Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
Ethel Kennedy Division
January/February/March 2015
From Immediate Past President:
Hello Ladies,
I hope everyone had a safe and healthy Christmas and New Year. I know there is a lot of sickness going around, I for one was sick over Christmas. We had our first meeting of 2015 on January 12th conducted by our new president Cindy Lloyd, and our new vice president Stephanie Newberry was by her side. The list of our new officers will be listed in the body of the newsletter. Some of the discussions were to bring new ideas for events etc. to the upcoming meetings, again more information will be in the body of the newsletter.
I would like to wish our new officers every success in 2015.
Immediate Past President,
Agnes Gowdy
Hostesses – Thank you to Philomena and Colleen for bring us delicious treats for the January meeting. The hostesses for the March meeting will be Mary Ellen and Sharon Keelan.
The minutes of the January meeting are attached. Please read and be prepared to approve or make changes as necessary at the March meeting. There will not be a meeting in February. The next division meeting will be Monday March 2nd. THE MEETING WILL START AT 6:30 PM. The hostesses will set up before the meeting and the members will enjoy the treats during the meeting. Hopefully this will help shorten our meetings and everyone can get home a little earlier, especially in the dark winter nights.
Go n-éirí an bóthar leat
Good luck and all the best to our new officers:
PresidentCindy Lloyd
Vice PresidentStephanie Newberry
SecretaryMary Ochab
TreasurerStacey Blair
Financial SecretaryKathy Taranto
HistorianCyndy Canty
Catholic ActionShannonGales
Missions & Charities Chris Gorsline
Sentinel MaryAnn Quisenberry
Mistress at Arms Doris McCarville
Catholic Action & Missions & Charities
Don’t forget that both Shannon and Chris have memorial cards, get well cards, etc. and the money will go to Project St. Patrick and the Columban Fathers. The Project St. Patrick cards are $10 and the Columban Fathers are $5. You can keep a few cards on hand and use them as necessary, they do not have to be paid for until you use them. You will then need to give the recipient details and the money to either Shannon or Chris.
Library News
A discussion regarding the library took place. It was decided that we would go ahead with getting a picture of a cabinet for approval by the K of C Grand Knight and Hall Manager so that we can continue with the library. We have about six members who continually use the library. We would like to see an increase in this number. Because Cindy is now the president with other duties, Mary Ann Quisenberry and Sharon Keelan volunteered to co-chair and maintain the library. Thank you to Mary Ann and Sharon for stepping up.
Souper Bowl
The checks were presented to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen totaling $17,500.00, our best year yet. Because of all of our dedication and work over the years the AOH Fr. Solanus Casey division made a donation of $1,000 to the LAOH Ethel Kennedy division.
Irish Display in March
Once again Cindy has booked the display case at the Roseville Library to display our Irish heritage items. This is a National project and for the past few years Cindy and Kathy Taranto have set up this display for the whole month of March. If you have items that you would like to be in the display please call Cindy and she will make arrangements to have you drop them off to her, or she will meet you to pick them up. The set up date is Friday February 27th, so she will need the items before then.
Membership Tea
There was discussion regarding having a membership tea in August 2015. The consensus was that this was a good idea and everyone said that they would participate. A date has not yet been decided. There will be more information at a later meeting. If anyone would like to chair the committee for this event, please contact Cindy.
St Patrick/St Joseph Party
Always a fun event! Please see attached the flyer for this great party on March 14thfrom 6pm to 11pm.
State Convention
The State Convention will start on Friday with the By-laws committee meeting and the Ice-breaker on Friday night. The convention meeting will be on Saturday followed by the installation of officers, Mass and banquet. There is discussion on whether the conferring of Degrees will be held on Sunday May 3rd. More information will follow.
Signature Event
We also discussed having our own “Signature” event, something that we could do every year, maybe a fundraiser and the proceeds could be to help feed the hungry, maybe a social event. It will be up to the membership. One of the ideas put on the table was some sort of potato event, baked potato bar, or potato soup and other potato dishes. This would be a play on the potato because the Great Famine was becauseof a potato blight. But this was just one idea. We are looking for ideas from the members. Maybe you already know of an event that we could do. Maybe you have been to an event that impressed you.
Bring yourideas to the March meeting. We are not looking to put on a large event, keep it on the small side, at least for now.
Please remember in your prayers:
Ruth Minnick
Cindy Bliskey suffered a stroke and a fall, she is in therapy
Cindy Lloyd’s niece and her premature baby 1lb 9oz born December 1st
Colleen Teahan cousin’s mother passed away at Thanksgiving and remember her family wedding in August
Mary Ellen’s neighbor is having her second set of twins in 17 months
Chris Gorsline asked for prayers for Ava Williams a 3 year old with brain and spinal cancer
Mary Jo a friend of Sharon Turnas has brain cancer
And for all our members intentions.
Please Mark Your Calendar
January 25th -St. Brigid’s Mass at the AOH hall on 5 Mile Road, Redford at 3:00 pm.
January 24th – Motor City Festival fundraiser, at the AOH hall. $20 admission. Doors open at 6:30 pm, entertainment at 7:00 pm. Tickets at the door.
February 8th – St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Grand Marshall brunch at the Gaelic League.
February 21st - Court of St. Brigid, AOH hall, Redford
February 28th – Maid of Erin, at the Gaelic League.
March 1st – St. Patrick’s Day Parade fundraiser. Details to follow.
March 2nd – LAOH Ethel Kennedy division meeting, starts at 6:30 pm sharp.
March 14th – St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s party at the American Polish Century Club.
March 15th – St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day. – Noon Mass at Most Holy Trinity, Detroit.
March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day. – Friendly Sons party, starts with Noon Mass at the Fr. Solanus Casey Knights of Columbus, 16831 E. 12 Mile Road, Roseville, (586) 771-9670.
April 25th – Rose Kennedy division Variety Dinner Show fundraiser, AOH hall.