Exploring On-Line Resources--Introduction to MERLOT, NSDL and DLESE
There are many on-line databases with ideas for science teachers. For this assignment, you’ll examine three.
MERLOT ( is the Multimedia Education Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. MERLOT has peer reviewed lessons, assignments, simulations, demonstrations and activities. You can search by topic or content area. A brief description of the activity/lesson will appear along with a link to the actual materials.
Within MERLOT there are several electronic communities. Visit the Science Education Commons ( This is a CSU supported web presence meant to provide information for future and current science teachers.
NSDL is the website for the National Science Digital Library ( This site has thousands of resources for you to peruse. Searching is straightforward with the site giving you the opportunity to narrow your search by only looking for items appropriate for K-12 or specific grade level spans. In addition to searching by grade level and topic you can search by format, looking for interactive resources, audio, video, etc.
DLESE is the Digital Library for Earth Science Education ( This site allows you to refine your search by selecting grade levels, type of artifact desired (lesson plan, lab activity, assessment, etc.), format, etc. Note that you’ll only find resources associated with teaching earth science (related content will be included, but as it relates to earth science education).
There are three components to this assignment.
- Join MERLOT so that you can create your own collection of resources. You can do this by clicking on the “become a member” link on the upper right hand corner. Once you’ve created your profile you will be able to store resources in your private collections.
- Select a science topic for which you would like to find teaching resources. Do a search in MERLOT and locate 2 resources which you can imagine using in your classroom. Fill out the brief Resource Review form for both of the sites. (
- Tour the Science Education Commons within MERLOT. Look through the various tabs and links. What information did you find useful? What information would you like to have included in this sort of website? (
- Select a science topic for which you would like to find teaching resources. Do a search in NSDL or DLESE to locate 2 resources (different than the ones you found in MERLOT) which you can imagine using in your classroom. Fill out the brief evaluation form for them. ( or
Submitting your Assignment
Please follow the assignment submission instructions given to you by your instructor. Some instructors may ask you to email the assignment to them and others may prefer that you turn in a paper copy of your work. Finally, some instructors may ask you to submit your work via Beachboard. When in doubt, email your instructor to ask how to submit your work.
Science Methods OnlineDepartment of Science Education
Long Beach