Create Your Business Story

Normal Business Story

  1. Express your goals and dreams:

“My whole life I have always wanted to be involved in a cause that really changed people’s lives and that could allow me to earn an income so that we could be financially free.”

  1. Describe Your Career Path:

“That’s why as soon when I got the opportunity to start my own business I dropped out of college and started a business helping entrepreneurs build online businesses. But something was still missing in my life. A level of fulfillment that just wasn’t there and I was working 60 hours a week, dealing with employees, payroll and the stresses of always wondering if the business would survive to the next week.

  1. I Reached A Point Where I Didn’t Think It Was Possible:
    “I was exhausted and was far from finding a path that would allow me to be free and pursue my life purpose.”
  1. Then I Experienced X Health Challenge:

“Our two youngest sons started getting terrible ear infections and after 2 rounds of antibiotics and hours in waiting rooms we were so frustrated and felt like there had to be a better way. Some other way we could help our kids. A close friend introduced us to doTERRA essential oils, which we were super skeptical to try, but in desperation we wanted something to help our children.”

  1. The Result & Feeling Empowered: “To our surprise after using a couple suggested oils applied around their ears a few times a day, they quickly recovered and were back to being crazy little boys. For the first time in our life we felt that we had found an answer, which we could be in control. We felt empowered to better care for our family.”
  1. If I Could Share What I Had Learn, Serve & Educate Others & Eventually Replace My Income & Be FREE, Why Wouldn’t I at Least Try?“After this happen for our sons and we started learning and understanding how we could use essential oils to support our health in the face almost every single health challenge, we felt an intense desire to share with others what we learned.”
  1. I’m Always Looking For People Who Are Passionate About Create A Life Of Freedom & Purpose Or People Who Want To Turn Their Passion For Health & Wellness Into A Full Time Income.
  1. Are you married to your job or are you open to other opportunities?

Health Professional Business Story (Chiropractor example)

  1. Express your goals and dreams:

“As long as I can remember I have had a passion for healing and helping people with their health challenges. Like most health care professionals felt a deep desire to change the world by serving people. I also wanted to be able to create an income and life that would allow me to be free from the rat race, do volunteer work and really see the world.”

  1. Describe Your Career Path:

“That’s why I become a ______(Holistic Health Coach, Yoga Teaching, Massage Therapist, Chiropractor, MD) and I absolutely love having my own practice and helping people who come in. I have also always had a desire to be on the forefront of different natural modalities that I could use help my patients beyond the traditional realm of what most health professionals know.

  1. I Reached A Point Where I Didn’t Think It Was Possible:
    “I remember one day after seeing over 80 patients and seeing my schedule for the next day, which looked the same, that I had become a slave to my schedule. If I didn’t see that many patients I couldn’t pay my bills and my love for healing and helping others was still there, but didn’t have the same burning passion. I also realized that If I got hurt and couldn’t lay my hands on the next patient, that I would be out of business. I knew that I had to make some changes.”
  1. The Skeptical Try: I always heard from my patients about different products and things they were taking that I should offer, but always blew it off as something that couldn’t meet my standards and expectations. Then a long time patient gave me a sample of deep blue essential oil from a company called doTERRA and I promised to try it because she knew I had been having some back issues myself.
  1. The Result & Feeling Empowered: The next week when I saw her, I almost didn’t want to admit how incredible it had worked for myself and another patient I had tried it with. I had been exposed to a lot of pain creams, but nothing had worked like this and for the first time I felt like I had something that could magnify my ability to heal and help others, even when I didn’t have my hands on them. I quickly found myself sharing my experience with other patients and peers.
  1. If I Could Deliver Better Results For My Patients, Build An Additional 6 Figure Income By Sharing & Educating My Peers & Be Free To Leave The Office & Be FREE, Why Wouldn’t I at Least Try?
  1. What I have learned is that most of my peers all want to deliver better results, have more free time and create an additional income that grows with our with out them and I am always looking for other health professionals I can teach to do the exact same thing.