Introduction to Business
Overview: Instructor - Mr. Bardt
This course is designed to introduce you to introductory business topics and issues. Topics will include finance, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and business operations. Emphasis will be placed on real life issues involving global economics, business organization and management, business and personal financial management.
Classroom rules: * All district policies as outlined in the Student Handbook will be fully enforced.
· No food, drinks, candy or gum permitted.
· Use of electronic devices are prohibited unless authorized for classroom use such as a research assignment.
· Inappropriate, vulgar, abusive or disrespectful language or behavior is not acceptable.
· Student ID’s and proper attire must be worn at all times.
· Please be in attendance class and on time. Excessive absenteeism and tardiness can result in a loss of credit.
· Please be prepared. Students must have textbooks, notebooks, pen or pencil and other materials i.e. handouts and completed assignments. You will not be permitted to leave the classroom once class begins.
· Please raise your hand and wait to be called upon before speaking.
· Please be courteous, respectful and polite to your classmates, instructor and any guests which may be present.
· In my absence, please treat the substitute with respect by exhibiting proper behavior and completing the work assigned without disruption or incident. Be cooperative, helpful and understanding. They are new to our class.
· Permission is required to leave the classroom. You must have an exit pass issued and signed by the instructor.
· Please do not brush your hair, apply make-up or put lotion on your hands.
· Class is dismissed by the instructor not the bell. Please remain seated until you have been dismissed.
· Please clean up your work station and push in your chairs before leaving.
Classroom procedures:
· Please sit in your assigned seats. Remain seated unless otherwise instructed.
· Please check your work station. Abuse, vandalism or missing components should be reported immediately.
· Check the board for directions and/or instructions. Please begin working quietly on “Do Now” assignments.
· Check the board for assignment due dates, quiz and test dates.
· Attendance will be taken, please respond verbally to acknowledge your presence.
· If instructed, sign on to the computer system and report any problems to the instructor immediately.
· All books, book bags and other personal belongings are to be kept on the floor under your work station.
· Please save all work to your network file or flash drive before logging off the computer.
Ø Excused absences - YOU are responsible for completing any assigned work you missed during your absence. Please check with your classmates regarding work that was assigned and see me for specific assignment directions. Additional time for completing any work due will be provided based on the time you were absent. Any time required on the school’s computer must be conducted before or after school.
Ø Unexcused absences will result in a “0” for the day. No make-up work will be accepted.
Class expectations:
· Respect - Please respect your classmates, instructor, school property and yourself. Please listen when others are speaking and raise your hand and wait to be called upon if you have a question or comment. Treat everyone as you wish to be treated.
· Responsibility - You are responsible for completing and submitting assignments on time. This includes actively participating in classroom activities and assignments, completing and submitting homework, projects and presentations and submitting missed work due to an excused absenteeism.
· Pride – Take pride in yourself and your work. Submit work that you are proud to put your name on. Spelling, grammar, neatness and legibility are very important. If you cannot write or print neatly, please type your work. Make sure to use a dictionary or spell checker before submitting your final document.
· Integrity - Do your own work. You are here to learn the skills required to succeed in your future endeavors. It is in your best interest to learn as much as possible about the topics we will address in the course. Copying someone else’s information will not help you learn the skills necessary to be successful in life. Cheating, copying and plagiarism will result in a “0” for the assignment and disciplinary action at my discretion. Multiple infractions will result in a failing grade for the entire course.
· Accountability - You are responsible and accountable for your own actions. Work assigned is to be completed and submitted on time. Incomplete work and work submitted after the required due date will be graded accordingly. Late submissions will receive a five point reduction in the final grade of the assignment.
· Punctuality - You are required to be in class, seated, with all materials at your station and ready to work before the late bell sounds. Please come to class on time, prepared and ready to work.
· Disregarding district policy and/or classroom rules will result in the following consequences.
1st offense a warning will be issued.
2nd offense 15 to 30 minute detention will be issued.
3rd offense Parents and administration will be notified.
Grading Policy:
25% Class participation
§ Actively participating in class discussions.
§ Completing and submitting daily class assignments on time.
§ Following class rules, procedures and expectations.
§ Appropriate class preparation and behavior.
25% Individual projects, group work and presentations
25% Quizzes
25% Tests
Computers and Printers:
· The Belleville School System’s Internet use agreement form must be signed by your parent or guardian and must be submitted to me before you will be permitted to go on-line.
· Do not download anything onto the computer.
· Do not change any settings on the computer.
· Do not print anything unless instructed to do so by the teacher.
· Do not enter websites which are not directly related to subject matter we are working on. This include bur are not limited to social websites, music websites or websites used to check your personal email.
* I am always available to you if needed. Please see me individually to set up a mutually agreeable time for extra help.
I have read, understand and agree with the classroom rules, procedures, expectations and grading policy of this class.
Date Student Signature Parent Signature