Citizenship:UK, US (Dual Citizenship)

Present Positions:Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Sociology, UCLA,

268 Haines Hall, Box 951551, Los Angeles, California 90095-1551

Tel: (310) 825-1822. Fax: (310) 206-9838. E-mail:


2010-Honorary Professor, University of Cambridge

2003-2007Visiting Research Professor, Queens University, Belfast,

Degrees, Diploma

2009Hon. D. Litt., University of the Aegean

1998Hon. D. Litt., McGill University

1971D. Phil. in Sociology, Oxford University.

1964Diploma in Public & Social Administration, Oxford University.

1963B.A. Honors, Modern History, Oxford University.

LanguagesFrench, basic reading German and Spanish.

Previous Positions

(2004-05)Visiting Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions, University of Cambridge

(1995-97)Visiting Professor, Birkbeck College, University of London.

(1992-93)Visiting Professor, Instituto Juan March, Madrid.

Since 1987Professor of Sociology, UCLA

1977-87Reader in Sociology, London School of Economics

(1974-75)Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Yale University

1971-77Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Essex University.

1967-71Research Officer in the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge.

1964-67Research Officer in the Department of Social and Administrative Studies, Oxford University.

Research Grants, Fellowships, Honors

2015 Elected Member of the American Academy

2015Elected Fellow of the British Academy

2009Received Honorary Professorship, University of Cambridge.

2009Received Honorary D. Litt., University of the Aegean, Greece.

2006 The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing received the Barrington Moore Award of the American Sociological Association for the best book in comparative and historical sociology published in 2005.

2004Incoherent Empire received the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Prize for the best book on politics published in Germany in 2003.

1990-2002UCLA Senate Research Grants

1998Hon. D. Litt., McGill University, Montreal.

1995-96, 99-01Research supported by Center of German and European Studies, UC Berkeley.

1995Received Honorary Fellowship, University of Leiden.

1994Received Gold Medal of the University of Helsinki.

1990Elected as Eligible Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Science, Palo Alto.

1989Elected to US Sociological Research Association.

1988Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award of the American Sociological Association; and Honorable Mention (second place) in the Amalfi Prize for the best Social Science book published in Europe - both for The Sources of Social Power. Volume I.

1984-85UK Nuffield Foundation Fellowship to work on Vol. II of Sources.

1980-81Personal Research Grant, UK Social Science Research Council to work on Volume I of The Sources of Social Power.

1968-70Research supported by UK Engineering Employers Federation and UK Social Science Research Council.

1966-67Research supported wholly by US Social Science Research Council.

1964-66Research supported wholly by General Foods Corporation.

List of Books:

(1) The Sources of Social Power, Vol IV: Globalizations. Cambridge University Press, 2013, 492pp.

(2) The Sources of Social Power, Vol III: Global Empires and Revolution 1890-1945. Cambridge University Press, 2012, 510pp.

(3) Power in the 21st Century. Michael Mann in Conversations with John A. Hall. Cambridge: Polity

Press, 2011

(4) The Dark-Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing. Cambridge University Press, 2005, 580 pp. Awarded the Barrington Moore Award of the American Sociological Association for the best book in comparative and historical sociology for 2006. Translated into German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Turkish.

(5)Fascists Cambridge University Press, 2004, 429pp. Translated into Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, forthcoming in German..

(6)Incoherent Empire, London/New York: Verso Books/ Norton, 2003, 256pp Translated into German, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean. The German edition won the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Prize for the best book on politics published in 2003. Second English edition, with a new preface, published 2005.

(7)The Sources of Social Power Volume II: The Rise of Classes and Nation-States, 1760 -1914. Cambridge University Press, 1993. 830 pages. Translated into German, Spanish, Greek,Turkish, Japanese and Chinese.

(8)States, War and Capitalism, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988. 240 pp. A collection of my essays, some published, with new Introduction, pp vii-xiii, and new essay “The Decline of Great Britain”. pp 210-37.

(9)The Sources of Social Power, Volume I: A History of Power from the Beginning to 1760 A.D. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986). 540pp. Translated into German, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

(10)Rosemary Crompton and Michael Mann, Gender and Stratification, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1986, containing a co-authored Introduction pp 1-10, and my essay A crisis in stratification theory? Persons, Households/Families/Lineages, Genders, Classes and Nations. pp 40-56.

(11)A Student Encyclopedia of Sociology (London, MacMillan, 1983). Editor, and writer of about 20 entries.

(12)R.M. Blackburn and Michael Mann, The Working Class in the Labour Market (London: MacMillan, 1979). Translated into Italian. 369pp.

(13)Consciousness and Action in the Western Working Class (London: MacMillan, 1973). Also translated into Dutch, and banned in South Africa during the 1970s. 80pp.

(14)Workers on the Move: The Sociology of Relocation (Cambridge University Press, 1973). 256pp.

List of Articles and Chapters: (excludes book reviews, occasional journalism etc.)

(1) “The End May be High, But For Whom?” plus co-author of “Collective Introduction” and “Collective Conclusion” in Immanuel Wallerstein, Randall Collins, Michael Mann, Georgi Derlugian, and Craig Calhoun, Does Capitalism Have a Future? Oxford University Press, 2013. Translated into French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese.

(2) “The role of nationalism in two world wars”, in John Hall and Sinisa Malesevic (eds.) War and Nationalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp 172-196.

(3) “The Rise and Fall of Neo-Liberalism” in S. Koniordos, and N. Fotopoulos (eds.), Poverty, Unemployment and Education in a Globalised Context. Athens: KANEP/GSEE, 2010 (in Greek).

(4) “Family Resemblances, Review Essay of Peter Baldwin”, The Narcissism of Minor Differences. New Left Review 63, May-June 2010.

(5) “Explaining the world as a system: can it be done?”, British Journal of Sociology, 2010.

(6) “Imperialisme economique et imperialisme militaire americains. Un renforcement mutuel?, Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales”, 171-172, Mars 2008. English version Recent American economic and military imperialism: are they connected?, in George Steinmetz (ed.), Sociology and Empire, Duke University Press, 2009.

(7) “Infrastructural power revisited”, Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol. 43, 2008.

(8) (with Dylan Riley) “Explaining Macro-Regional Trends in Global Income Inequalities”, 1950-2000,

Socio-Economic Review 2007: Vol 5, pp 81-115.

(9) “Predation and production in European imperialism”, in Sinisa Malesevic & Mark Haugaard (eds.), Ernest Gellner and Contemporary Social Thought. Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp 50-74.

(10)“The Sources of Social Power revisited: a response to criticism”, in John Hall & Ralph Schroeder (eds.), The Anatomy of Power: The Social Theory of Michael Mann. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

(11)“Globalization, Macro-Regions and Nation-States”, in Gunilla-Friederike Budde et. al (eds.), Transnationale Geschichte. Themen, Tendenzen, Theorien (essays in honor of Juergen Kocka). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006.

(12 “Debate with Patrick O’Brien, including my “Putting the Weberian State in its social, geopolitical and militaristic context”, a response to Patrick O’Brien, Journal of Historical Sociology, Vol 19, 2006, pp 344-53.

(13) “American Empires: Past and Present”, Canadian Review of Sociology, Feb 1, 2008 (online

journal)., earlier version given as the 37th Annual Sorokin Lecture, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 2006.

(14)“Interview and Forum on the Work of Michael Mann”, including my “Empires and European Miracles: A Response”, Millennium, Journal of International Relations, Vol 34, No. 2, 2005, pp 476-551.

(15) “La crisis del estado-nacion en America Latina”, in Desarrollo Economico. Revista de Ciencias

Sociales, No. 174, Vol 44, Julio-Setiembre, 2004, pp 179-198 (also published in Portuguese).

(16) “The first failed empire of the twenty-first century”, in David Held & Mathias Koenig-Archibugi (eds.), American Power in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004, pp 52-82. (variant forms of this article published in The Journal of the Royal Irish Academy and Revue etudes internationales)

(17) “Globalization is, among other things, transnational, international and American”, Science and

Society, Vol 65, No. 4, Winter 2001-2002, pp 464-469 (contribution to a symposium).

(18)“Globalization and September 11”, New Left Review, No. 12, New Series, Nov-Dec 2001, pp51-72.

(19) “Explaining Murderous Ethnic Cleansing: the Macro-Level”, M. Guibernau & J. Hutchinson (eds.), Understanding Nationalism. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2001.

(20)“Democracy and Ethnic War”, Hagar, Vol 1, No. 2, 2000, pp 115-34. Longer version appears in T. Barkawi & M. Laffey (eds.), Democracy, Liberalism and War: Rethinking the Democratic Peace Debates. Boulder, Col.: Lynne Rienner Press, 2001, pp 67-86.

(21) “Were the Perpetrators of Genocide Ordinary Men or Real Nazis? Results from Fifteen Hundred Biographies”, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol 14, No. 3, Winter 2000, pp331-366.

(22)“The darkside of democracy: the modern tradition of ethnic and political cleansing”, New Left

Review, No. 235, May-June 1999, pp 18-45.

(23)“Is there a society called Euro?”, in Roland Axtmann (ed.), Globalisation and Europe. Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. London: Cassell/Pinter, 1998, pp184-207.

(24)“Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state?”, Review of International Political Economy, Vol 4, May 1997, 26pp. German version in Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol 27, No. 1, March 1997; Danish version in A. Berg-Sorensen (ed) State, Society and Ideology, Roskilde University Press, 1997.

(25)“Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state?”, Review of International Political Economy, Vol 4, May 1997, 26pp. German version in Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol 27, No. 1, March 1997; Danish version in A. Berg-Sorensen (ed) State, Society and Ideology, Roskilde University Press, 1997.

(26) “Neither nation-states nor globalism” (a reply to Peter Taylor's Embedded statism and the social

sciences: opening up to new spaces), Environment and Planning A, Vol 28, 1996, pp 1960-1964.

(27) “Authoritarian and Liberal Militarism: A Contribution from Comparative and Historical Sociology” in S. Smith, K. Booth & M. Zelewski (eds.), International Theory: Positivism and Beyond Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp 221-239.

(28)As the 20th Century Ages (review essay of Hobsbawm's The Age of Extremes), New Left Review, No. 214. Nov-Dec 1995, pp 104-124. Translated into Swedish.

(29)“Sources of Variation in Working Class Movements in 20th Century Europe”, New Left Review, No 21, July-August 1995, pp 14-54. Spanish version in Estudios Sociológicos, Vol 15, 1997.

(30)“A political theory of nationalism and its excesses”, in S. Periwal (ed), Notions of Nationalism. Budapest, London & New York: Central European University, 1995, pp44-64. Spanish version: El nacionalismo y su excesos: una teoría política, Debats, No. 50, Dec. 1994.

(31)Rosemary Crompton and Michael Mann “A New Introduction”, 1994 in Gender and Stratification, 2nd edition. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994. pp vii-xxiv.

(32) “In praise of macro-sociology”, a reply to Goldthorpe, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 45, 1994. pp 39-52.

(33)“Nation-states in Europe and other continents: diversifying, developing, not dying”, Daedalus, Vol. 122, No. 3, Summer 1993, pp 115-140p.

(34)Anne Kane and Michael Mann, “Class struggle and agrarian politics in Europe and America at the beginning of the 20th century”, Social Science History, Vol 16 1992. pp 421-454.

(35)“After which socialism?”, a response to Chirot's After Socialism, What?, Contention, Vol. 1, 1992, 10pp.

(36)“The Emergence of Modern European Nationalism”, in John A. Hall & I.C. Jarvie (eds), Transition to Modernity: Essays on Power, Wealth and Belief. Cambridge University Press, 1992. pp 137-166. Reprinted twice.

(37)Editor of The Rise and Decline of the Nation-State, containing my Introduction Empires with Ends, pp 1-11. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, November 1990.

(38)Socialism Can Survive: Social Change and the Labour Party, London: Fabian Society, Tract No. 502, 1985. 21 pp.

(39)“The Autonomous Power of the State: its Nature, Causes and Consequences” in Archives Europeennes de Sociologie Vol. 25, 1984.pp 185-213. Reprinted in six collections.

(40)“Capitalism and Militarism” in M. Shaw (ed.) War, State and Society (London: MacMillan, 1984). pp 25-46.

(41)“Nationalism and Internationalism in Economic and Defence Policies” in J.A.G. Griffiths (ed.) Socialism in a Cold Climate (London: Allen and Unwin, 1983). pp 184-206.

(42)“Socio-Logic”, Sociology, Vol. 15, 1981. pp 544-50.

(43)“The Pre-Industrial State: A Review Article” in Political Studies, Vol. 28, 1980. pp 297-304.

(44) “State and Society”, 1130-1815: An Analysis of English State Finances in M. Zeitlin (ed.) Political Power and Social Theory, Vol. 1 (Greenwich, Connecticut, JAI Press, 1979). pp 165-205.

(45)“Idealism and Materialism in Sociological Theory” in J.W. Freiberg Critical Sociology (New York, Irvington Publishers, 1979). pp 97-120.

(46)“States, Ancient and Modern”, Archives Europennes de Sociologie, Vol. 18, 1977. Reprinted in three edited collections. pp 262-98.

(47)“The Ideology of Intellectuals and Other People in the Development of Capitalism in Leon N. Lindberg, Robert Alford, Colin Crouch, Claus Offe”, Stress and Contradiction in Modern Capitalism (Lexington, Mass: D.C. Heath, 1975). pp 275-307.

(48)R.M. Blackburn and Michael Mann, “The Ideologies of Non-skilled Industrial Workers” in M. Bulmer (ed.) Workers' Images of Society (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1975). pp 131-161.

(49) “The Social Cohesion of Liberal Democracy”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 35, 1970. pp 423-439. Reprinted in four edited collections.