By-Laws of the Western Reserve Model Yacht Club, as adopted 11-18-2017
The Western Reserve Model Yacht Club(WRMYC) will operate under the Constitution and By-Laws of the National organization known as the American Model Yachting Association (AMYA) except when superseded by the following articles.
Pre-amble of Core Values:
The Western Reserve Model Yacht Club has established “Core Values” which are our basic principles used to guide us and establish actions and priorities. They are “stakes in the ground” which define our boundaries of proper operation and decision making. These Core Values are used to promote the club’s principles.
WRMYC Core Values
- Fun & Enjoyment; It is the Club’s responsibility to provide an environment for all members to enjoy the hobby. The measurement of success for this element is the willingness of members to invite friends and neighbors to participate and join.
- Sportsmanship and fair play; The Club shall maintain an environment of good sportsmanship and fair play honoring “The Corinthian Sprit”.
- Ease of entry; The club strives to make new members welcome and easy for them to start sailing and competing.
- Education; The club maintains a continuous learning environment in competitive sailing and model boat building for all levels.
- Social; Social events center around sailing activities are held for the enjoyment of all members, including family and friends, to the extent of the individual member’s wishes.
- Competition; Organized fleet racing is the mainstay of the Club’s program although we enjoy other types. Racing is done maintaining peer groupings based on ability and desire for different levels and types of competition.
- Support; The Club supports the local venue owners (ponds & lakes) and the AMYA, American Model Yachting Association.
The name of this organization is "WESTERN RESERVE MODEL YACHT CLUB ", a model yacht sailing organization operating under Sanction #0255 of the AMERICAN MODEL YACHTING ASSOCIATION, (AMYA).
The intent of this organization is to promote R/C model sailing yacht building and racing in the Northeast Ohio area, and in so far as possible, to aid the advance of R/C model sailing yacht building and racing in the United States. All enterprises of this organization will conform to the policies and the Constitution of AMYA except those that may be preempted by these articles and by-laws. This organization will also conform to the policies and laws of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as applicable. The Western Reserve Model Yacht Club is a not-for-profit enterprise, conforming to the applicable Laws of the State of Ohio.
SECTION 1 REQUIREMENTS: Any person is eligible for Membership providing the qualifications set forth in these By-Laws are met. WRMYC encourages all persons, regardless of age, gender, race, disability, religious affiliation or faith to participate as Members.
SECTION 2 QUALIFICATIONS: An applicant must have a desire and interest in model yacht sailing, be a current Member in good standing of AMYA, and be willing to uphold the rules and by-laws of the organization.
(a)MEMBER: A member is defined as a person 18 year of age or older as of January 1, of the current year, who shall have paid Dues, and shall have the right to participate in all club activities, vote and to hold elected or appointed office.
(b)FAMILY MEMBERSHIP:A “family” is defined as one or more related persons (residing in the same household, or where a Member has partial custody of a minor) who want to be WRMYC Members. A Family may have any number of participants, and the participants shall have the right to participate in all club activities, vote and to hold elected or appointed office. Family Members shall have the right to participate in all club activities, may vote and may hold elected or appointed office.
(c)YOUTH MEMBERSHIP: A youth membership may be extended to persons under the age of eighteen (18) as of January 1, of the current year. Youth Members shall have paid dues, and have same privileges as other Members, including racing, and voting, and of holding elected or appointed office.
(d)ASSOCIATE MEMBER: An Associate Membership may be extended to persons, business organizations, etc. who are interested in the promotion of R/C Yachting activities and/or of the WRMYC. Applicants’ approval may be granted by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Associate Members may participate in club activities EXCEPT in racing, and may not vote nor hold elected or appointed office. There are no dues for Associate Membership.
New MEMBERS are admitted following payment of Annual Dues (or ½ Annual dues as in B below), and then upon a majority vote by the Membership at a Club Meeting. During the period after the new Member pays his/her Dues, and before formal approval as a Member, the New Member may participate as any other Member, but may NOT vote or hold office.
A.Dues and Admission fees may only be changed after (1) submission of a proposed change by 2/3majority vote of the Board, (2) followed by a simple majority vote of the Membership.
B.Dues and Fees (beginning 2012)
- Annual dues for Members, including Youth Members shall be $25.00, payable in full January 31st of each year and an additional $ 5 for each month after January 31.
- Annual Dues for Family Membership shall be $45.00, payable in full January 31st of each year, and an additional $ 5 for each month after January 31.
- New Member dues after July 1: new members in all categories joining after July 1 shall pay ½ the Annual Dues for the balance of the year, based on Membership type.
- New Members in each Membership category joining after October 1st. but before December 31st shall pay annual dues; this will be dues for the balance of the current as well as the following year.
- There are NO initiation fees
- ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The new member will be put on the roster, provided with Sailing Instructions, Schedule, Roster, and any other information upon receipt of all monies due the organization.
A member becomes delinquent 90 days from date dues are due (April 1). REINSTATEMENT: A Member delinquent for more than 90 days must reapply as if he/she were a new Member, a delinquent Member (1-89 days delinquent) may be reinstated upon payment of his/her dues, effective at the time of his payment- February 1/ $30, March 1 $ 35.
The Board of Directors shall have the authority with a majority vote to terminate the membership of any member who, at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, has conducted themselves in a manner not in the best interest of the WRMYC and its Membership.
The elected Flag Officers of the Club shall be Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past Commodore, and Sailing Director. The Commodore may appoint the following other officers: Fleet Captain(s), Newsletter Editor, Technical Director, as well as Chairpersons of ad-hoc/ special purpose committees from within the Membership. Membership dues for the current year must be paid to be eligible to hold office.
Board of Directors shall consist of the five flag officers.
A. Directors:
- The Commodore (Chairperson)
- Vice-Commodore (Chairperson in the absence of the Commodore)
- Secretary-Treasurer,
- Sailing Director, and,
- The Immediate Past Commodore (unless this person is another Flag Officer of the Club). In the event the Immediate Past Commodore holds another flag office or is not available for any reason, the Commodore will nominatea fifth Director to be elected from the Membership at large, replacing the Immediate Past Commodorefor the duration of his/her term.
B. Board Meetings: Board of Director Meetings shall be called by the Commodore, when needed, but at a minimum once per year. Board Meetings can also be called by 2/3 vote of the Membership, for a specific purpose. A quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be three board members, including the Commodore or (in his/her absence) Vice Commodore and a minimum of two voting Board Members. Voting Members are the following Flag Officers- Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary-Treasurer, and Immediate Past Commodore. The Sailing Director is a non-voting Board Member.
- Commodore: elected to take office to a two-year term, beginning January 1 of every second even-numbered year. Example:2016, 2018, 2020 2022, etc.
- Vice-Commodore: elected to take office to a two-year term, beginning January 1 of every second odd-numbered year. Example: 2017, 2019, 2021 2023, etc.
- Secretary-Treasurer: elected to take office to a two-year term, beginning January 1 of every second odd-numbered year. Example: 2017, 2019, 2021 2023, etc.
- Sailing Director: elected during December of every second even-numbered year to a two-year term, to take office every second odd-numbered year. Example: 2017, 2019, 2021, etc.
- Immediate Past Commodore: two-year termfollowing the Commodore, so every second even-numbered year. Example: 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 etc.
- Officer Elections: All officer elections to take place during the previous November - December at the final scheduled General Club Meeting of the year.
Elected Officers have a term of two years, and may be elected to not more than two consecutive terms. Appointed Officers have no specific terms or term limits. The
Immediate Past Commodore serves on the Board for the same number of terms as the Commodore who replaced him or her.
Although not ideal, Members may hold one or more offices, flag AND/OR appointed. However, no Member may hold two flag offices at one time.
A.Commodore: in the event the Commodore office is vacated at any time, the Vice-Commodore shall advance to Commodore, followed by selection of a new Vice Commodore using the procedure specified in SECTIONS B and C below.
B.In the event the Vice-Commodore, or Secretary-Treasurer office is vacated on or later than May 31 in the last year of an Officer’s term, the Commodore shall appoint an Officer from the membership to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, followed by election as in Section 3 at the Club Meeting at the end of that year.
C.If Vice-Commodore, or Secretary-Treasurer vacancy occurs on or later than May 31 in the last year of an Officer’s term, the Board shall advance one or more names as candidates at the club meeting following the vacancy, or by e-mail, for election by the Membership as in SECTION 3 above.
D.Immediate Past Commodore(s): in the event the Immediate Past Commodore office is vacated, the Commodore may appoint any Member, as an at-large fifth Director to complete the Immediate Past Commodore's term, or may leave the Board position “open” pending the next election should such election be scheduled within 6 or less months after the effective date of the vacancy.
E.Sailing Director: in the event the Sailing Director office is vacated; the Commodore shall appoint a Member as Sailing Director and at-large fifth Director to complete the term through December 31 of that year. At the final scheduled General Club Meeting of the year, candidates for Sailing Director shall be nominated for either the remaining year of the departed Sailing Director's term, or a full two-year term as Sailing Director, whichever is applicable.
F.Appointed Officer(s): The Commodore may name a replacement appointed Officer at any time.
SECTION 1, NOMINATIONS AND PROCEDURE: Nominations will take place from the floor atthe final scheduled General Club Meeting of each year, followed by elections.
SECTION 2,Membership dues for the current year must have been paid to be eligible to vote.
SECTION 3, PROXY VOTES: absent dues-paid Members may designate another member to cast his/her vote, at the December Meeting. The absent Member designating the person to vote for
him/her will provide a note, e-mail, or letter to the Board (through the Commodore), designating his/her proxy votes).
SECTION 4, RESULTS: The results of the election for each Officer shall be announced immediately and all Club properties shall be transferred to the appropriate newly elected officers at or as soon as feasible following the final scheduled General Club Meeting of each year.
SECTION 1, COMMODORE: The Commodore shall preside at all Club Meetings and appoint and prescribe duties of appointed Officers and any committees deemed necessary to carry out Club functions. The Commodore shall be the club’s representative in all matters with pond owners, other clubs, and for major events (other than regularly scheduled race days) run by the club.
SECTION 2, VICE-COMMODORE: The Vice-Commodore shall carry out all duties of the Commodore in his/her absence. The Vice-Commodore shall be Chairman of any standing or Ad Hoc committees, and in addition shall be mentor to all appointed Officers.Beginning January 1 2013: The Vice-Commodore shall be to appoint and work with a Regatta Manager for the club’s annual regatta(s)- to include the Open Regatta, and any Regional Regattas, as applicable.
SECTION 3, SECRETARY-TREASURER: The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes of all meetings and attend to all Club correspondence. He/she shall keep an attendance record of members at each meeting, and shall notify those members delinquent in his/her dues. Records of all minutes shall be maintained and minutes of the previous meeting shall be reported at each subsequent meeting. Minutes shall be available for posting on the Club website or Newsletter.
In addition, the Secretary-Treasurer shall keep all financial records and receive all funds, maintain the Club funds and bank account and sign all disbursements. He/she shall furnish a monthly financial report. He/she shall notify the Secretary of all dues delinquencies. Specific disbursement of funds exceeding $25.00 shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors at Board Meeting(s) or via e-Mail.
AMYA liaison will be the Secretary-Treasurer.
SECTION 4,SAILING DIRECTOR: The Sailing Director is responsible for all Club Racing activities (not for Open and other regattas). Specific duties include:
- Serves as a non-voting Member on the Board of Directors.
- Appoints and schedules Race Directors (RDs) for applicable club racing events.
- Organizes training sessions for the job of RD, as needed.
- Forms and chairs Protest Committees. The SD will remove him/herself from Protest Hearings where he/she is involved as a protester/protestee, or witness.
- Solicits input from Club Members regarding the club's racing program(s), then develops an annual program plan of racing activities and events. The annual program outline is to be presented to the Board for approval, or disapproval and reference back to the Sailing Director for modification no later than March 15 of each year.
- Develops and maintains WRMYC Notices of Race (NOR's) and Sailing Instructions (SI's) for club racing programs.
- Has overall responsibility for scoring. Appoints a reliable scorer, follows up for timely release of results, and spot-checks accuracy.
- Responsible to see that racing results are kept in more than one secure location so as not to be lost, negating part of a season's results.
- In consult with the Commodore, appoints the Technical Director and oversees annual measurement of the club's fleet.
- Responsible for determining the type and depth of award places to be presented; this information is part of the sailing program outline presented to the Board by March 15 each year. Procures awards within a budget established by the Board at the meeting above.
- Recommends club racing equipment purchases to the Board (over $25 and less than $ 600).
- Responsible for maintenance, and setting up marks and other club racing equipment.
- Organizes training programs regarding racing tactics, Racing Rules of Sailing, etc.
- Consults (with the Vice Commodore and the Regatta Manager) on the conduct of the racing aspect of regattas, such as Open Regattas, Regionals, Nationals, etc, as appropriate.
- Maintains a working relationship with other model yacht clubs and their racing programs, so as to give WRMYC the benefit of exposure to other methods of running racing programs, and give Club Members information regarding available regattas.
- Daily racing program SD duties:
1. The Sailing Director (SD) should arrive at the sailing location at least one hour before scheduled start time to assist the RD in setting up the course and equipment. The SD shall assist the weekly RD in the pre-race briefing five to ten minutes prior to start time.
2. The SD will advise the RD, if needed, in decisions such as course changes, cancellations, “holds” etc.