Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 April 2008 in the Cabinet Room,
Barnsley Town Hall
Tracey Lally / (Chair)Darren Staniland / SY Fire & Rescue
David Wilford / GOYH
Helen Gorner / LSC
John Lewis / Barnsley Chamber
Paul Pascoe / Yorkshire Forward
Paula Whittle / Barnsley College
Peter Robinson / Job Centre Plus
Phil Coppard / BMBC
Tom Sheard / Barnsley PCT
Diane Tweedie / SecretariatBob Williams / BMBC Communications
Ian Rooth / BMBC Finance
Kate Roe / BMBC Customer Services and Neighbourhoods
Pam Lee / Secretariat
Peter Mirfin / Secretariat
Shaun Jones / BMBC
Teresa Williams / Secretariat
1. Apologies
Iris Howard, Andy Brooke, Penny Stanley, Ailsa Claire, Ian Hanks
2. (i) Minutes of the Meeting of 12 March 2008
It was agreed that:-
1) The minutes from the meeting of the 12 March 2008 were an accurate record.
2) There were no matters arising to record.
2. (ii) Minutes of Confidential Item
It was agreed that:-
1) The minutes from Item 3, Future of One Barnsley Secretariat, were an accurate record.
Phil Coppard explained that it is anticipated that the LSP Manager post will be advertised in the next 4-6 weeks. The internal procedures of each of the agencies are currently being worked on before the post can be advertised. /
3. (i) Sustainable Community Strategy (Final Draft)
Diane Tweedie and Peter Mirfin presented the final draft of the Sustainable Community Strategy to the Board. Diane Tweedie explained that the strategy is about the 2020 vision, and is specifically about Barnsley. It focuses on outcomes and the actions to take them forward.
She explained that David Wilford has undertaken a sustainability appraisal of the strategy, as it is essential that the strategy is appropriate for future generations.
She also explained that Jules Horsler has undertaken an equalities impact assessment on the strategy, and the Delivery Partnerships will need to consider taking forward his recommendations.
The Chair asked the Board to consider whether the Strategy needs anything adding.
David Wilford explained that although the Strategy has good coverage, and the assessment was positive, it is brief on harder to reach areas and disabled users. However, this could be picked up under the LAA.
Paul Pascoe commented that although the strategy sets out what the board wanted to see, there is still a struggle for some of the areas, especially on how we promote Barnsley.
The Chair explained that the ‘Barnsley Welcome’ is to be addressed by the Steering Group in July.
Darren Staniland commented that the pictures in the Strategy need referencing so that readers know where they have been taken.
Diane Tweedie explained that the Strategy will be launched in June or July, possibly in the Town Centre, and so the final opportunity for comments will be Friday 2 May. The launch should be a fun day to engage with the community.
Links could be made with the schools, college, Resource Centres, the NHS (as it is its 50th Birthday in July). A competition could be held to tie in with the end of the Media Studies course.
Phil Coppard suggested that the launch could be injected into more than one event. The Town Centre Promotion budget could pick up the cost of the launch, but with commitment and contribution from partners.
It was agreed that:
1) The Board endorse the Sustainable Community Strategy in principle. Any further comments to be received by Diane Tweedie by Friday 2 May.
2) Final editorial rights of the Strategy to be agreed by the Chair and Vice Chair.
3) The Strategy should be launched in July, with further discussions and ideas to be held before the next One Barnsley meeting.
3. (ii) Draft Leaflet
Bob Williams presented the draft leaflet for the Sustainable Community Strategy. He explained that the leaflet is a short guide/reference for the Strategy, and that the illustrations in the leaflet still need to be agreed on.
A discussion on the illustration for the leaflet took place, and members agreed:
§ The covering illustration should be a picture of young children in school, as it is looking ahead, and the children are the future.
§ The block of colour on the cover page needs redesigning.
§ The picture of the people on the bench does not work as it reflects people looking backwards.
§ The Cultural picture is too tokenistic.
§ The images contained in the leaflet are too narrow. They are either of older people, or very young children. Images of teenagers and young adults should be incorporated into the leaflet.
§ The One Barnsley logo is too dominant.
§ Employability and enterprise needs addressing via illustrations of people in a professional job rather than of a building.
§ Consideration should be given to including a picture which reflects Barnsley as a 21st Century Market Town.
It was agreed that:
1) The Board approve the Sustainable Community Strategy leaflet in principle to the changes being made.
4. Local Area Agreement 2008-2011
Shaun Jones presented the report, explaining that the LAA has to be submitted to
Government Office by the 30 May 2008.
Phil Coppard explained that although this is Barnsley’s LAA, the Government Office timetable still has to be met. He stressed that the targets must be deliverable and that the mechanisms, such as funding, are in place to do this. Therefore, it was paramount that all partners were aware of their responsibilities in terms of setting and delivering against the targets as well as adhering to the timetable that has been set.
Paul Pascoe commented that there are some targets where there is no singular organisation responsible for ensuring the target is achieved. In some instances there are health risks attached to the targets which are currently reliant upon funding or the establishment of initiatives which fall outside the responsibility of One Barnsley.
The Chair stressed the importance of attending the board meeting on 23 May to endorse the final LAA as well as reinforcing One Barnsley’s commitment to performance monitoring the LAA.
David Wilford commented that the LAA will be signed off in June, but that it will develop further over the next couple of years. /
5. Walk/Talk – Peace/Cohesion Walk
The Chair explained that Gill Hicks lost her legs in the London bombings, and is walking from Leeds to London to promote discussion around cohesion. The Board is being asked to support the Walk/Talk. Board members may be required to be involved in the logistics of this event nearer the time.
It was agreed that:
1) The Board supports the Walk/Talk event
2) The Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Partnership should organise
the arrangements for Barnsley, and report to One Barnsley on
6. Future Business
The Chair explained that the 4 June meeting has been cancelled, and that a meeting on the 23 May 2008 at 1.30pm has been arranged. The main business of the meeting is to agree the LAA.
The Chair informed the Board that this was Teresa Williams last meeting and thanked her for her excellent professional support. The Chair also explained that Pam Lee will now be providing the administration support to the meeting.
The Board noted the report.
7. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next One Barnsley Board will meet on 23 May 2008 at 1.30pm.
Future dates for Board Member’s diary are:
10 June 08– One Barnsley Away Day 2pm Cabinet Office
16 July 08 – One Barnsley Board Meeting 4pm Cabinet Office
24 September 08 – One Barnsley Board Meeting 4pm Cabinet Office
13 October 08 – One Barnsley Away Day 1pm to 5pm in Committee Room 2