
Botswana is a landlocked country in Southern Africa bordered by South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Most of the land is semi-desert and arid, except for the lush oasis of the Okavango Delta and the Linyanti river systems in the north of the country.

Formerly known as the British protectorate of Bechuanaland, Botswana has a stable and dependable economy, built largely on the mining of substantial diamond deposits. Tourism forms another key sector, especially as government has focussed on a low volume – high delivery tourism market. Most of the population is concentrated in the eastern part of the country. It has the highest per capita income of any country in Africa and a well –educated population of around 1.6 million people.

History of Botswana

Hunters traders and missionaries started arriving in Botswana in 1806. The industrial revolution in Europe had created a need for new markets and raw materials. This precipitated a later rush for Africa from traders seeking concessions for their governments. Moreover, the gun - a new method for hunting - had been introduced to Botswana, who’s indigenous Tswana peoples realised the value and power of firearms after a handful of Boers had been able to rout the Ndebele tribe in the 1830s.

Even the best hunters struggled to make a living in South Africa, the game having been depleted. They turned their attention to the unexplored north. The game soon dwindled, unable to withstand the relentless slaughter.

Missionaries were to play a major role in the lives of the Tswana peoples, acting as mediators in disputes with other white men and bringing a religion to the country which today is central to many Botswanan’s lives.

In 1836, some 20,000 Boers left the Cape to avoid British officialdom and settled in the land north of the VaalRiver. Helped by the Tswana they resisted and defeated Mzilikazi's Ndebele, and laid claim to the land. However it was traditional Botswana territory. They had been uprooted by Mzilikazi, who regarded it as his. After the Boers had driven off Mzilikazi, the Tswana found that the land they had previously occupied was no longer theirs and were only allowed to stay on as labourers on the Boer farms. This set the scene for land clashes between the Boers and Tswanas. As a result of constant raids and Boer expansion, the locals came to hate and fear them and turned to the British, whom they considered the lesser of two evils.

Southern Africa had been a troublesome region for the British. Wars against the indigenous people and squabbles with the Boers were costing them money and prestige. Britain had no desire to further increase their commitment in the area. The Germans on the other hand, however, were set to establish themselves in Namibia and the fear existed that they would cast their eyes eastward, blocking the road to promising Ndebele concessions in Zimbabwe. Reluctantly, Britain decided to annex yet another vast area; this time at minimal cost.

In March 1885, a Brimsa protectorate was declared over Bechuanaland and the borders of present day Botswana were thus defined. The area to the south of Molopo river, part of the present day northern Cape region, became a Crown colony and was known as British Bechuanaland. The area to north, present day Botswana, was to remain largely independent but under protection from the Boers in the south and the Ndebele in the north-east. Cecil John Rhodes, chairman of the British South Africa Company (BSAC), was determined to include the Bechuanaland protectorate into Rhodesia and manoeuvred himself into position for the takeover of the protectorate. Britain was ready to hand over the protectorate to Rhodes when Chiefs Khama, Bathoen and Sebele went to England to plead their case. Their distrust of Rhodes was deep, following clashes Khama had with him when the two had allied against the Ndebele. The harsh treatment of those living in Rhodesia increased their efforts to keep their land out of his control. In their negotiations they managed to persuade the colonial secretary to keep their three reserved territories under crown protection. It was the British government intention though, to cede the Kalahari and the proposed railway strip running up the eastern region (to Rhodesia) to the BSAC, but even this concession to Rhodes aspirations was shortly withdrawn (after the Jameson raid).

The chiefs triumphal return was followed a month later on 29 December by the Jameson Raid - an ill-timed and poorly executed plan by Rhodes to overthrow the Boers in the Transvaal republic. Dr Jameson a trusted confident of Rhodes, launched the raid with the intention of causing an uprising by the non-Boers in the TransvaalRepublic. Jameson and his party were captured by president Kruger's commandos before they reached Johannesburg and Rhodes, quite rightly, received much of the blame, which effectively ended his expansion plans.

The British continued to administer the Protectorate for the next 70 years - years of slow progress against the background of security and peace. Sir Charles Rey was among several notable administrators of this period. A vibrant go-getter, he introduced dramatic changes in many areas. He increased the power of the administration and appointed an economic consultant, who proposed various surveys which were aimed at improving the cattle ranching industry and moving the Capital to within the Protectorate’s borders.

Rey fought vigorously for increased finance and eventually succeeded. In eight years, he more than doubled the school attendance, increased expenditure twofold, raised attendance at out-patient hospitals by more than eight and improved the infrastructure in all areas. He was also the first to propose that a national park be established in the Chobe region. Some twenty years were to elapse before a similar infusion of funds and drive occurred.

By 1955, British policy had begun to alter course considerably. Plans were made for independence for the protectorate, and legislation was passed to effect this. The protectorate was granted internal self government in 1965 and the republic of Botswana became completely independent on 30 September 1966, under the new president, Sir Seretse Khama.


Botswana epitomises Africa - untamed, vast expanses of pristine wilderness, teeming with wildlife, alive with expectancy.

The magnificent Okavango Delta, the Linyanti and Kwando river systems and neighbouring ChobeNational Park form the nucleus of this ultimate African safari destination, where great herds of grazers and browsers, followed by predators roam between the red sands of the Kalahari – home to the San Bushmen.

Also worth visiting are the searing thirst lands of the Makgadikgadi Pans - a unique range of ecosystems in which bird, plant and animal life abound, and the Central Kalahari.Botswanais a land locked country, dominated in geographical terms by the Kalahari Desert; however it is probably more famous for its safari tours in the spectacular inland Okavango Delta. Botswana safaris offer travellers truly amazing and diverse experiences in pristine environments.

Explore the fascinating deserts, wetlands, savannahs, the delta and wildlife-packed game reserves. Exhilarating game drives, night drives and walking safaris enable you to see magnificent African wildlife at close, yet safe range. Botswana prides itself of low volumes and high returns. An African safari is truly an unforgettable experience - an event which captures the imagination and evokes noble ideals of an era of exploration and discovery. Almost every safari experience you have ever dreamed about can come true in Botswana. You can fly, drive, walk with Bushmen, glide past Hippos in a dug-out canoe, horse ride or wade through the delta on the back of an elephant. You can even swim in it (if you dare!).

Botswana is renowned for understatedly stylish accommodation in the Wildlife Reserve areas. They range from tented sites, to established camps with permanently tented camps, to chalets built from reeds or brick. Throughout Botswana, camps are sited at prime locations and strive to achieve the perfect balance between comfort and ambiance with the enjoyment of the natural bush. After your evening game-drive, enjoy a delicious alfresco banquet of Pan- African cuisine in the boma (outdoor) illuminated by dozens of candles and lanterns. Alternatively, your private deck provides a romantic setting for intimate candlelit dinners.



Private Bag X 1, Postnet 456, JukskeiPark, 2153, South Africa

Tel: int’l + 27 11 462 4521 Fax: int’l + 27 11 462 4547 Cell: int’l + 27 82 392 1034