Curriculum Vitae


Last Name: Montazeri N.

First Name: Mohammad




Address: Department of Physics, ML-0011,

University of Cincinnati,

Cincinnati, Ohio 45221


·  PhD Student: Department of Physics at University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Since January 2007.

·  Master of Science: Department of Physics at Institute for Advanced Studies for Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran. October 2005

·  Bachelor of Science: Department of Physics at Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. July 2002


·  Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Nanowires: Ph.D. Research under supervision of Prof. Leigh Smith and Prof. Howard Jackson (University of Cincinnati, USA):

o  Inelastic Scattering of InAs Nanowire,

o  Inelastic Scattering of InP Nanowire,

o  Optical Properties of InP Nanowire: Zincblende vs Wurtzite Structure,

o  Inelastic Scattering and Stress Dispersion of CdS Nanosheet,

·  Dynamical Casimir Effect and Mition-Induced Radiation: Master Research at IASBS under supervision of Dr. Mir Faez Miri (IASBS, Iran) and Prof. Ramin Golestanian (Unversity of Sheffield, UK)

o  Vacuum Radiation of Electromagnetic Filed as a Gauge Field,

o  Vacuum Radiation of Mass-less Scalar Field with Generalized Neumann Boundary Condition,

·  Mode Coupling Model in Liquid-Gel Transition: In collaboration with Prof. M. Fuchs (University of Konstanz, Germany) and Dr. Mir Faez Miri (IASBS, Iran)


·  Effect of V/IIIratio and catalyst particle size on the crystal structure and optical properties of InPnanowires (S Paiman, Q Gao, H Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, K Pemasiri, Mohammad Montazeri, H E Jackson, L M Smith, J Yarrison-Rice, X Zhang and J Zou; Accepted to Nanotechnology May 2009)

·  Carrier dynamics and quantum confinement in Type-II ZB-WZ InP nanowire homostructures (K. Pemasiri, M. Montazeri, R. Gass, L. Smith, H. Jackson, J. Yarsison-Rice, S. Paiman, Q. Gao, H. Tan, C. Jaqadish, X. Zhang, J. Zou; Nano Lett. 9 (2) 648, 2009, link )

·  Radiation from a dynamically deforming mirror immersed in the electromagnetic vacuum (Mohammad Montazeri and M.F. Miri; Phys. Rev. A 77 053815, 2008, link)

·  Motion-induced radiation from a dynamically deforming mirror: Neumann boundary condition (Mohammad Montazeri and M.F. Miri; Phys. Rev. A 71 063814, 2005, link)


·  Invited:

o  Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research, Prof. Dietrich Group, Stuttgart, Germany, “Vacuum Radiation of Electromagnetic Field” (May 2004)

·  Conferences:

o  APS March Meeting 2009, Pittsburgh PA, "Raman Stress Mapping of CdS Nanosheet", (March 2009)

·  Conferences (joint):

o  APS March Meeting 2009, Pittsburgh PA, "Photoluminescence Stydy of Type-II ZB/WZ InP Nanowires Homostructures", (March 2009)

·  Departmental and Group:

o  University of Cincinnati, Department of Physics, Prof. Leigh Smith’s Group, Cincinnati, USA, “Raman Stress Mapping of CdS Nanosheet”, (December 2008, visit of Prof. H. Werman, Norwgian University of Science and Technology)

o  University of Cincinnati, Department of Physics, Prof. Leigh Smith’s Group, Cincinnati, USA, “PL and TRPL Measurements of Wurtzite and Zincblende InP Nanowire”, (December 2008, visit of Prof. H. Werman, Norwgian University of Science and Technology)

o  University of Cincinnati, Department of Physics, Prof. Leigh Smith’s Group, Cincinnati, USA, “Raman Scattering of InAs Nanowire”, (August 2008, visit of Prof. C. Jagadish, Austraial Nattoinal University)

o  IASBS, Department of Physics , Zanjan, Iran, “Vacuum Radiation of Electromagnetic Field”, (June 2004)

o  IASBS, Department of Physics , Zanjan, Iran, “LSZ Reduction Formalism for Electromagnetic Field in Lorentz Gauge”, (January 2004)


·  2007~2008: Department of Physics at University of Cincinnati, Laboratory Instructor

·  2008: Department of Physics at University of Cincinnati, General Physics and College Physics Teaching Assistant

·  2004~2005: Department of Physics at Institute for Advanced Studies for Basic Sciences, Graduate Electrodynamics Teaching Assistant

·  2003~2004: Department of Physics at Institute for Advanced Studies for Basic Sciences, Graduate Quantum Mechanics Teaching Assistant

·  2001~2002: Department of Physics at University of Shiraz, Undergraduate Quantum Mechanics Teaching Assitant