Old Testament 1
2702 E. 81st St. Old Testament 1
Tulsa, OK 74137 Credit Hours: 2
Phone: (918) 491-7600 E-mail: Instructor: Roland J. Depew
2013 3rd Quarter Monday 8:20 AM - 10:10 AM or Monday 8:05 PM-9:55 PM
Core 1 Core Requirement
Course Description:
A study of the Old Testament covering the historical books, Genesis through Esther. This course gives a panoramic view of the Old Testament events – emphasizing major themes, authors, characters, events, geography and culture of the time period.
Course Objectives:
To achieve a working knowledge of the Old Testament with an overview of the purpose, contents and doctrinal teachings of the historical books.
Course Texts and Resources:
Geisler, Norman L., A Popular Survey of the Old Testament; Baker Academic; Grand Rapids, Michigan; 1977
Depew, Roland J., Old Testament Survey 1 Workbook, 2005 (Revised 2012)
Course Procedures:
Prerequisite: None
1. Attendance in every class unless excused by school administration.
2. Completion of all required readings and assignments.
3. Complete Mid-term and Final Exams with a satisfactory grade.
Grading Policy:
Students must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (based on 4.0) in order to be considered in good standing.
Each student’s grade will be comprised of the following:
a. Reading 30%
b. Mid-term Exam 35%
b. Final 35%
90-100% = 3.5-4.0 = A F = Failure
80-89% = 2.5-3.49 = B S = Satisfactory
70-79% = 1.5-2.49 = C U = Unsatisfactory
60-69% = .99-1.49 = D I = Incomplete
0-59% = 0 = F N = Non-Credit
Attendance Policy:
Regular and punctual attendance is required at all classes and morning praise and worship. Students are expected to be in their seats before the instructor begins teaching prior to each session of every class. Two unexcused absences in a course merits the lowering of the grade by one letter. Additional absences will lower the grade an additional letter grade per absence.
Excused absences have to be cleared with the Dean of Students prior to the date. If, due to an emergency, prior approval cannot be obtained, make sure to contact the Dean of Students for communication purposes. Excused absences include severe personal or family illness, emergencies or a death of a loved one.
Discrimination Policy:
Victory Bible Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, or disability in any of its policies, procedures or practices. VBI’s non-discrimination policies comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (pertaining to race, color and national origin). Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (pertaining to sex), Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (pertaining to veterans), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (pertaining to age).
Academic Honesty
Victory Bible Institute is committed to equipping, preparing and raising up believers and ministers who maintain a lifestyle of truthfulness, honesty and integrity. Consequently, any type of academic dishonesty is viewed as a serious violation of Christian standards and ethics. The following behaviors are violations of academic integrity:
· Using notes or other materials not expressly permitted for exams, quizzes or other assignments.
· Copying from another or allowing one’s own paper to be copied from.
· Reading without the instructor’s permission a copy of the examination, quiz or assignment prior to the date the examination, quiz or assignment is given.
· Giving or receiving unauthorized aid while taking an exam or quiz.
· Resubmitting work from a prior course without approval.
· Any and all other acts normally considered cheating.
· Presenting another’s work as one’s own. This means use of any author’s material, whether it is from a book, video, broadcast, tape, magazine, whatever the source, the original author must be given credit by the writer of the class assignment. The intellectual contributions of others may be used only when proper citation is made.
· If these or other incidents of dishonesty or plagiarism occur, the student involved will be disciplined by the teacher and/or the Dean of Students. The student will receive a “0” for that assignment, and other action may be taken at the discretion of the school leadership.
Late Work
All students are expected to hand in work on or before the due date.
· Anything handed in the same day, but after the beginning of class without permission of the class instructor will receive a 5% grade reduction.
· For each additional day (Monday through Friday) an additional 5% will be deducted.
· Two weeks, or 10 school days after the due date, an assignment will not be accepted.
Incompletes are rarely granted.
· The student who petitions for an “Incomplete Grade” must first establish that his or her work is incomplete for good cause (lengthy illness, death in the family, serious accident, etc.)
· Petition for an “Incomplete Grade” must be made by filling out the correct form and attaching all supporting documents. Illness should be supported by a physician’s note.
· Only those absences that occurred because of an emergency situation can apply toward consideration of receiving an “Incomplete Grade” for any class.
· The student is accountable for any other absences and they will be dealt with according to the attendance policy.
Examinations and Other Assignments
Permission for early or late exams to be taken are rarely granted.
Students will not be given early or late tests unless the following conditions apply:
· Extreme emergency situation(s) which would call the student away for a week or longer.
· Death of an immediate family member.
· Hospitalization of self or severe illness on the day of the exam. (Such illness would need to be verified by a physician.)
· In addition, for all early exams, permission must be given from the instructor to confirm that the test will be available before the scheduled exam date.
The following do not constitute conditions for which an early or late test may be taken:
· Emergency or illness prior to the date of the test (except in the case of extended illness or emergencies prior to the date of the test.)
· Lack of transportation.
· Unpreparedness, etc.
Victory Bible Institute believes that it is not fair for students with non-emergency reasons to have more time to prepare for their exams, therefore rarely will late exams be granted.
In the event that an extreme emergency prevents a student from taking an exam at the scheduled time, the student must apply for a late test and receive a permission form from the VBI office which must be signed by the instructor and the Dean of Students. The VBI office and the class instructor must be notified prior to the exam whenever possible.
All exams will be given as scheduled. It is the student’s responsibility to make whatever arrangements that might be necessary to insure his/her presence in class during the scheduled exam time.
Please note that corrected exams and assignments not claimed by the fourth week after the quarter’s end will be discarded.
Food and Drink in Classrooms
Unless prescribed by physician’s directions, food and drink are not allowed in classrooms. Water in covered containers or bottles are allowed in classrooms. All other food and drink may be consumed in the breakroom, lobby or external building entrance.
Questions may be directed to the Office of VBI at (918) 491-7600
Old Testament 1
Course Number: BIB1031
3rd Quarter 2012 Monday 8:20 AM - 10:10 AM or Monday 8:05 PM-9:55 PM
Course and Assignment Schedule
Week / Date / Subject / Instructor / Assignments1 / 1/7 / Syllabus/Assignments
Introduction to the Old Testament
Genesis / R. Depew / Textbook
Ch. 1 (p.11-17)
2 / 1/14 / Genesis, (Continued) / R. Depew / Ch. 2 (p. 19-25)
3 / 1/21 / Exodus
Leviticus / R. Depew / Ch. 3 (p. 29-35)
4 / 1/28 /
Numbers, Deuteronomy,
/ R. Depew5 / 2/4 / Joshua, Judges, Ruth, / R. Depew / Mid-Term Exam Due
6 / 2/11 / 1 &2 Samuel / R. Depew / Ch. 10 (p.83-91)
7 / 2/18 / 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles / R. Depew
8 / 2/25 / Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther / R. Depew
9 / 3/4 / Final Exam Due / Final Exam Due
Mid-Term Exams for the Third Quarter are Monday, February 4, 2013 through Friday, February 8, 2013.
Final Exams for the Third Quarter are Monday, March 3, 201 through
Friday, March 8, 2013.
Old Testament 1
VICTORY BIBLE INSTITUTE Old Testament 1 Course Number: BIB1031
VBI Bldg. @ 81st & Delaware Credit Hours: 1
Tulsa, OK 74136 Phone: (918) 749-3432
Instructor: Roland J. Depew E-mail:
Practical Ministry 1 Core Requirement
Reading Schedule – Genesis to Esther
Read the Following Chapters:
(Skim all the rest!)