at SE, a.s. for the entry permitting process
CPEM- contractor management and entry permitting
Personal number assigned: [1])
Applicant / SE, a.s. Contract Manager
Name and surname of the Applicant / Vladimir Poláček
Personal No.: / 31207121 / Applicant’s signature: / ------
Person entering:
Name: / Birth ID number:
Surname: / Gender: / Male / Female [2])
Degree: / Citizenship:
Date of birth: / ID Card / Passport No.:
Declaration of the person entering the premises:
Pursuant to Art. 11 of Act No. 122/2013 Coll. on Personal Data Protection as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Act") I, having added my signature, in my free will grant a consent for the processing of my personal data which I have provided by means of the present application to Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (hereinafter referred to as the “SE, a. s.”).
Personal data shall be processed in the CPEM database exclusively for the purposes of controlling and managing the entries and movement of persons in the premises of SE, a.s. The personal data shall be only accessed by authorised persons, employees of SE, a.s. and employees of companies providing for the operation of the information technologies behind the CPEM application, complying with the requirements of the Act.
The aforesaid granted consent for personal data processing can be recalled should it be proved that the respective provisions of the Act had been breached. The consent for personal data processing can be also recalled while the contractual relationship is still valid, however that will mean the prohibition of entry into the premises of SE, a.s.
Site: SE-EBO / On: / ------
signature of the person entering
Information about the employer
Company ID No.: / Town:
Business name: / Postal Code:
Street, No.: / Country:
Information about the contractor
Relationship of the person entering the premises to the contractor of SE: / Employee / Sub-contractor 2)
SAP ID of the contractor:
Business name of the contractor:
Email of the contractor:
Data confirmation (signature and the stamp of the contractor)
[1] ) To be completed by the Physical Protection staff after having processed the record and assigned a personal number in the RDPV information system.
[2] ) Delete where not applicable