PH 2125 - Medical Geography
Topics for Discussion /
Date / Lecture Topics
(1 -2:30 PM) / Computer Lab Topics
(3 -4 PM) /
Aug. 25 / 1-3PM: Organization and Introduction. What is Medical Geography: What is GIS? Examples of Medical
Geographic Studies
(Irina Cech and Michael Smolensky) / Computer lab - Getting Yourself Organized
Sept. 1 / LABOR DAY / No Class
Sept. 8 / Introduction to ArcInfo
(Anna Zakos-Feliberti) / ArcInfo Exercises in Computer Lab
Sept. 15 / Spatial Patterns in Health and Chronic Disease, National and International
(Cech and Radhiya Al Hashimi) / Introduction to MapInfo
Displaying your Data, and Using Different Toolbars.
Sept. 22 / Temporal Patterns in Health and Chronic Disease, National and International
(Smolensky) / Mapping in Layers, Assigning Coordinates, and Introduction to StreetInfo.
Sept. 29 / When Do We Suspect Illnesses Related to Hazards at Home, in the Community, and In the Workplace?
(George Delclos) / Selecting Geographically.
Labeling your Map.
Working with Layouts, and Redistricting.
Oct. 6 / Air Pollution and Childhood Respiratory Diseases
(Delclos) / Demonstration of Buffer Analysis,
Exercises in Using STATA and SPSS
Oct. 13 / Sources and Quality of Demographic and Health Statistics, National and International
(David Smith) / Object Creating and Editing, Integration Made Easy, and Tool Manager.
Oct. 20 / Childhood Developmental Problems from Toxic Exposures to Mercury, Lead, and Organic Chemicals
(Arch Carson) / Using Thematic Maps for Analysis
Oct. 27 / Statistical Methods in Medical Geography. Cluster Analyses
(Cech and Al Hashimi) / Cluster Analysis
Nov. 3 / Geographic Patterns and Trends in Infectious Diseases, National and International
(Cynthia Chappell) / Auto-correlation, Cross-correlation,
and Spectral Analysis
Nov. 10 / Methods in Time Series Analysis / Cosinor and Other Techniques
Nov. 17 / Modeling Routines for Time Series / TargetPro Demographic Analysis
Nov. 24 / Modeling Routines for Time Series / Surfer Software and 3D Mapping
Dec. 1 / Student Reports and Poster Presentations / Student Reports and Poster
Dec. 8 / Student Reports and Poster Presentations / Student Reports and Poster
Ph 2125 - Medical Geography