20 hours free (mornings only)
Please complete and return one registration formand send it to your first choice nursery school.
Nursery e-mail addresses are available . School addresses are available from gov.je .
All children can apply for a States’ nursery place. However if nurseries are oversubscribed the criteria used is as follows:
1. Children suspected of being at risk
2. Children with social, educational, physical or emotional needs (e.g. medical conditions, disability orhealth needs)
3. Children from families with particular needs (e.g. siblings with special needs, multiple births, parentalillness, night shift workers)
4. Children with brothers or sisters at the school
5. Time between date of birth and date of application.
If you wish to be considered for a place under priorities 1 – 3 you will be asked toprovide evidence from a professional (Doctor, Employer etc) in the Autumn term before your child starts nursery. You will be given the option of buying extra hours once places are allocated.
Child’s Legal Name
(as per birth certificate)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) / BoyGirl
Parent 1 / Contact
Tel. Number
Parent 2 / Contact
Mobile No.
Stepfather / Foster Parent / Guardian / Contact
Work No.
E-mail address
Does your child have brother (s) and / or sister (s)? Yes No
Brother’s / Sister’s name / Date of Birth / Year Group / School Name
Please provide your address / Nursery school preferences
1.SelectBel Royald'AuvergneFirst TowerGrands VauxGrouvilleJanvrinLa MoyeMont NicollePlat DouetRouge BouillonSamaresSt ClementSt JohnSt LawrenceSt MartinSt PeterSt SaviourSpringfieldTrinity
2.SelectBel Royald'AuvergneFirst TowerGrands VauxGrouvilleJanvrinLa MoyeMont NicollePlat DouetRouge BouillonSamaresSt ClementSt JohnSt LawrenceSt MartinSt PeterSt SaviourSpringfieldTrinity
3.SelectBel Royald'AuvergneFirst TowerGrands VauxGrouvilleJanvrinLa MoyeMont NicollePlat DouetRouge BouillonSamaresSt ClementSt JohnSt LawrenceSt MartinSt PeterSt SaviourSpringfieldTrinity
We recommend that you apply to your catchment school nursery.However for most parents’ nursery places are allocated based on date of application so you may apply to any nursery that you like. Please be aware that admission to the nursery class does not guarantee a place in the reception class of the school.
To be completed by schools
Original date of application
Year of entry
Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005 - The information you provide will be used in line with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005 for the allocation of places at educational establishments. Information may be shared with relevant agencies providing support