LHS Science Camp-Summer 2016

Dear Middle School Student:

Do you like science? Do you wish you had a place to get together with fellow science lovers? Well, we in the science department at LHS are planning something special, just for you. Thiscoming summer, June 27-July2, we are planning to have a summer camp here at the high school, just for science lovers in middle school.We have all sorts of ideas about what we would like to offer, but we would much rather hear from you and get your ideas. Below you will find a list of topics to trigger your interest. You can simply place a check beside the things you are interested in, but you may also write in topics in the spaces provided at the end of this form.

If you are interested in attending our summer camp, please fill outtheall of the informationrequested on page 2 of this document. We are planning to use all proceeds collected to purchase equipment for our science department. This means that when you move up to our school, we will have the latest and best equipment for your science courses.

Cost: The camp will cost $150.00 for the six day camp, Monday - Saturday, June 27-July 2 2016. Please make check or money order payable to LHS Science Department. Cash will also be accepted when presented in person by the applicant or by a parent of an applicant.

We are planning for the arrival time each morning to be 7:45 am, and our dismissal time tobe at noon. Around 10:00 am, we will break for a snack each day, possibly prepared by campers in a cooking class.

Turn in your application and payment as soon as possible. Applications may be dropped off at the school or mailed to the address below:

LHS Science Camp

1755 Craft Road

Olive Branch, MS 38654

If you have any questions, please address them to Joe Boswell at

phone 661-890- 6780


email: **(The best way. Put "Science Camp" on subjectline.)

Hope to see you soon!


Joe Boswell, Camp Director

Science Camp Interest Survey

Please check all the topics that you would like to see included in our science camp.



_____worm farm

_____lake biology

_____bird houses


_____wild lifesanctuary (maintenance to be continued as students move up to the



_____vinegar, baking soda, ormentos

_____popcorn-% water

_____density, graphing(cokes?)

_____metal etching


_____pink palace(family night under the stars)


_____paper airplanes

_____graphing scientific data

_____making telescope




_____lock-in night

_____how much sugar is in the things you eat

_____how much grease is in your favorite chip

_____cooking stuff that is not good for you

_____cooking stuff that is good for you

Your Suggestions for Science Camp:




(Please return with application.)

Official LHS Science Camp Application

Summer 2016, June 27-July2, 2016

7:45 am til Noon Each Day

Name of Applicant______Date______

Grade you will be going into next year.______


Mother's Name______

Mother's Employer______

Mother's Work Phone Number______

Mother's Home Phone Number______


Father's Name______

Father's Employer______

Father's Work Phone Number______

Father's Home Phone Number______


Emergency Contact Numbers______

Mailing Address______



Do either of you parents work in a science field? If so, what field?


Please tell us if you have any medical concerns:______


Official LHS Science Camp Permission Form

Summer 2016

Parents’ Permission Form:

Permission to transport my son/daughter, ______, to the hospital in case of an emergency. I prefer______hospital.

Parents’ Permission Form:

I, ______, give my son/daughter,______,

(Parents' Name) (Student's Name)

permission to participate in the Lewisburg High School Science Camp to be held

June 27-July 2, 2016. I understand that there may be bus transportation involved in some of the activities.


(Parent's Signature)

Cost: $150.00 (Includes most supplies, snack each day, and t-shirt)

$50.00 nonrefundable deposit with the application, by May 27th.

$100.00 on the first day of camp.

Student t-shirt size:______