ThinkFun Game Night

Planning Checklist and Suggested Timeline

All resources available online:

4 Weeks before Game Night

Choose a date, time, and location for your event.

Popular times are Thursday/Friday evenings or Saturday during the day.2 hours is an ideal amount of time to plan for this event.

Choose a location that holds several tables for game play (cafeterias, gyms, libraries, outdoor spaces with tables, etc.)

Secure parent/teacher volunteers (aim for at least 4-6)

1-2 volunteers should be tasked to take orders

2-4 volunteers should circulate to explain game rules, answer questions, etc.

1 volunteer to manage the Giving Tree if you choose to incorporate this

Advertise the upcoming event!

ThinkFun provides posters, flyers, PA announcementscripts, and email templates.

Encourage students to create posters drumming up excitement, and post announcements in newsletters.

3 Weeks before Game Night

Prepare your games:Plan to have at least 1 game per family

Order at least one ThinkFundraiser Kit which contains demo versions of the 10 games available for purchase. Contact Customer Service at o order. Free printable tent cards are available for these games.

ThinkFun offers free printable games to add more free fun to your event. Laminateif possible and gather game tokens (penny-sized tokens in two colors/shapes: dried pasta, beans, and plastic counters work well).

Prepare for sales:

Contact Customer Service at for a Master Order Form. This is the form you will use to compile orders AFTER your fundraiser ends. This form computes shipping costs and calculates the 40% discount.

Print order forms for families to use at the event.

Decide what forms of payment to accept (checks, cash, etc.)

2 Weeks before Game Night

Send out email reminders and include event details in school newsletters.

Print instructions for all games you plan to use as demos.

If using a Giving Tree, ask teachers to submit their classroom game “wish lists.” Create your Giving Tree and Donation Apples.

1 Week before Game Night

Send out an email reminder to parents a few days prior to Game Night.

Provide instructions to volunteers so they can familiarize themselves with game rules

Make copies of individual order forms. Explain the ordering process to volunteers and ask them to familiarize themselves with the forms.

If accepting cash, visit the bank to make sure you’ve got small bills and change on hand.

Day of Game Night

Allow at least one hour for set-up.

Set out games on tables and place printed instructions next to games.

Set up the Game Order system, either at a single station or equip roaming volunteers with clipboards and order forms.

Set up the Giving Tree and area for Apple sales if you choose to include this.

Once Game Night ends

Clean up and storage: Count pieces and ensure games are complete before storing.

Compile and record all Teacher Wish List apples/donated funds from the Giving Tree.

Compile all orders onto the Master Order Form. Include any games you wish to purchase for your school using your profits and all games donated from the Giving Tree.

Submit your payment and Master Order Formto ThinkFun Customer Service at or fax to (703) 549-6210. Your games will arrive in about a week packaged together!

Use your order records to distribute games to classrooms, or contact parents to pick games up from the school.