Newcastle University
Car Parking Policy
1. Introduction
Newcastle University’s car parking policy seeks to clarify the regulations and restrictions for the benefit of our staff, students and visitors.
The policy applies to all staff, students and visitors and applies to the parking of all motor vehicles on the University’s private roads and grounds.
University Halls of Residence are responsible for their own car parking policy.
2. Parking Permits and Charges
2.1 Parking System
The University currently operates a ‘pay and display’ system for car parking. Any member of staff parking on University premises other than those with a reserved pre-paid or disabled permit must prominently display on the windscreen of their vehicle a University car parking permit together with the relevant pay and display fee ticket. A standard ‘pay and display’ parking permit offers permission to hunt for a space. It does not guarantee a space will be available.
Any member of staff who is found to be repeatedly contravening the pay and display policy through not displaying a valid daily fee ticket will have their permit withdrawn for a period of up to three months.
2.2 Eligibility for a parking permit
The issue of permits is restricted to:
i) All regular employees (full-time or part-time) of the University.
ii) University vehicles.
iii) Lay Members of Court and of Council and its Committees.
iv) Certain tenants of property owned by the University.
Anyone parking on University premises without displaying a staff permit and/or a valid pay and display ticket will be subject to a fine under the University’s Civil Penalties Parking Scheme.
2.3 Ownership and Registration of a Vehicle
A permit is issued to a member of staff or eligible person for his/her sole use. The permit holder must be the registered keeper of the car(s) to which the permit applies and to provide the car(s) registration documents. Should the vehicle be on long term hire or lease from a car rental company the appropriate documentation is to accompany the parking permit application form.
An application for a parking permit will not be accepted where the car is owned or registered by someone other than the applicant or his/her partner (must co-habit at the permit holders address) unless the applicant can demonstrate that they are a named person on the insurance certificate to drive the vehicle in question.
2.4 Procedure for Obtaining a Vehicle Parking Permit
Car Parking Permit applications are administered by the Estate Support Service Customer Services Office. Full details of the procedure for obtaining a permit and current car parking charges can be obtained from this office or from the ESS website.
Lost permits are subject to an administration charge.
Should a permit holder transfer or dispose of his/her vehicle, the ESS Customer Services Office should be informed immediately. Permits are transferable to any replacement vehicle provided they are returned for alteration.
All vehicles displaying a valid permit must have a current road fund licence or the permit is invalidated.
Parking permits are valid for the car parking year, which runs from 1 October to 30 September.
Charges for permits may be debited direct from salary or paid by cheque. Head of Schools/Services may request that a contribution to the reserved parking charge be debited against their school/service account for permits issued to eligible staff that must regularly use their cars for operational purposes. Charges for school / service vehicles are paid by accounts nominated by the school / service and must be authorised accordingly.
Drivers who are registered as disabled and are eligible for a permit can park free of charge in a marked disabled parking bay.
3. Misuse of Permits and Smartcards
The car parking permit is issued for the sole use of the holder and must not be given to another person. An infringement of this condition of issue could lead to their withdrawal for a period of up to three months.
The Estate Security Manager has the authority to confiscate a car parking permit and remove car parking access where a permit holder has given a permit to a third party, persistently infringes the parking regulations. The Director of ESS will be advised of the incident and the permit holder will have 14 days in which to make a case for the return of the permit.
It is strictly forbidden to display a photocopy or a computer generated copy of a parking permit or pay and display ticket.
4. Parking Restrictions
Permit holders other than the designated holders shall not park vehicles in spaces reserved and marked for the use of official and/or designated office holders and for such temporary purpose as may from time to time be designated by the Estate Security Manager.
Permit holders other than disabled drivers shall not park vehicles in spaces reserved and marked for the use of disabled persons.
Permit holders shall not park vehicles in spaces reserved for use by visitors.
Permit holders shall not park vehicles in areas designated for coaches.
Permit holders shall not park vehicles on grassed areas, pedestrian walkways, in areas that have double yellow lines or crosshatched yellow lines.
Permit holders shall not park vehicles in a manner that could obstruct access for emergency services.
Permit holders shall not bring caravans onto campus except by specific authority of the ESS Security Manager. Camper vans may be brought onto the campus but may only be used as transport.
Continuous parking of private vehicles between midnight and 7.00 am is only permitted by authority of the Estate Security Manager. Staff wishing to leave their vehicles overnight whilst away on University business should contact Security Control in advance.
5. General Public
The University’s car parks are open to the general public on payment of the appropriate charge between 4.00 pm and midnight from Monday to Friday and between 7.00am and midnight on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays unless the car parks are reserved for special events.
Any member of the public parking on University premises without displaying a valid pay and display parking ticket will be subject to a fine under the University’s Civil Penalties Parking Scheme.
6. Visitors
A limited amount of short stay visitor car parking is available. Staff wishing to book car parking spaces for visitors should contact Customer Services on .
7. Contractor Parking
Arrangements for contractor parking can be found within the Contractor Parking Policy.
8. Conferences and External Organisations
Due to the limited availability of parking on campus it is not usually possible to offer parking for conference delegates.
9. University Security Staff
University Security Staff have the authority to:
i) Direct and control access, circulation and parking.
ii) Prevent unauthorised members of the general public and of the University from bringing vehicles onto site.
iii) Affix warning notices to vehicles and report permit holders who fail to follow University Car Parking Regulations to the Estate Security Manager.
iv) Direct authorised users to temporary car parks and spare parking spaces.
v) Close the entrances to the main campus for motor vehicles when the car parks are full or the circulation routes congested.
vi) Ensure that car park users adhere to University traffic and parking arrangements which have been made to safeguard the well-being of staff, students and the public who use or intend to use the University car parking facilities.
vii) Remove and dispose of accordingly any vehicle, that has been left on University property for a period of time and that in the opinion of the Estate Security Manager, gives cause to assume that it has been
10. Traffic Regulations
All users of vehicles on University premises shall comply with traffic signs and notices, which may be displayed either permanently or from time to time, and with instructions from University Security Staff and other employees having requisite authority.
In accordance with Workplace Regulations the speed limit on University land is restricted to 10mph, although in some areas, such as car parks, the speed limit is reduced to 5mph. Infringement notices will be issued to drivers who exceed speed limits.
11. Nuisance
Permission to park a vehicle on University premises is given on condition that the vehicle does not in any way constitute a nuisance. Where a vehicle causes a persistent nuisance the University reserves the right to withdraw permission for the vehicle to be parked on University premises.
Where a vehicle is fitted with an alarm it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the alarm is not faulty and that the vehicle’s electrical system is not faulty such that it will cause a false alarm.
Where the University has withdrawn permission for a vehicle to be parked on its premises on grounds of nuisance caused by a faulty vehicle alarm, the owner will be required to provide proof that the fault has been rectified prior to the University agreeing that the vehicle may again be parked on University premises.
12. Servicing and Repair of Vehicles
The routine repair or servicing of vehicles other than University owned vehicles on University land is strictly prohibited unless it is an emergency repair being carried out by a recognised emergency breakdown service. Vehicles that cannot be repaired must be removed from the premises within two days of a breakdown.
13. Liability
All persons using or parking a vehicle on University land do so at their own risk whether to themselves, their passengers, the vehicle or its contents. The University does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to any vehicle or contents of any vehicle.
14. Data Protection
The information provided by permit holders when applying for a vehicle parking permit is shared with the University Finance Office to allow deductions from salary.
15. Appeal Procedure
Any appeal by persons penalised under these regulations must be submitted in writing to the ESS Customer Services Office no more than 14 days following the action. Third party or other representation, on behalf of the person penalised, will not be accepted. Inability to pay is not regarded as valid grounds for appeal.
16. Implementation of Policy
Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with Estate Support Service. Day to day control of car parking on site is the responsibility of the Estate Security Manager.
The co-operation of all staff is sought in complying with this policy. Any complaints or suggestions for improvement to the car parking arrangements can be made directly to the Estate Security Manager.
Lynne Edis
Estate Support Service
October 2012
Approved by EB February 2012