Request form for in-company training
This form is essential to create the best possible quotation based on your requirements and to prepare technically for the in-company training.
1. Contact detailsCompany:
Contact person:
E-mail address: / o no mailing
Phone number:
Fax number:
Address where the training takes place:
Postal code / City / Country:
VAT number
(leave it open if you do not have this):
2. Training details
Required training: / q Certified PROFIBUS Engineer (4d, min. 6 & max. 15 participants)
q Certified PROFIBUS DP/PA Engineer (5d, min. 6 & max. 15 participants)
q Certified PROFINET Engineer (3d, min. 6 & max. 15 participants)
q Troubleshooting & Maintenance (2d, min. 6 & max. 15 participants)
q Other (min 6. participants): ______
Number of sessions:
Participants per session:
Possible dates:
Language: / q English
q German
q Dutch
Technical level (on behalf of PROFIBUS or PROFINET): / q Beginners
q Experienced
q Cannot be determined
Desired time block: / q 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM
q 8.30 AM to 4.30 PM
q 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
q 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM
q 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM
q Other:
3. Details training room
Projector + screen. / q Yes
q No
Flipchart or whiteboard. / q Yes
q No
Enough 110/230 V connections (spread over the training room). / q Yes (110 V)
q Yes (230 V)
q No
Internet connection for at least 1 workstation/laptop. / q Yes
q No
Tables and chairs can be moved
(for the practical sessions). / q Yes
q No
4. Location details
Car can be parked directly in front of the entrance (unloading the training materials). / q Yes
q No
Stairs have to be taken to go from parking place to the training room. / q Yes
q No
Training materials can stay in the room during the training period. / q Yes
q No
Hotel is located nearby. / q Yes, with a cooperate discount.
q Yes, but not with a cooperate discount.
q No
Instructors have to bring identification. / q Yes
q No
Instructors have to bring protective measures. / q None
q Helmet
q Special shoes
q Hearing protection
q Glasses
5. Others
Participants can bring a laptop or PC (minimum 1 per 2 participants). / q Yes
q No
Lunch, drinks and others are arranged. / q Yes
q No
6. Remarks
Please fax or email this list to:
Fax: +31-(0)174 – 671 801
Tel.: +31-(0)174 – 671 800
Version 4.1.2 - 10 November 2013 3 / 3
Training-Request-EN.docx © PROCENTEC 2013