APA Style Sheet -- Complete Edition

Department of English, University of Nouakchott

Revised Nov. 2007, by Mrs. L. Green

Sample Works Cited Entries

Note: in typed documents, put titles in italics. When you are handwriting, underline titles.

1. Books

Printed Book – One Author

Kaku, M. (1994). Hyperspace: A scientific odyssey through parallel universes, time warps, and the tenth dimension. New York: Oxford University Press.

Smith, J., Snider, B., & Hill, D. (2005). A study of physics. New York: McGraw Hill.

Printed Book – Two to six Authors

Kerrigan, P., & Smith, G. (1989). The idea of the Renaissance. New York: Knopf.

Printed Book -- More than six Authors

Smith, J., et al. (2004). Serious thoughts on Plagiarism. Toronto: Macmillan.

Printed Book – Edited book

Colman, A. M. (Ed.). (1994). Companion encyclopedia of psychology. London:


Chapter in a book, poem or short story in an anthology

Goodman, E. (2004). Cloning may not be enough to save endangered species.

In L.I. Gerdes (Ed.), Genetic engineering: Opposing viewpoints (pp. 76-

79). San Diego: Greenhaven Press.

Introduction or Preface to a Book

Palmer, P. (1970). Preface. In McCourt, E., The Canadian West in Fiction (pp. v. – vi). Toronto: Ryerson Press.

Revised Edition -- Include (Rev. ed.) after the title, before the period.

Smith, J. (2005). Social research methods (Rev. ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

Multivolume Edited Work -- Include date range and volume numbers.

Smith, J. (Ed.). (1995-2004). A study of physics. (Vols. 1-5). New York: McGraw Hill.

Non-English Book -- If using original non-English book, cite original version. Give English book title in brackets after original title.

Smith, J. (2004). La locomotion des fourmis rouges [Red ants and locomotion]. Paris: Presses de France.

English Translation of Book -- If using an English translation, include translators' names in parentheses after title and original publication date after publisher name.

Smith, J. (2004). Social research methods (G.F. Davis & S. Green, Trans.). New York: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1983)

Book with an editor or translator -- use for biographies, for example, when someone “helps” the person write their story.

Franklin, B. (2003). The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. (L. Labaree & R. Ketcham, Eds.). New Haven: Yale University Press.

Dörner, D. (1996). The logic of failure: Recognizing and avoiding error in complex situations. (R. Kimber, Trans.). New York: Perseus Books. (Original work published 1989).

Tip: Note that when citing a translation, the date of publication in the original language is included at the end of the citation.

Chapter in Volume in Series -- Give series editor, then volume editor. Give series name and volume name in book title.

Smith, J. (2005). Social research methods. In G.F. Davis (Series Ed.) & S. Green (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of Social Research: Vol. 2. Research methods (pp. 2-58). New York: Prentice Hall.

2. Articles from an Encyclopedia

Major Encyclopedias -- Do not list the editors for major encyclopedias

**Look for the author of an article at the END of the article.

Entry in Encyclopedia or Dictionary WITH author -- Include volume and page numbers in parentheses.

Smith, J. (2004). Hypertension. In The encyclopedia of medical terms. (Vol. 3, pp. 102-104). New York: Prentice Hall

Bergmann, P.G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica

(Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.

Encyclopedia entries WITHOUT author:

North Pole. (1996). In The encyclopedia Americana (Vol.20, p. 449).

Danbury, CT: Grolier, Inc.

Encyclopedia or Dictionary (when referring to the WHOLE encyclopedia, rather than to one article) -- Include edition and volume numbers in parentheses.

Smith, J. (Ed.). (2004). The encyclopedia of medical terms. (4th ed., Vols. 2-6). New York: Prentice Hall.

If there are more than 3 editors, use “et. al.”

Smith, J., et. al. (Eds.). (2004). The encyclopedia of medical terms. (4th ed., Vols. 2-6). New York: Prentice Hall.

3. Poetry -- How do I cite a poem?

The Tricky Part: Original or reprinted?

In order to cite a poem, you must decide if it was originally written for the anthology or collection, or if it has been reprinted from a previously published book.

How can I tell if it's original or reprinted?

Test #1: Look for a list of "Permissions," "Copyright Credits" or "Acknowledgements" at the front or back of the book, or even a copyright credit on the same page as the poem. Since an editor of an anthology must obtain permission from the copyright owner to reprint a poem, if you find a credit statement, you have a reprinted poem.

Test #2: The title of the anthology indicates that the poem is new or reprinted.

· Heart to Heart: New Poems Inspired by Twentieth-Century American Art edited by Jan Greenberg. (original poems)

· The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens. (reprinted poems)

Test #3: A preface or introduction explains how the poems were collected or created.

I. An original poem -- This is the first time a poem has been published

Author of poem. (date of publishing). Name of poem. In Editor’s name, Title of book (p. 12). Place of publishing: Publishing company.

A. Citing an original poem in an anthology of multiple authors

Katz, B. (2001). Lessons from a painting by Rothco. In J. Greenberg (Ed.), Heart to heart: New poems inspired by twentieth-century American art (p. 55). New York: Harry N Abrams.

B. Citing an original poem in a collection by a single author

Oliver, M. (1992). When death comes. In New and selected poems (pp. 10-11). Boston: Beacon.

II. A reprinted poem -- This is when a poem has been re-published a number of years after it was first published.

A. Citing a reprinted poem in an anthology of multiple authors

Levertov, D. (1996). Witness. In C. Milosez (Ed.), A book of luminous things: An international anthology of poetry (p. 72). New York: Harcourt Brace. (Reprinted from Evening train, 1992, New York: New Directions)

B. Citing a collection of reprinted poems by a single author

Stevens, W. (1961). The collected poems of Wallace Stevens (pp. 92-95). New York: Alfred A. Knopf. (Reprinted from Harmonium, 1937, New York: Alfred A. Knopf)

4. Magazines, newspapers, brochures, journals, periodicals

Article in journals, magazines, and newspapers.

Smith, J. (2005). New Research on Reference Lists. Journal of Reference Research, 105(5), pp. 205-15.

Article without an author:

New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart failure. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, p. A12.

Journal Article Paginated by Issue -- Include the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number.

Smith, J. (2005). New research on reference lists. Journal of Reference Research, 105(4), 5-15.

Non-English Journal Article -- If using original non-English article, cite original version. Give English article title in brackets after original title.

Smith, J. (2004). La locomotion des fourmis rouges [Red ants and locomotion]. Biologie, 105, 312-335.

English Translation of Journal Article -- If using an English translation, cite this translation and give only English article title.

Smith, J. (2004). Red ants and locomotion. Biologie, 105, 312-335.

Brochure -- Add [Brochure] after title, before period.

Smith, J. (2005). Social research methods [Brochure]. New York: McGraw Hill.

Journal Article in Press (not yet published) -- Use (in press) for date.

Smith, J. (in press). New research on reference lists. Journal of Reference Research.

Newsletter Article -- Give the date as it appears on the issue.

Smith, J. (1998, Spring). New research on reference lists. Journal of Reference Research, 105, 205-215.

Issue or Special Section of Journal

Smith, J. (Ed.). (2005). New research on reference lists [Special issue]. Journal of Reference Research, 105(4).

Article with Issue and Serial/Whole Number

Smith, J. (2005). New research on reference lists. Journal of Reference Research, 105(4, Serial No. 258).

Government publication:

National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Abstract as Original Source

Smith, J. (2005). New research on reference lists [Abstract]. Society for Research Abstracts, 105, 390.

Abstract from Secondary Source

Smith, J. (2004/2005). New research on reference lists. Journal of Reference Research, 105, 6-12. Abstract obtained from PsychData: Psychology, 2005, 3, Abstract No. 411.


Smith, J. A. (2005). Global warming and air pollution (Research Department Rep. No. 68-3). London: National Institute of Research.

Published and Authored by Organization -- If report is published by an organization and has no individual authors, use the organization's name in the author position and use Location: "Author." for publishing information.

National Institute of Research. (2005). New research on reference lists (Research Department Rep. No. 68-3). London: Author.

Report in Edited Collection -- Give the report title and the title of the collection. Give report number and page numbers in parentheses after the title of the collection.

Smith, J. (2005). New research on reference lists. In K. Green (Ed.), Reports on reference research (Research Department Rep. No. 68-3, pp. 104-112). London: National Institute of Research.

Published Dissertation --Dissertations consist of master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

Smith, J. (2003). Atoms and molecules. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58 (02), 487A.

Smith, J. (2004). Reference lists and research. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58(02), 487A. (UMI No. 4319248)

Smith, J. (2004). Reference lists and research (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, 2005). Dissertation Abstracts International, 58(02), 487A.

Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis -- Add "Unpublished doctoral dissertation," or "Unpublished master's thesis," before university name.

Smith, J. (2004). Reference lists and research. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Toronto, 2005.


Smith, J. (2002). Life in Milton's paradise. [Review of the book Paradise Lost]. English Literature, 23, 56-59.

Unpublished Work

Smith, J., Snider, B., & Hill, D. (2005). A study of physics. Manuscript description.

Smith, B. (2005). Chemistry today. Unpublished manuscript.

Smith, B. (2005). Chemistry today. Unpublished manuscript, McGill University.

Smith, B. (2005). Chemistry today. Manuscript submitted for publication.

5. Interviews, Media, Film

Unpublished Interview

For APA, do not cite personal communications (e.g., face-to-face interviews, telephone or e-mail interviews) in the reference list, since they are not archived, recoverable sources. Instead, use an in-text citation (with initials and surname of person being interviewed) as in these examples:

"...at her wedding R. Abilock (personal communication, April 4, 2004) discussed..."

"...he called the current economic climate uncertain (R. Abilock, personal communication, July 6, 2004)."

Published Interview

Edleman, M. W. (2004, October 21). [Interview with Tavis Smiley, host of The Tavis Smiley Show]. Marian Wright Edelman: Bush leaving kids behind. Retrieved October 24, 2004, from NPR Web site: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4120281

Unpublished Contribution to Symposium -- Give date as (year, month). Use "In" before chair name and symposium title. Say where conducted and give location.

Smith, J. (2004, April). Research on reference formats. In A.D. Green (Chair), Reference works in the twentieth century. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Congress on Reference Works, London, England.

Unpublished Paper Presented at Meeting -- Give date as (year, month). Say where presented and give location.

Smith, J. (2004, April). Research on reference formats. Paper presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for Reference Works, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Poster Session -- Give date as (year, month). Say where presented and give location.

Smith, J. (2004, April). Research on reference formats. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Canadian Association for Reference Works, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Movie, TV or Audio -- Audiovisual material includes motion pictures, television broadcasts, and music and audio recordings.

Smith, J. (Producer). (2005). Chemistry today [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures.

Motion Picture -- Instead of author, give name and function of the primary contributors to the movie. Include [Motion picture] after title, before period. Give country of origin and movie studio. If limited circulation, use "Available from" and give distributor's name and address in parentheses instead of country and studio.

Smith, J. (Producer), & Lee, R. (Director). (2005). Chemistry today [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures.

T.V. Broadcast -- Give name and function of primary contributors and broadcast date. Use [Television broadcast] after title, before period.

Smith, J. (Producer). (2005, March 12). Chemistry today [Television broadcast]. New York: WNET.

T.V. Series -- Give name and function of primary contributors and year. Use [Television series] after title, before period.

Smith, J. (Producer). (2005). Chemistry today [Television series]. New York: WNET.

Single T.V. Episode -- In author position, give names of writers then name of director. Give producer name in editor position. Use [Television series episode] after title, before period.

Smith, J. (Writer) & Jones, K. (Director). (2005). Atoms and molecules [Television series episode]. In J. Green (Producer), Chemistry today. New York: WNET.

Music Recording -- General format: Writer, A. (Date of copyright). Song title [Recorded by artist if different from writer]. On Album title [Recording medium]. Location: Label. (Recording date if different from copyright date)

Smith, J. (2003). Great song. On Amazing album [CD]. New York: Good Records.

Audio Recording -- Instead of author, give name and function of primary contributors. Give medium in brackets after title. Give medium with number in parentheses if needed for identification and retrieval.

Smith, J. (Speaker). (2003). Research in biology [Cassette Recording]. New York: Association for Biological Research.

CD Rom

Weiten, W. (2003). PsykTrek 2.0: A Multimedia Introduction to Psychology.

[Computer software]. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

6. Electronic Media

The basic format for citing an internet source (web page) is:

Note 1: Any one web site may not provide all of the listed items; use what you have.
Note 2: Begin a citation with the author's name. If no author is given, begin the citation
with the title of the web page, and list the date after it.
Note 3: If no date of publication or creation is give on the web page, use the
abbreviation (n.d.) in its place.

NOTE 4: Some encyclopedias, dictionaries, and student sources online, such as Cliffnotes and Sparknotes, Wikipedia etc., have an icon or tab that you can “click” on to find the correct APA reference for that page.

Basic Web Site

Internet page with author and dates of page given:

Warren, N. (2000). Facts about the American opossum. Retrieved August 4,

2004, from http://www.nyopossum.org/facts.htm

Smith, J. (2005). Biology Information Site. Retrieved December 5, 2005, from http://www.biology.com

Internet page with no author:

Opossum nutrition. (1998). Retrieved August 4, 2004, from http://www.


Internet page with no date (be careful! most academic website have a copyright date at the bottom: