Council Notes May 8, 2017
Council notes – May 8, 2017
- Government of Saskatchewan provided notification of the confirmed education property tax mill rates for 2017.
- Saskatchewan Housing Corporation sent 2016 annual report.
- Southeast Regional Library provided notification of reinstated government funding for libraries in Saskatchewan for the year 2017.
- Town of Lumsden sent a letter to the Minister of Justice with regard to RCMP costs and charges to municipalities with detachments.
- Upper Souris Watershed Authority sent notice of annual general meeting to be held June 19 in Midale and information on bylaw change.
- Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers request for funding contribution to the program. Council did not support in 2016 and will not be supporting in 2017.
- The Town of Radville approved the proposed residential subdivision in the R.M. of Laurier #38 for Parcel AA in NW ¼ 6-6-17 W2M.
- The Town of Radville approved Municipal Utilities to proceed with the conversion of the water treatment plant from surface water to ground water based on a cost plus basis.
- The Town of Radville approved the $1,000.00 funding request from Radville Blooms.
- The accounts for approval, Cheques No. 26874 to 26906 totaling $78,855.92 were approved for payment.
- Many calls and inquiries have been received with regard to taxation and assessment.
- Conference call held with Municipal Utilities with regard to the conversion of the water treatment plant to ground water from surface water.
- Meeting held with surrounding municipalities to discuss the Radville Laurier Fire Department offering rescue services.
- Lights and fixtures have been replaced in the town shop.
- Ordered 150 tonne of cold mix. Product arrived on May 8.
- Marcel took H2S alive course on May 5.
- Working with KGS Group and the Water Security Agency to obtain a Water Rights License to begin work on the conversion of surface water to ground water.
- A water break on 800 block of Geisen Street has surfaced. It will be repaired this week.
- Concerns received with regard to the number of business doing work in the community and that they need to purchase a business license.
- Concern received with regard to quads and dirt bikes being driven in Town.
- Bylaw No. 2017-07 being a Bylaw to Provide for Establishing the 2017 Mill Rate, was given three readings at the meeting and passed by council members present.
- The Town of Radville approved selling the 1972 truck and box for $4,000.00 plus tax.
- Next regular meeting of Town Council – Tuesday, May 23, 7:00 p.m.