Constitution and By-laws
Article I
The name of this organization shall be ALPHA PSI OMEGA, Gamma Theta Cast.
Article II
The purpose of this, the Gamma Theta Cast of ALPHA PSI OMEGA is to stimulate interest in theatre activities at University of Indianapolis and to secure for the University of Indianapolis all the advantages and mutual helpfulness provided by a large national honor society. By electing students to membership the society provides a reward for their participation in theatre activities in college. The cast is not intended to take the place of any existing theatre organization.
Article III
Section 1. Qualification for individual membership requires active participation in theatre work on a variety of levels.
a)Participation in theatre work at the University of Indianapolis for a minimum of two semesters.
b)Must earn required points as determined by the point system.
Point System
A total of 75 points from at least two of the following categories (excluding category 5) is necessary to be eligible for admission into ALPHA PSI OMEGA.
Category 1: Performance
Acting – 25pts.
Directing – 40pts.
Dance – 25pts.
Choreography – 30pts.
Category 2: Production
Design – 30pts.
Producing – 30pts.
Stage Management – 30pts.
Crew Chiefs – 15pts.
Construction Crews – 20pts.
Running Crews – 15pts.
Front of House – 15pts.
Production Coach/Other – 15pts.
Category 3: Dramaturgy – 30pts.
Category 4: Playwriting
Full Length – 30pts.
One Act – 15pts.
Musical Composition for Theatre Performance – 30pts.
Category 5: Special
Membership in Delta Psi Omega – 50pts.
Participation in Indiana Thespians Conference – 10pts.
Officer in Drama/Theatre Organization/Club – 10pts.
c) A minimum GPA of 2.5 or better
d) Membership to ALPHA PSI OMEGA shall not be limited to persons based upon their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation.
e) Honorary membership may be bestowed on persons who have made special continued contributions to the University of Indianapolis Department of Theatre and/or ALPHA PSI OMEGA, Gamma Theta Cast.
Article IV
Section 1. There will be an initiation fee of 35 dollars which must be paid before any pledge can be initiated.
Section 2. Special assessments may be levied on members only by a two-thirds vote of the active membership.
Section 3. After initiation there will be a 10 dollar membership fee per semester.
Article V
Section 1. Disciplinary action may be taken against any ALPHA PSI OMEGA member based upon, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
- Breaking a University of Indianapolis policy.
- Misuse and/or abuse of ALPHA PSI OMEGA funds.
- Theft and/or misuse of ALPHA PSI OMEGA property.
- Being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol during a university meeting, program, or event.
- Falling below a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
Article VI
Section 1. Officers for the following year will be elected at a regular spring meeting and formally installed by the incumbent officers.
Section 2. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of the chapter.
Section 3. If officers do not return to school, new officers will be elected to fill the vacancies at first meeting of the year.
Article VII
Section 1. The executive board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor(s).
Section 2. Candidates for the Executive Committee must meet the following standards in order to be eligible to serve in office:
- Must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA throughout the term of office.
- Must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours per semester while in office.
- Must be an active member of ALPHA PSI OMEGA for at least one full semester.
Section 3. Duties and power of the Executive Board shall be:
- To uphold the Constitution and policies of ALPHA PSI OMEGA.
- Establish goals, objectives, and guidelines for the current academic year.
- Participate in the planning and implementation of membership development activities.
- Approve the administrative budget of the organization.
- Oversee elections to fill vacant positions on the Executive Board.
- Provide orientation to successor upon the end of term of office.
Article VIII
Section 1. All programs, event, policies, and amendments must come before the voting membership for approval; approval is given by a simple majority vote.
Section 2. All members have the right to vote, however; if a member cannot make the meeting when the vote is taking place they should make arrangements to fill out a ballot prior to the specified meeting.
Section 3. If members are not in attendance when the vote takes place and they have not made prior arrangements to cast a ballot then they forfeit their right to vote on the current issue.
Article IX
Section 1. The entire cast will meet once a month at minimum.
Section 2. Officer meetings will be held monthly.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or at the request of a Faculty Advisor.
Article X
Section 1. The standing committees of the chapter will be:
a) Executive Committee: This committee will be composed of the elected officers and the Faculty Advisor. This committee will handle all minor business arising between meetings.
b) Initiation Committee: The initiation team is responsible for organizing the initiation ceremony as well as inviting new members and dispersing pledge cards.
c) Community Service Committee: This committee finds community service projects and organizes related events. It also ensures that ALPHA PSI OMEGA meets requirements for a student organization at the University of Indianapolis as stated in the RSO handbook.
d) Fundraising Committee: Finds and schedules and/or implements fundraising programs.
e) Other standing committees may be appointed as deemed necessary.
Article XI
Section 1. The articles of this constitution may be amended, revised, or altered in whole or in part at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members of the chapter, provided such amendment and a notice of the proposed vote is given to each member in writing at least one week prior to the vote.
Article XII
Section 1. Additional by-laws may be adopted at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the active membership.
Section 2. ALPHA PSI OMEGA will actively participate in freshmen orientation programs.