Ref: UL/Compliance/MoEF-NRO/Mohali/08/3105/2011 Date: 31.05.2011


The Additional Director(S)

Northern Regional Office,

Ministry of Environment & Forests

Bays No.24-25, Sector-31-A

Dakshin Marg, Chandigarh -160030

Subject: EighthSix monthly Progress report against Environmental Clearance for our “UniworldCity” ResidentialTownship project (135.6 Hectares) at Sec-97,106 and 107, Mohali, Punjab by M/s Unitech Ltd.

Dear Sir,

In reference to above mentioned subject, please find enclosed herewith 8th six monthly compliance report (with soft copy in CD) for our “Uniworld City” Residential Township project (135.6 Hectares) at Sec-97,106 and 107, Mohali, as per the guidelines given in Environmental Clearance letter issued for the project.

Hope, you will find the information in order and will meet your expectations to assess the implementation status of environmental safeguard measures for the project.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours truly,

For Unitech Limited


Authorized Signatory

Encl: Six monthly progress reports with all necessary Annexure.


AT SECTOR -97, 106, 107, MOHALI, PUNJABDEVELOPED BY UNITECH LIMITED / Compliance conditions / Compliance status
“Consent for Establishment” shall be obtained from Punjab Pollution Control Board under Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the Ministry before start of any construction work at the site. / Yes, we have already received the “Consent to Establish” certificate from Punjab Pollution Control Board under Air and Water Act.
2. / All required sanitary and hygienic measures should be in place before starting construction activities and to be maintained through out the construction phase. / Presently approximately 800 numbers construction labours are engaged for the construction activities. All necessary care has been taken for site sanitation and hygiene. Adequate drinking water supply to the workers at construction site has been ensured.
3. / Establishment of a First Aid Room during construction and operation phase. / Yes, we are taking care of said condition.Total Medical Expenditure on Labours form December, 2010 to till date is Rupees 520/- Details are enclosed as Annexure-I.
Above all our construction activity restricted to only for day time 6 am to 6 pm and there is no establishment of labor camp at site.
4. / Utility services like drinking and sanitary facility must be provided to the construction worker at site. / Yes, utility services like drinking water and sanitation facility to the construction labor has beenprovided at our project site.
5. / For disinfection of waste water, use ultra violet radiation, not chlorination. / Yes, we will use ultra violet radiation as per our requirement for disinfection of waste water instead of chlorination.
6. / All the top soil excavated during construction must be stored for use in horticulture/landscape development within the project site. / The top fertile soil excavated from the project has been properly stored with in the project site itself in a temporary soil land bank and will be used for backfilling, Landscape and horticulture purposes.
7. / Construction spoils including bituminous material and other hazardous material must be handling in such a way that it may not contaminate the water sources. / All practical possible precautions have been taken to prevent water contamination during the handling of hazardous material. Bituminous material is not used in our project activities.
8. / Development of the environmental monitoring system appropriate to the site. / Six monitoring has been carried out as per the MoEF/CPCB guidelines for the project during whole construction of the project and submit the same to the Regional Officer, MoEF office for their ready reference. Environmental monitoring reports of the project are enclosed as Annexure-II.
9. / The Diesel generator sets to be low sulphur diesel type used during construction phase and should conform to rules made under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, prescribed for air and noise emission standard. / The D.G. sets have been attached with necessary acoustic enclosure to reduce the noise from D.G. sets. Stacks height of the D.G sets has been kept as per C.P.C.B norms. The DG sets will conform to rules made under Environment (Protection) Act for air and noise emission standard.
10. / Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site should be in good condition and should conform to applicable air and noise emission standards and should be operated only during non-peak hours. / Vehicles hired for construction material will have valid “pollution Under Check” (PUC) certificate. The consideration has been spelt out in SOP (standard Operation Plan for Environment) of the project.
11. / Ambient noise levels should conform to residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. / Yes, All the construction machineries/equipments used are of high standard of reputed make and adhere to international standards. So incremental noise level due to the construction is of negligible amount. Noise level within the site has adhered to ambient noise level.
12. / Fly Ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 and amended as on August, 2003. / Yes, Fly ash has been used in the various construction activities of the project.
13. / Ready mixed concrete must be used in building construction. / We will adhere to this.
14. / Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for various applications. / The total water requirement for the proposed project will be 5511 kld and STP will be provided with capacity of 4420 kld capacity. Out of which 3527 kld of treated water will be available from STP after recycling which will be used for D.G cooling and horticulture purpose.
14. / Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices referred. / We will adhere to the said stipulated condition of the Environmental Clearance letter. All practically possible Water conservation practices have been adopted for the project to reduce the water demand during the construction activities of the project.
15 / Permission of drawGround water shall be obtained from the competent authority prior to construction/operation of the project. / Yes, we have received the permission from Central Ground water Authority to draw the ground water for the project copy of same is enclosed as Annexure-III for your ready reference.
16. / Separation of grey and black water should be done by the use of dual plumbing line for separation of grey and black water. / Necessary water conservation technique will be provided to conserve the water .All the waste water generated from the project will be recycled through the STP of suitable capacity and the recycled water generated from the STP will be used for horticulture and D.G set cooling.
17 / Treatment of 100% grey water by decentralized treatment should be done. / The project proponent will provide a decentralized treatment for all sewage water in a STP.
18 / Fixtures for showers, toilet flushing and drinking should be of low flow either by use of aerators or pressures reducing devices or sensor based control. / Every feasible option will be adopted to reduce the flow of water for showers, toilet flushing and drinking purpose.
19 / Use of glass may be reduced up to 40% to reduce the electricity consumption and load on air-conditioning. If necessary, use high quality double glass with special reflective coating in windows. / During commissioning of the project 8mm thick, blue/grey reflective glasses will be provided in fenestration. These glass panels will have high light transmission, but low solar heat inflow. This will reduces the quantity of heat inflow into the building, lessons cooling loads on air conditioners and induces energy saving.
20 / Roof should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. / All the roofs will be insulated to minimize heat gain with expanded polystyrene.
21 / Adequate measures to reduce air and noise pollution during construction keeping in mind CPCB norms on noise limits. / All the D.G. sets of the proposed project would attach necessary Acoustic Enclosure to reduce the noise from D.G. sets and will be attached with stacks height as per C.P.C.B norms.
22 / Opaque wall should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air-conditioned spaces while it is aspirational for non air-conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. / The project is mainly plotted development, while it has two group housing and one Commercial. The proposed commercial centre will be developed considering ECBC code requirements. For Group Housing roof insulation should be given.
1. / Sewage treatment plant of adequate capacity/shall installed, should be certified by an independent expert and a report in this regard should be submitted to the Ministry before commissioning the project. Discharge of treated sewage shall conform to the norms & standards of the PCB, Chandigarh. / The whole quantity of domestic sewage of the Proposed project will be treated through proposed sewage treatment plant (S.T.P) of capacity 4420 KLD to be developed with in the project premises. As project is in construction phase, certification from the independent expert should be made only after the completion and 100% occupancy of the project and will onward submitted to the ministry.
2. / Rain water harvesting for roof run-off and surface run-off, as per plan submitted should be implemented. Before recharging the surface run-off, pre-treatment must be done to remove suspended matter, oil & grease. / Rain water harvesting structure will be developed as per plan presented in front of EAC committee members. It will have oil and grease trap and settling tank for removal of suspended matter .The proposed project is a residential township project, both roof top rain water and storm water run off shall be tapped for recharging the aquifers and storage.The construction work for the rain water harvesting pits is in progress.
3. / Solid waste generated should be properly collected segregated before disposal to the City Municipal Facility. The In-vessel bio-conversion technique should be used for composting the organic waste. / We will adopt practice of segregation of biodegradable and non biodegradable waste. There will be provision of door to door collection facility. The waste will be sent to a centralized collection facility. All the organic waste will be converted in to compost used for horticulture work and non biodegradable waste will be handed over to the authorized vender for the process.
4 / Hazardous and biomedical waste management as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approvals of Punjab Pollution Control Board. / Since it is a Residential Township Project which will not generate any biomedical or hazardous waste. Except, the discarded oil from DG set will be handed over C.P.C.B/MoEF authorized processor.
5. / The green belt design along the periphery of the plot shall achieve attenuation factor conforming to the day and night noise standards prescribed for residential land use. The open spaces inside the plot suitably landscaped and covered with vegetation of indigenous variety. / The total proposed area of the project is 110.5 Ha. Area under plotted development is 38.6 Ha. Total no of main plots are 1007.Area for EWS 5.5 Ha, Area under Group hosing is 8.4 Ha. Area under Commercial is 2.9 Ha and the area under green belt is 7.3 Ha. which includes tree plantation, gardens, lawns etc. details are enclosed as Annexure-IV.
6. / Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air quality, noise and water quality should be periodically monitored after commissioning of the project. / Six monthly environmental monitoring has been carried out as per the MoEF/CPCB guidelines for the project during whole construction of the project as submit the same to the Regional Officer, MoEF office for their ready reference.
7. / Application of solar energy should be incorporated for illumination of common areas, lighting for gardens and street lighting in addition to provision for solar water heating. / Energy conservation techniques have been adopted during the construction of the project.
8. / Traffic problems must be avoided, it should completely internal. / Separate entry and exit provisions and one way vehicular movement have been made in the proposed project with sufficient parking slots in basement as well in surface parking area.Total parking proposed for group housing 1-729, group housing2-1338 and for Commercial 570.
9. / Preparation of energy conservation reports finalized by Bureau of Energy Efficiency and submitted to the Ministry with in 3 month time. / Appropriate all possible energy conservation means are incorporated for the proposed project from its planning stage itself. After completion of the project and its 100% occupancy will help us to finalize the energy conservation report, followed by audit of Bureau of Energy Efficiency and will onwards submitted to your office.
1. / Implementation of environmental safeguards in a time bound and satisfactory manner. / Yes, we will be implemented all the environmental safeguards in a time bound and satisfactory manner.
2. / Submission of 6 month environmental monitoring reports should be submitted to Ministry and its regional office, Chandigarh. / Please refer our Six monthly environmental monitoring report enclosed as Annexure-II for your ready reference.
3. / Officials from the Regional office of MoEF, Chandigarh who would be monitoring the implementation of Environmental safeguards should be given full cooperation, facilities and documents/data by the project proponents during their inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to MoEF should be forwarded to the CCF, Regional office of MoEF, Chandigarh. / Yes, we will provide full cooperation to Officials from Regional Office of MoEF. Already we have submitted all project information to CCF, Regional office, MoEF as follows:
  • Data sheet.
  • Compliance status report as per TOR given in Environmental Clearance letter.
  • Form I & IA, EIA copy.
  • Copy of news paper advertisement.

4 / In the case of any change (s) in the scope of the project, the project would require a fresh appraisal by the ministry. / There is no change in the scope of the project and will be developed as residential township project.
5. / Ministry reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of the environment clearance under the provisions of the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner. / We will abide by the additional safeguards if suggested by the ministry in future.
6. / All other statutory clearances such as approvals for storage of diesel from Chief Controller of Explosives, Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Wildlife Act 1972 etc. shall be obtained, as applicable by project proponents from the component authorities. / The project proponent will obtain all the required approval from all relevant competent authorities as applicable for the project. As the said project is a Residential township project and all the development as per by laws of PUDA. Height of the group housing is approximately 15m other associated building is below 45 m, it will no go beyond the permissible limit. Hence separate clearance from Fire Department and Aviation Department is not applicable in case of said project.
7. / The project proponent advertisement should be made within 7 days from the day of clearance letter and a copy of same should be forwarded to regional offices of Ministry. / Yes, we have given the Advertisement in local news paper, one in Punjabi and other in English subsequently we sent to Ministry and same is Enclosed to you as Annexure-IVof our submitted initial compliance report.
8. / These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of the water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and Pollution Control) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Public Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991. / We have ready to follow all the relevant norms and rules applicable for the project.
9 / Under the provisions of Environment (P) act, 1886, legal action shall be initiated against the project proponent if it was found that the construction of the project has been started without obtaining environmental clearance. / All the applicable laws/rules pertaining to the project will be fulfilled.
1. / Monitoring Report / Environmental Monitoring of the said project has been carried out as per the MoEF guidelines and the monitoring results are enclosed as Annexure-II.
2. / Actual expenditure incurred on the project as on date. / Component wise estimated and Executed project cost for the construction of the project is enclosed as Annexure-V.
3. / Physical progress of the project / Physical progress of the project is enclosed as Annexure –VI.
4. / Environment Management Plan cost / Details are enclosed as Annexure-VII.