14 February, 2017
Town Clerk’s Open Report
1) Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations 2017
· To receive a verbal report from the Town Clerk
Plans for the Shakespeare Celebrations on the 22 April are moving forward. Invitations will shortly be despatched and already, we have issued the invitations to representatives from the Diplomatic Corps, who attend at the expense of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. There is an expectation that ten Diplomats will accept. The countries invited are:
· Canada;
· China;
· Denmark;
· France;
· Germany;
· India;
· Pakistan;
· Poland;
· Senegal;
· Spain;
· Thailand;
· USA.
From feedback it was evident that the more flamboyant 2016 Celebrations had been well received. The forthcoming event will capitalise on the success of the confetti cannons and streamers and additional bands have been engaged to ensure that those participating in the parade can clearly hear music throughout their walk to church.
An early approach was made to the Royal Engineers, via the Band Booking Office in London. Currently we have not received a response and therefore it is not possible to confirm whether or not they will be available. As it is now abundantly clear that their lead time is considerable, an application to attend the 2018 Celebrations has already been submitted.
It was hoped that Beating Retreat would return this year, but without the commitment of the Royal Engineers, this is doubtful. However, it is recommended that the Friday evening Volunteers’ Reception, which has been scheduled to co-inside and herald the start of the Celebrations, should be held at the Town Hall at approximately 6:30pm. This would accommodate a ‘surprise’ Beating Retreat on Waterside at approximately 5:30pm if we receive confirmation that the Royal Engineers can attend, which can be promoted nearer the time as an ‘added bonus’.
It is noteworthy that as all the military bands are now handled through the London office, attendance by our preferred band, i.e. the Royal Engineers, is not guaranteed. Potentially, they could deploy a completely different military marching band, and members are asked to determine whether an alternative band would be acceptable, as we are only associated to the Royal Engineers, which has Freedom of the Town.
Although the 2017 Celebrations will be comparatively low key compared to those staged in 2016, there are a few surprises. We shall certainly be focusing on the traditional elements and the PR and Advertising Campaign, which has already commenced, is featuring old photographs of Celebrations past.
The ‘Lucky Sonnets’ initiative is also a new addition for 2017 which we had initially intended to keep for 2018. However, 2018 has the potential for so many new and innovative additions to the Parade and Flag Unfurling Ceremony, that Syndicate Communication, who has once again been engaged to handle publicity, considered that the ‘Lucky Sonnets’ should feature this year. Stratforward BID and Shakespeare’s England are being most helpful in sourcing prizes, and that all important ‘money can’t buy’ experience, for the one Golden Sonnet.
Whilst preparing for this year’s Celebrations, the team is concurrently working on the 2018 event, and the Town Clerk will issue a further verbal report at the Mayoral & Protocol Committee Meeting on 14 February, 2017.
2) Remembrance Sunday
· Members are requested to note the comments from the Chairman of Stratford Branch, Royal British Legion
A letter has been received from the Chairman of the Royal British Legion (Stratford-upon-Avon Branch) regarding Remembrance Sunday, attached as ‘Appendix A’.
For many years, practical arrangements for Remembrance Sunday were overseen by the Royal British Legion (Stratford-upon-Avon Branch). They took responsibility for coordinating the contingent representation for the March Past and control of the wreath laying ceremony. However, the time came when the Legion officers were finding it difficult to undertake these important responsibilities, and the Town Council eventually assumed direct control of the event.
The Garden of Remembrance Service and Wreath Laying Ceremony has remained a very well attended occasion. However, year by year the numbers of attendees who also participate in the church service has dwindled. In 2016, there was a particularly poor attendance, and the church looked sadly empty. This was particularly embarrassing, as a large, prominent section of the church had been reserved for RBL participants.
The local branch of the British Legion has acknowledged that its members find attendance at both services and participation in the March Past too much, and that they would fully support having just the one, enhanced service at the Garden of Remembrance.
A meeting will be arranged as soon as possible, for representatives from Holy Trinity Church, Royal British Legion and the Town Council, to have a full and frank discussion on the way forward, but members of the Mayoral & Protocol Committee are requested to give the officers a steer as to the expectations of the Town Council.
3) Dais for the Garden of Remembrance
· Members are requested to note the report
Following the decision at the November Mayoral and Protocol Meeting to have a small dais made for the Garden of Remembrance for use on Remembrance Sunday, David Hastie suggested making contact with Men in Sheds to see if they would be able to assist with the construction.
The Clerk has written to the organisation and is awaiting an opportunity to discuss the idea with them further.
A verbal report will be issued at the meeting, should further information become available;
4) Insignia for the High Steward
· Members are requested to consider if it would be appropriate to provide the High Steward with a badge of office
Officers of the Council, including honorarium personnel, wear robes to denote their position. However there is currently no form of official badge or other insignia to denote the position of High Steward.
The current High Steward is taking his duties of office very seriously and regularly attends civic events, but often finds that attendees at functions have no idea who he is or the reason why he is in attendance. Therefore, members are being asked to consider whether a badge of office would be appropriate as the position of High Steward does not entail the wearing of robes or a uniform.
5) Fund Raising by the Incumbent Mayor
· Members are requested to debate whether it is still appropriate and necessary for the Mayor to have to undertake fundraising during their term of office
Historically, raising money for charity was not part of the Mayoral role, but as they often received unreserved donations during their term of office, this they would give to a chosen charitable cause at the end of their tenure. Over the years, this has changed and it appears that raising money for charitable causes is an integral part of serving as Mayor, with most incumbents feeling obliged to raise funds for their nominated charities during their term of office.
It is apparent that it is becoming more and more difficult and time consuming to organise successful charitable events and without question, successful events require devoted effort by the Mayor to ensure the end result is more than cost neutral.
Fundraising is a major activity within every community, and charitable organisations would not survive without employing professional fund raisers. If the Mayoralty is to compete in this competitive field, a radical review needs to be undertaken regarding Mayoral charitable events as it is apparent that long standing traditional events such as the Mayor’s Ball, may no longer have the appeal they once commanded.
Members are requested to give consideration to this issue.
6) National Awards Panel
· Members are requested to note the report, attached as Appendix ‘B’
A meeting was conveyed on the 24 January to which fourteen Stratford based organisations were invited. Unfortunately not all were available to attend, but a very useful discussion ensued and a further meeting has been arranged for March 9.
Members are requested to note the report.
7) Revised Invitation List – Volunteers Reception
· Members are requested to note the revised invitation list, attached as Appendix ‘C’
Following the amendments which were highlighted at the November Mayoral & Protocol Meeting, please find attached the revised invitation list for the Volunteers Reception.
Town Clerk
7 February, 2017