Parish Council


Monday, 20th October, 2014 at 7.15 p.m.

Venue: Parish Meeting Room, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2LR.

Present: Chairman, Cllr. A. Youel, Vice Chairman, Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey,

and Cllrs. F. Brand, C. Bryant, P. Dixon, C. Stacey, Clerk V. Furniss,

Clerical Assistant. E. Winn.


14/241 Resolution to approve apologies for absence.

Cllr. F. Brand – would be late due to work commitments

She arrived at 7.30pm.

District Cllrs. J. Baxter and J. Kilmister – Personal reasons.

Proposed: Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey Seconded: Cllr. P. Dixon

14/242 Members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda.

There were no declarations of interest.


Two residents attended. One resident raised two concerns (1) The Stile and (2) rural paths on the new Bovis estate. It was agreed that Agenda item 14/250.2 could be brought forward to discuss these topics. Regarding the Stile, the Clerk had been advised that Bovis would look into a replacement. As for the footpaths, currently only one lane from the new development to Glovers Lane will be tarmac thus providing a suitable surface for residents to travel by foot to the school or the village centre. However, Northamptonshire County Council had requested an additional tarmac footpath and this still needs addressing by Bovis.

14/244 Planning, letters, decisions and applications.

14/244.1 Decisions

S/2014/1392/FUL – 43 Midway – First floor rear extension.


S/2014/1400/FUL – 48C Main Road – New first floor extension over garage.



S/2014/1468/FUL – 23 Main Road – Replacement windows.


S/2014/1424/FUL – Oakfield house Waters Lane – Conversion of attic

roof over garage to create ancillary residential accommodation.


14/244.2 Applications


14/245 Former Prodrive Ltd Location (Acorn Way, Banbury)

Application number S/2014/0358/NA-S/2014/1678/NA

Consultation for the variation of conditions relating to planning application 13/01948/F – District Councillors - Baxter and Kilmister

Unfortunately, District Councillors Baxter and Kilmister were unable to attend. District Councillor Baxter spoke to the Chair regarding this topic before the meeting. She relayed her concerns on the proposed modifications to the Cherwell Local Plan. An objection will be raised to the proposals at a meeting on Wednesday the 22nd October 2014. Hopefully, a representative from the Parish Council and our District Councillors will attend.

14/246 WW1 Memorial – Update – Cllr. C. Stacey

Cllr. Stacey said that revised paperwork would be required in order to update information for the Memorial, due to details being changed. However she felt that they were still on target.

14/247 Tenlands Splay – Update – Cllr. C. Stacey

The Chair, following a review of this topic, had responded to Mr Goodey’s letters sent to him, following the last meeting, relating to the splay. The Chair has requested copies of all relevant documentation relating to the conditions that need to be met and required by Northamptonshire County Council who own the land. All the conditions set out in NCC’s letter dated the 17TH March 2014 have been relayed to Councillors in order for them to make an informed decision once the paperwork requested has been received.

14/248 Appointment of Internal Monitor - January 2015

The Internal Monitor for January 2015 would be Cllr. C. Bowden. In her absence Cllr. C. Bryant would step in.


14/249 ICC’s report – Cllr. Youel

14/249.1 Middleton Cheney Neighbourhood Plan – Update

Cllr. Youel said that considerable progress had taken place with the Questionnaire. Following production it was hoped that it would be distributed to all residents mid-November 2014. However, it was estimated that it would take a further two years to finalise.

14/249.2 Finance Working Party – Update

An overview was given on the numerous topics raised at the last meeting held on Tuesday 14th October 2014. Since the meeting, Councillors have been issued with draft financial documents including the Financial Regulations for them to review in order that these can be discussed and approved at the next Parish Council meeting on the 3rd November 2014.

14/250 Clerk/RFO report

14/250.1 Potholes – Update

Concerns raised at the last meeting regarding the road leading to the Village Hall round the Green have been passed to Street Doctor for action.

14/250.2 Bovis Homes development

·  Lighting

We have been advised by the Civil Engineer of Bovis Home Ltd that Northamptonshire County Council will not take on ownership or maintenance because the development is within the Parish Council controlled area. Therefore, a request from Bovis is for the Parish Council to adopt the street lights in order that the roads can be adopted. The Clerk had been informed that the maintenance company appointed by Bovis are not permitted to adopt the street lights. A response from Bovis regarding the way forward is required.

·  Tarmac footpath

This issue was discussed during the open meeting.

·  Maintenance - Management Company

The Clerk has raised issues regarding concerns expressed by residents with Bovis that she had dealt with but they were responsible for. These issues are being looked into.


·  Adoption of street lighting.

The Clerk had sent questions relating to the above to Bovis and is waiting for a response.

14/250.3 Remembrance Day Service – Parish Council’s role

The Clerk has been invited by the Chair of All Saints and Methodist Church Covenant Team to attend their meeting on the 28th October 2014. The Clerk will ascertain the views of those attending on the way forward relating to the organisation of events that take place. A suggestion put forward was that a committee could be set up consisting of members from organisations who take part to handle future requirements.

14/250.4 Overgrown Vegetation – Update

Councillors were reminded that the Clerk required a list of those who had not complied with the request to cut their vegetation back to their boundary in order that she can send a reminder.

14/250.5 Footpaths in the village – Report

A resident had an accident resulting in a fall due to uneven surfaces on a path. This has been reported to Street Doctor and the Clerk had requested a Public Liability Claim Form for the resident to complete.

14/251 Matters for discussion and possible future Agenda items

The Clerk had attended a Housing Needs Survey meeting together with a presentation on Health Watch Northamptonshire. The meeting related to both organisations wanting to work with local people to influence the delivery and health and social care services.

A report had been received from Brackley Safer Community Team. Main crimes for September related to criminal damage to a vehicle and dwellings plus an attempted burglary to a building. In addition, the Safer Community Team had given a talk to pupils at Chenderit regarding social media networking.

The Clerk had met with the representative from Avare Creation to review their quote on play equipment at both Stanwell and Astrop Road.The recommendation was that some of the play equipment should be removed as repair would be needed on an ongoing basis and it was thought to be not economically viable for the Parish Council going forward. We would receive a fresh quote for repair and removal as soon as possible.

The Financial Working Party had discussed a quotation received from a local tree specialist regarding pruning. The Council’s remaining budget for this cost centre was only £500 and therefore the Clerk had been asked to liaise to see what could be covered within budget. The tree specialist would review his quote to comply with the request. 2014/97

14/252 Next meetings FULL Parish Council Meeting – 3rd November 2014

Planning Meeting – if necessary – 17th November 2014

14/253 Closed HR Meeting

Signed …………………………..


Dated …...... ......
