Week Beginning 14th December


ALFIE – Alfie has made fantastic progress in many areas of learning, particularly phonics and reading.

JAMES – This term,James has worked very hard at learning to write his name.


OSCAR – Oscar started this school in September and has worked really hard to learn the new school routines. He listens well and has made lots of new friends. Well done!

REUBEN – Reuben has worked hard in Literacy this term. His reading and writing are getting better. Keep up the good work!


ELOISE – Eloise has worked very hard all term on her reading, writing and maths. Well done.

JAMES – James has made excellent progress with his reading, writing and maths.


AMBER – Amber has used her ‘secrets of success’ to improve in Maths and Literacy. Her times tables have got better. In reading, she is striving daily to improve.

GRACE – Grace uses her ‘secrets of success’ to try new things. She listens well and has shown great progress in her writing. Her use of ‘place value’ in Numeracy is evident in her calculations.


ETHAN – Ethan has tried extremely hard this term. He is now a mature young man who helps others and takes pride in his work. An excellent first term, keep it going.

RUBY – Ruby has developed this term by showing the right attitude. As a result, she has produced some excellent work.


MATTHEW and TRAVIS – Matthew and Travis have made great progress in Literacy and Numeracy.


ABI – Abi has worked very hard in all her lessons to do the best that she can and is always looking to achieve her targets.

HOLLY – Holly has worked hard to achieve her targets and has put in a lot of effort to improve in all subjects.


ANTHONY – Anthony is going from strength to strength and has made excellent progress over the term.

BILLIE – Billie is going from strength to strength and great progress is being made.


BEN – Ben has made very good progress this term in both Literacy and Numeracy. He pays more attention to detail and he always works conscientiously.

KITTY – Kitty has made excellent progress in Maths this term. She has become much more confident and tackles challenges.


Week Beginning 7th December


JAISHREE – Jaishree is always well behaved and friendly.

PEYTON – Peyton is always well behaved.




HARRY – Harry is well behaved and encourages others to do the right thing.

LILY – Lily is very well behaved and always pleasant.


LUCY – Lucy behaves excellently and is always pleasant.

Well done Tigers on your excellent behaviour.


CAITLIN – Caitlin is always polite and friendly.

GARETH – Gareth always displays excellent behaviour and is very friendly.


FAITH – Faith displays excellent behaviour and is always helpful.

MAX- Max is very kind and helpful.


THOMAS – Thomas is very well behaved and always kind.

Well done Jaguars on your excellent behaviour, kindness and friendliness.


PHOEBE – Phoebe is always well behaved.

SAMUEL – Samuel is very well behaved.


ETHAN – Ethan is very well behaved and friendly.

TERRI-ANN – Terri-Ann is always well behaved and kind.


GEORGE AND HARRIET – George and Harriet are always well behaved and helpful.


Week Beginning 30th November


CHASE –Well done for your brilliant spelling of some tricky phase two words: ‘into’, ‘I’, ‘the’ and ‘go’.

ISOBELLA – Isobella has started using her beginning and end sounds in her writing.


BARNABY – Barnaby is trying hard to remember to use his phonics when writing independently.

LEXI – Lexi always tries hard to use her phonics whenwriting independently. She has also learnt to spell some tricky words.


IMOGEN – Imogen has been using her phonics knowledge well to spell words in her writing.

JESSICA – Jessica has made big improvements in her writing. She is using her phonics to help her.


HOLLY – Well done Holly on careful, accurate and interesting spelling.

WILLIAM –Well done William on super, challenging spellings.


SAM AND SAM – Both Sams do well in weekly spelling lessons. They take care with spelling in independent writing. Well done!


EMILY AND GEORGIA – Well done on achieving 10/10 in Spellings tests.


COBY – Coby is working hard with his homework and is keen to progress further with his spellings. His confidence is improving.

KATIE – Katie works hard at spelling and is increasing her vocabulary.


HARRIET – Harriet always completes her spellings homework and works hard in class. She has achieved full marks in every spelling test this term.

ISABEL – Isabel always completes her spelling homework and concentrates in class. She has achieved excellent scores in the spelling tests this term. Well done.


Week Beginning 23rd November


LIZZIE – Lizzie has been working very hard at writing her name. She wasn’t keen at first, but after practising every day she now writes it beautifully.

WILLIAM – William has achieved his latest ‘Maths wish’ to know the right order and to count numbers 10 – 15. Well done William.


QUINN – Quinn listens to what his wishes are in order to make his writing even better.

VIOLET – Violet always tries hard to remember her wishes. Keep up the good work.


LEWIS – Lewis concentrates at all times and works hard.

LUCY – Lucy always works hard and concentrates in lessons.


JAMES – James has made excellent progress with his writing and his maths targets. Well done James.

ROSIE – Rosie has made fantastic progress with her times tables and punctuation targets.


CAITLIN – Caitlin has worked hard on her target to write longer more interesting sentences. She puts thought into her learning!

JAKE – Jake has worked hard to improve his creative writing. He can write longer, more interesting sentences using conjunctions. He thinks sensibly about his targets.


ALEX – Alex has shown a focused attitude recently. Because of this, when prompted, he often understands what is needed to take his learning forward.

ELLIE – Ellie always ensures that her Target Log is available to check. She shows a mature attitude by regularly checking her targets.


DYLAN – Dylan pushed himself and wrote a page of writing in Literacy.

ROBBIE – Robbie pushes himself. He wrote nearly two pages of writing in Literacy.


JODIE – Jodie always works hard to achieve set targets and pushes herself to be the best she can be.

PHOEBE – Phoebe always takes into account her current target and uses this to make improvements.


ETHAN – Ethan has done well to achieve the targets he has set and is becoming more confident with reflecting on his strengths.

JOE – Joe is doing well with achieving the targets he has set himself and is becoming more confident with reflecting his strengths.


CHARLIE – Charlie has used his target log to help him focus on improving accuracy in his writing. He is making good progress now he knows his next steps.

CHLOE – Chloe sets herself clear and achievable targets in all areas of learning. She works really hard and is determined to keep improving.


Week Beginning 16th November


AMY – Thank you Amy for showing us in school the beautifulthings you make at your clubs.

JAISHREE – Well done on all your swimming lessons and awards.Keep it up!


OSKAR – Oskar enjoys winter sports out of school. He talked about his recent visit to the Snowdome this week during our ‘newstime’.

WILLIAM – William has recently learnt to swim without armbands. He can also ride his new bike. Well done.


CHRISTIAN –Christian is a Beaver and has been on parades in Alrewas and at the National Memorial Arboretum.

LILLY-MAY – Lilly-May does all sorts of dance classes on Mondays and Tuesdays. She works hard.


ABIGAIL – Abigail is learning to play the piano and is working on Book 3. She also won the talent show at school.

SCARLET – Well done for working hard at gymnastics and dance lessons every week with Mrs Knight.


LEO AND SAM – Leo and Sam display excellent dedication and commitment to football. They have a good sportsman’s attitude and are team players.


JEMIMA – Jemima has shown a focussed attitude during her horse riding which has challenged her to attempt a variety of jumps and dressage challenges.

WILLIAM – During swimming, William listens carefully to advice and has worked hard to improve. He is now a strong and confident swimmer.


ALFIE – Alfie is very interested in horses!

JOSHUA – Joshua is very interested in football!


DARCY – Not many people know that Darcy is an amazing swimmer. She swims at club level four times a week and still manages to do all of her homework.

MADELINE – Madeline is a music maestro! We are always amazed by the number and variety of instruments that Madeline can play to a very high standard. Our brass teacher even uses her as an assistant during Brass lessons! Keep it up Maddie!


AIDAN – Aidan lives, breathes and enjoys cricket outside school. He is also exceptionally good at it!

LUCY – Lucy has many different interests outside school, one of which she showcased during our class assembly – playing the piano! We were very impressed with what she could do!


KITTY – Kitty has won ‘player of the year’ at her hockey club. She is also a talented gymnast. A future Olympian…?

TOM – Tom is a keen and dedicated member of his local football team. He is proud of his recent performance and achievements.


Week Beginning 9th November


DOMINIC – Well done for following instructions carefully and for travelling over and under the equipment brilliantly.

JAISHREE – Jaishree did some brilliant travelling over and under equipment and follows instructions carefully.


LACY – Lacy always listens to instructions during PE lessons and completes activities well. Keep up the good work!

VIOLET – Violet always pushes herself during PE lessons in order to do her very best in all activities. Well done.


ASHLEIGH AND HARRY – Ashleigh and Harry work very hard in PE and Games. Well done!


CHARLIE – Charlie listens carefully, always tries his hardest and works well in a team.

LUCY – Well done for working well in a team, trying hard and listening carefully.


ANNABELLE – Annabelle has a positive attitude towards sport and shows good team skills. Well done!

GARETH – Gareth displays a positive attitude towards sport. He has good rhythm and talent in dance.


LOGAN – Logan listens carefully to advise and is willing to challenge himself in PE.

LUCA – Luca demonstrates an enthusiastic attitude in PE and always wants to achieve more.


TAZIYAH – Well done for improving your swimming skills.


JAMES – James displays good sportsmanship on the playing field. He encourages other children as well as displaying strong ability and great skill in Tag Rugby.

OLIVIA – Olivia displays a fantastic attitude and competitive spirit in OutdoorPE. During tag rugby sessions she would use dodge tactics and nifty footwork to win tags from the opposition.


HENRY AND LEON – Henry and Leon have represented the school on numerous occasions, displaying good teamwork, skill and determination to win!


KRITI – Kriti listens carefully and she follows instructions well. This has enabled her to perform gymnastics very well.

OSCAR – Oscar always gives 100% in every gymnastics lesson.


Week Beginning 2nd November


WILLIAM – Well done on asking lots of questions about the world. Good job William!

WILLIAM – William knows lots of things about the body and shared his knowledge with everyone.


JOSHUA – Joshua always listens well in Science. He tries hard. Joshua particularly enjoyed talking about and sequencing the human life-cycle.


JOE – Joe always listens carefully in Science. He completes his work well and helps others too! Well done Joe!


ANNABELLE – Well done on your excellent recall of what a creature needs to be living.

GEORGE – George did a good description of living things. He thought carefully about the groups and how to identify living things.


MOLLY – Molly shows an awareness of the facts in Science. She always participates in class discussion making a valuable contribution.

ORLAITH – Orlaith shows a good understanding of science facts. She thinks carefully about questions and records her science well!


ARTHUR – Arthur shows an enthusiastic attitude and is willing to answer a variety of questions.

BEN – Ben shows a focused attitude in Science. He pushes himself to achieve more and is developing his scientific vocabulary.


ALFIE and FRANCESCA –Alfie and Francesca have done some great work in Science!


CALLUM – Well done on your contribution in every Science lesson.

SAM – Sam produces detailed and impressive science work every lesson.


MEGAN – Megan has a good grasp of scientific terminology, enjoys science and is working hard to make sure she finishes tasks on time!

OLIVER – Oliver is working hard to improve his confidence with science and is developing his understanding of scientific vocabulary. Well done Oliver!


HARVEY –Harvey explained how different conditions affected the results of his yeast investigations.

JAKE – Jake wrote very clear instructions in our composting experiments. He understood how to explain his results.


Week Beginning 19th October


ANTONY –Well done for being in school everyday even when you had a poorly cold and for trying lots of new things in Bobcats.

JAISREE – Well done for being in school and being ready to learn every day.


JOSH and NANCY – Josh and Nancy are always on time and have never had a day off!


GRACE – Grace arrives at school every day eager to learn and full of enthusiasm. Well done Grace.

LUCY – Lucy comes to school on time every day. She is always ready to listen and learn. Well done Lucy.


ALEX – Alex is always punctual. He does his best to listen and be ready for lessons.

NATE – Nate is always punctual. He is a positive member of our class.


ETHAN – Ethan is quick to settle down first thing in the morning. His focused attitude ensures he is not late but prepared for the day ahead.

MAX – Max is mature and independent. This attitude allows him to be always prepared throughout the day.


ABBIE –Well done for your super effort attendance!

MIA – Well done on you super effort and your punctuality.


AARON –You are always one of the first in after break and at the start of the day ready to learn.

ARCHIE – Archie is polite and well-mannered. He is always in promptly after break and quickly focuses on his learning.


SCOTT and TERRI-ANN – Scott and Terri-Ann are always on time for school and have achieved 100% attendance so far this term.


CHRISTINA – Christina has achieved 100% attendance this half term. She always arrives in school on time and is well-prepared for the day ahead.

SKY – Sky has achieved 100% attendance this half term. She arrives punctually to every lesson and is organised and well prepared.


Week beginning 12th October


ISOBELLA – Well done for completing Maths activities with motivation and concentration.

PEYTON –Well done for always participating in our Maths sessions and answering number questions.


OSCAR – Oscar loves Maths. He listens well and enjoys writing numbers up to 20.

QUIN – Quin always tries hard in Maths. He listens to instructions and completes tasks independently.


ALESHA – Alesha worked very hard on her maths. She could see a pattern in her work that helped her complete the task.

BRADLEY – Bradley worked very hard on his number bonds 0 to 10. He did a whole page of sums.


HARRY – Well done Harry for using what you know about adding and taking away to solve problems.

SCARLET – Well done on always trying your best in Maths and using what you know about numbers to solve problems.


GRACE – Grace has shown good understanding of her subtraction in columns. She listens carefully in all lessons.