Below is a summary of questions asked during the Prevention of Malpractice Webinar held on 24th February 2015. The responses to these questions are generic responses and centres can discuss the implementation directly with their Quality Manager.
1. Question: How could rephrasing be identified by the assessor?
CMI Response:
Rephrasing: Learner’s work contains content from another source with words changed but the content remains largely unchanged. Tutors and assessors should review learner work for consistency in language style and application of theory, changes in language style, type face or loss of flow/structure to the work and lack of application can often be signs of rephrasing.
2. Question: Excess direction from Assessors: does coaching fit in/ keen to explore the point relating to how much direction from the assessor is deemed excessive or too much.
CMI Response:
It is the Centres obligation is to take reasonable steps to prevent malpractice. Suggested mechanisms that could be employed to prevent excessive direction to learners could include:
- Induction, Training and Observation of Teaching Staff
- Formal recording of formative feedback and tutorial support e.g. tutorial record forms, learning platform dialogue, email retention, independently monitored.
- Independent Authentication of Learner work by internal verifier through sampling process – this could include monitoring of tutorial records, formative feedback and if necessary random professional discussion with learners.
- Management of Conflicts of Interest by having ‘live’ mechanisms for constantly identifying and monitoring any conflicts of interest, e.g. annual COF statement signed by tutors/assessors, review of COF at regular team meetings.
- Use and review of Learner Evaluation and feedback as a means of identifying a potential issue in relation to excessive direction.
3. Question: What is the role of the Registered Centre in terms of authenticating the work of the learners?
CMI Response:
All CMI centres have the obligation to take reasonable steps to prevent malpractice; this applies to Registered centres as well as fully approved centres. Registered centres should therefore consider all the mechanisms discussed in the webinar including review of learner work by a member of the teaching team prior to submission to CMI for marking. All centres should employ mechanisms to authenticate learner work e.g. use and recording of tutorials, professional discussions to authenticate work etc. Centres should also ensure all learners complete and sign a Statement of Authenticity.
4. Question: Do we need to use the CMI feedback forms, or will our own formative and summative feedback forms be acceptable?
CMI Response:
CMI provide Marking sheets for each unit of their core qualifications and these templates may be used to provide formative and summative feedback. However, Centres can use their own feedback forms but these should be approved by your Quality Manager to ensure the feedback provided to learners meets CMI requirements. This includes feedback being provided to the assessment criteria.
5. Question: How do we check copying from the Internet?
CMI Response: Plagiarism software is available for this purpose, however centres could also use techniques such as ‘Google’ to search for any phrases they suspect may be copied. Tutors and assessors should review learner work for consistency in language style and application of theory, changes in language style, type face or loss of flow/structure to the work and lack of application can often be signs of copying.
6. Question: Can you recommend a free plagiarism checking tool?
CMI Response: CMI is unable to recommend any plagiarism software; centres should undertake their own research.
7. Question: Are the slides available?
CMI Response: A copy of the webinar and slides from the webinar will be made available under the Learning Resources/Support Documents/Operational Documentation section of the CMI website https://www.managers.org.uk/education-providers/existing-centres/qualification-resources/support-material/available-operational-documentation