round to L, 1s facing 2s all set, 1s cast to 2nd pos. while 2s dance up to 1st pos.
9-16 Reels of 3 on side
17-24 2s, 1s & 3s all set, 2s & 1s cross giving LH and dance down, cross below 3s and dance up own side
25-32 1s & 2s dance the Knot
Peat Fire Flame 8 x 40 Reel
1-8 1s cast one place, dance ½ fig. 8 round 2s and turn LH to face 1st Cs
9-16 1s turn 1st Cs RH, turn 2nd Cs LH to finish facing 1st Cs
17-24 1s dance ½ diag. reel with 1st Cs, ½ diag. reel with 2ns Cs
25-32 1s set to person in P's 1st C pos., dance round each other in middle to face person in P's 2nd C pos.,
set and dance round P to face out on opp. side
33-40 While Cs dance ½ R & L, 1L dances out men's side & casts up and in top of set & 1M dances out
ladies' side, casts down & in bottom of set, All turn P RH
J.B. Milne 8 x 32 Reel
1-8 1M & 2L set & turn RH, 1L & 2M set & turn RH
9-16 1s set & turn, cast & petronella turn, finishing 1L between 2s and 1M between 3s
17-24 1s set, ¾ turn RH, set ¾ turn RH while Cs change place on side & set, cross with P & set
25-32 1s set, cross RH, dance out ends & cast to 2nd pos. while Cs change places on side & set, cross & all set
* * * * *
The Rutland Reel 8 x 40 Reel
1-8 1s set and cast 1 place, 1s cross between 3s and cast up to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 1s+2s dance Ladies' Chain and end 1s facing down
17-24 Reel of 3 on sides, 1s giving RSh to 3s and 1s+3s ½ turn RH. 23(1)
25-32 3s+1s dance Men's Chain and end 1L facing out with partner ready to follow her
33-40 1L followed by partner casts up and crosses to own side to end 1s in 2nd place own sides,
1s+3s circle 4H round to left
Joie de Vivre 8 x 32 Jig
1-8 1s set, cast, lead between 3s and cast to 2nd place.
9-16 2s, 1s, 3s turn RH, chase clockwise to end on opposite sides
17-24 3s, 1s, 2s dance back to back, set, turn partner RH into
25-32 3 couple allemande.
Kilkenny Castle 8 X 32 Strathspey
1-8 1s 2s set to P., 1s cross RH, cast & dance between 3s, turning them to finish in 2nd pos. facing up
9-16 1L reel of 3 on side (L shoulder to 2M), while 1M reel of 3 on side (R shoulder to 2L)
(at end of reel 2s face down, 3s face up, 1s finish in 2nd pos. facing P
17-24 2s & 3s change places on side giving RH, while 1s dance petronella turn; set in lines across; 2s & 3s cross RH with P while 1s petronella turn; all set on side
25-32 1s dance diagonal R & L with 2s and 3s
Mairi's Wedding 8 X 40 Reel
1-8 1s turn RH & cast, turn LH to face 1st Cs
9-24 1s dance ½ diag. reels with all 4 Cs
25-32 1L dance reel of 3 across with 2s, 1M dance reel of 3 across with 3s
33-40 6 hands round & back
Milton’s Welcome 8 X 32 Reel
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set, cross RH, 1s+2s+3s set & 1s+3s 3/4 turn RH (to form line up & down centre) as 2s cross RH to original places
9-16 1s+3s dance reel of 4 in centre of dance end with 1L+3M taking LH as partners end on sides
17-24 1L+3M 3/4 turn LH to face own sides, dance out, cast behind 2s to orig. places, 1s+2s+3s turn LH
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
Belle of Bon Accord 4 X 32 Strathspey
1-8 1s & 3s dance right shoulder round couple below them, 4 hands across to R
9-16 1s & 3s dance reel of 4 up & down middle
17-24 1s & 3s ¾ turn RH to face up, while 2s & 4s dance up & in to face them. All set & dance 4 hands
round to L, 1s & 3s finishing in 2nd & 4th pos. on opp. side
25-32 1s & 3s dance ½ fig. 8 round couple above them, 1s turn RH & dance down middle to 4th pos. while
3s turn RH & cast up to 2nd pos.
John o' Bon Accord 8 x 32 Reel
1-8 1s dance ½ reel with 2L, dance ½ reel with 2M
9-16 1s dance ½ reel with 3L, dance ½ reel with 3M
17-24 1s turn RH and cast up on own side round 3s, cross at top round 2s
25-32 2s, 1s & 3s turn P ¾ RH, all set facing up & down, turn P ¾ RH and all set on side
Pelorus Jack 8 x 32 Jig
1-8 1s cross R, cast to 2nd place; 1C & 3C R hands across
9-16 ½ tandem reel with 1st corners; ½ tandem reel with 2nd corners
17-24 ½ tandem reel with 1st corners; ½ tandem reel with 2nd corners
25-32 2C + 1C L hands across; 1C turn ½L to finish on own side; 2C 1C 3C set
City of Belfast 3 x 32 Strathspey
1-8 1s dance 1/2 Fig of 8 round 2s, 1L+2M turn RH 1.1/4 times while 1M+2L turn LH 1.1/4 times & 1s end BtoB facing opp sides
9-16 1s+2s dance reel of 4 across & 2s end in 1st places while 1s pass LSh to face 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corner & 2nd corner ending (turning to right) between corners, all set & 1s cross RH
25-32 1s+3s dance Espagnole:
Seton's Ceilidh Band 4 x 64 Jig
18 1s cross R, cast (2s move up), lead between 3s (move up) and behind 4s (move up). End in 4th.
916 1L with 3M & 4M, and 1M with 3L & 4L, dance reels of 3. 1s dance up between 4s to begin.
1732 1s repeat bars 1 to 16, in the opposite direction, to original place, with reels with top 3 couple.
3336 1s cross R, and cast 1 place to end between corners, give R to partner, L to corner. 2s move up.
3740 All balance in line. 1s turn by right hand to end between 2nd corners.
4148 All balance in line. 1s dance down behind 3s on wrong sides, lead to top, cross to own sides.
4964 1L & 2L and 1M & 2M, change places R. 1s & 2s cross giving LH to partners, repeat with 3s & 4s, all turn partners 1½ times RH.
Irish Rover 8 x 32 Reel
1-8 1s down middle, cast behind 3s, 1L up to 3 RH across with 2s, 1M up to 3 RH across with 3s
9-16 1s ½ diag. reel with 1st Cs, ½ diag. reel with 2nd Cs, ¾ turn LH with P. to face 1st Cs.
17-24 Giving left shoulder, 1L reel of 3 across with 3s, 1M reel of 3 across with 2s, finishing in 2nd pos.
on own side
25-32 1s dance diag. R & L
Blooms of Bon Accord (R) (4 couple set) 2 chords : 3s & 4s change sides
1-8 All set; 1s with 2s, 3s with 4s RH across; 1s & 4s cast while 2s & 3s dance out to ends
9-16 1s & 4s cross RH with P and cast round 2s & 3s; join in prom. hold with P and dance in ends of set to
loop round each other right shoulder; finish with 1s facing 2M, 4s facing 3M
17-24 Prom. reel on side - 1s & 4s meet in middle
25-32 1s & 4s RH across, 1s out bottom, cross & cast to 3rd pos. while 4s out top, cross & cast to 2nd pos.
All set.
Minister on the Loch 3C set 6 X32 Strathspey
1- 8 1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette right round
9-16 1s dance down for 2 steps, turn 2H, dance up to top & turn 2H
17-24 1s+3s dance double Fig of 8 round 2s with 1s casting to start
25-32 1M+2M turn LH 1.1/2 times while 1L+2L turn RH 1.1/2 times, 1M+3M turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1L+3L turn LH 1.1/2 times
Trip to Bavaria 4 x 32 Reel
1-16 1s & 4s cross RH while 2s & 3s dance RH across ½ way, 1s with 3s, 2s with 4s cross LH on side,
repeat this movement (end couples crossing, while middle couples RH across ½ way, all crossing LH
on side) till all couples are back in orig. pos.
17-24 1s set to 2s and cross to face 3s, set to 3s and cross to face 4s
25-32 1s set to 4s and cross to opp. side, all advance & retire, 1s changing to own side
Saturday 23rd September 2017 at the Congregational Church Centre, Bowden Lane, Market Harborough
Ian Slater
Saturday 10th February 2018 charity dance at the Congregational Church Centre.
Saturday 2nd June 2018 at Welland Park Community Centre, Market Harborough
Robert Whitehead and the Danelaw Band
We meet on Tuesdays during term times at Fairfield Road CofE Academy, Market Harborough. If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining us do ask them to get in touch with
Kevin or Janet Marchand (01536 515087- ).
or just come along from 7.30 to 10pm. We will be dancing until 4th July and start up again on 12th September. All welcome.