Final Examination – Study Sheet
A pie chart can include only one series of data.
The Office Clipboard can store cut and copied items from different Office applications.
Why are Bulleted lists used?
When was the first computer created?
What is the Mail Merge Wizard used for?
Landscape orientation provides you with what advantages?
What happens to PASTED STATIC DATA if source file changes?
Know Excel defaults regarding worksheets.
In a drop-down menu, what do these arrows () mean?
What happens when a tab stop is set?
What happens when data in the source cell is modified?
A high-level programming language consists of?
What is a synonym?
What happens when a value in a chart data series is changed?
Can more than one Microsoft Office application be running at the same time?
Know how to recognize theACTIVE DOCUMENT by looking at the task bar
What does MACHINE LANGUAGE consists of?
What keys do you press to select an entire sentence?
Which type of chart would best illustrate events over a period of time?
Using the data in the worksheet to the right, what will be displayed
by the formula =IF(C1>C2,0,-5)?
Assume cell A1 stores a value of 5 and cell B1 stores a value of 10.
What will be displayed by the formula =IF(A1=B1, A1, "no")?
What will be displayed by the formula =IF(A1<B1,"yes", "no")?
Define a MACRO
What do you do if the text size is too small on a PowerPoint slide?
What is the Word file extension?
What happens when a file is saved for the first time?
What unit of measurement is used for all characters?
How to use the asterisk (*) in a file search
What would cause the error value #REF to be displayed in a cell?
What is the purpose of a report inMicrosoft Access?
What is a PowerPoint template?
Define a slide transition
Know how text appears in different types of alignment settings.
Know what affect CHANGING THEMARGINhas on text.
What happens when you Double-click on an embedded Word object in an Excel workbook?
Know what ANIMATION does in PowerPoint
If you want to format three paragraphs with 1" left and right indents, what is you FIRST step?
Know basic netiquette guidelines
Microsoft Access can only accept what type of data?
In Access, what is a record, how is it used, etc.?
In Excel, if the width of a column is not wide enough to display the value 123456789012, what is displayed?
What allows you to query a database?
What is added to a document so that parts of it can have different page formats applied?
If the Copy and Paste buttons are used to integrate data, the pasted data is
Define a cell
If the value in cell A1 is 3.4, what will be displayed by =CHOOSE(A1, 4, 8, 10)?
Criteria is entered for more than one field in a what?
The layout of a slide refers to the what?
Write a formula that calculates the monthly payment for a $5,000 loan taken out for 3 years at 7% interest?
Know the different parts of an e-mail address.
Define a primary key
In Outlook, what is meant by having an ATTACHMENT with your email message?
What is the number system used by a computer called?
The first step in creating a bar or line chart is?
Know what the automatic DATE and TIME stamp does.
What is the first step in copying data between two open Word files?
Using the data in the worksheet on the right, what will be displayed by the formula? =5+VLOOKUP(C3,$D$1:$E$4,2) if cell C3 stores the value 205?
a. / 5.7 / c. / 200b. / 5 / d. / #N/A!
Know how to identify an active record in a table.
Know the difference between an ELECTRONIC and a MECHANICAL COMPUTER.
Before Word can create a table of contents you must
What does Outline view use to determine heading levels and body text?
Know and recognize SORTED data in an Excel worksheet (ascending, descending, etc)
Before data is copied from a Word document to an Excel workbook, it needs to be
Define a relational database
Know what RAM data is
Which button can be used to copy and paste paragraph formats?
Which keys do you press to display worksheet formulas at their cell locations?
During a slide show, what happens when you press the Esc key?
How do you reference a cell?
What key moves the insertion point in the document without erasing or entering text?
What key terminates a line of text?
What key moves the insertion point to the beginning of a line?
What key erases the character directly to the right of the insertion point?
What key moves the insertion point to the end of a line?
What key erases the character directly to the left of the insertion point?
What key (button)used to cancel the current operation?
What key used with the arrow keys to move the insertion point quickly in the document.
What is the name of the handle you use to proportionately size a picture?
What feature is commonly used in long publications, such as newspapers, to make lines of text easier to read?
Where does the term “spreadsheet” originate?
Why would you copy data from ACCESS onto a Word document?
Know the guidelines that should be followed when choosing field names in ACCESS.
Know how to write your Excel formulas, especially theMAX formula
What information is often included in a header or footer?
Know the precautionsin avoiding a computer virus.