Florida Atlantic University Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
Minimum Requirements for FAU Degree: 120 credits including 45 at 3000/4000 level • 30 FAU credits• At least one major • 2.0 FAU GPA
• Completion of all State, University, and College requirements • Students must pass each course for the major with a C or higher
Repeated course(s) will not count twice •All Incomplete/Non-Reported grades must be resolved prior to graduation term
F=Fall, S=Spring; F*=alternate Falls; S*=alternate Springs; SU=Summer •Checklist Status: OK=Satisfied • IP=In Progress • NA=Not Applicable
F,S / ITA / 1120 / Beginning Italian Language and Culture 1 / Or ITA 1150 (combines ITA 1120 & ITA 1121) in Summer (8 credits) / 4
F,S / ITA / 1121 / Beginning Italian Language and Culture 2 / 4
Students who have minimum of 3 years of high school Italian can start with ITA2220
F,S / ITA / 2220 / Intermed Italian Language and Culture 1 / Prerequisite: ITA 1121 / 4
S / ITA / 2221 / Intermed Italian Language and Culture 2 / Prerequisite: ITA 2220 / 4
MAJOR REQUIREMENTS(12 courses, 36/37 credits; each course must be passed with a grade of C or better)
RESEARCH METHODS (1 course 3 credits) All majors in the department must take FOL 3880, which focuses on how to write an effective research paper. FOL 3880 should be taken as early as possible in the major.
F,S / FOL / 3880 / Research and Bibliographic Methods / Required. / 3
LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (3 courses; 10/11credits)At least one Advanced Italian Language course is required.
F* / ITA / 3420 / Advanced Italian Language and Culture I / Only for Non-Heritage Speakers; Prereq: ITA 2221 / 4
F* / ITA / 3421 / Advanced Italian Language and Culture II / May be taken before ITA 3420 / 4
S* / ITA / 4930 / Italia Oggi / 3
S* / ITA / 3412 / Reading the Italian Press / Prerequisite: ITA 2220 with minimum grade of "C" / 3
F* / ITA / 3300 / Italian Writing Workshop / Prerequisite: ITA 2220 with minimum grade of "C" / 3
LITERATURE AND CIVILIZATION (2 courses; 6 credits).
S* / ITW / 3100 / Ital. Lit. & Civ. Mid. Ages & Renaiss. / Prerequisite: ITA 2221 or equivalent / 3
S* / ITW / 3101 / Ital. Lit. & Civ. Baroque-Present / Prerequisite: ITA 2221 or equivalent / 3
LINGUISTICS (2 courses , 6 credits)
F, S, SU / LIN / 3010 / Introduction to Linguistics / Required / 3
F* / ITA / 4930 / Tessere la Lingua / Prerequisite; ITA2220 / 3
ITA / 3300 / Italian Writing Workshop / Prerequisite: ITA 2220 with minimum grade of "C" / 3
OTHER REQUIRED COURSES(4 courses; 12 credits)
Courses from the required list can be taken as “other requirements” if not taken as requirement courses. At least one, but preferably two, of these courses should be IN LINGUA.
variable / ITT / 3110 / Lit. in Translation: The Italian Tradition / 3
variable / ITT / 3520 / Italian Cinema: From Text to Screen / Counts towards Film and Video Certificate / 3
variable / ITT / 4440 / Dante: The ‘Commedia’ in Translation / Counts towards classical Studies Certificate / 3
variable / ITT / 3522 / Italian-American Cinema / Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule); Counts towards Film and Video Certificate / 3
variable / ITA/
ITW / 4930 / Special Topics: The ‘Questione della lingua’; Love and Lovers in Italian Lit.; The City in the Italian Literary Imagination; The Modern Italian Short Story; Imaging/Writing the Italian Renaissance; Italy Through Its Music / 3
variable / ITT / 2502 / Italian Culture and Society / 3
Italian Study Abroad Equivalents (students must get course approval beforegoing on study abroad)
ITA / 2952 / Italian Lang & Cult Abroad / 1-4
ITA / 3952 / Italian Culture Study Abroad / 1-4
ITA / 4957 / Italian Lang & Cult Abroad / 1-4
ITT / 3956 / Italian Culture Study Abroad / 1-4
ITW / 4957 / Italian Literature Study Abroad / 1-4