Minutes from November 29, 2009
5:00 to 7:00 pm
RPAC Meeting Room 2
Vice President Slanina called the meeting to order at 5:09 pm.
Present: Meghan Slanina, Megan Offenberger, Molly McDonald, Drew Lagergren, Katie Zatroch, Jillian Zientek, Elizabeth Williamson, Bryce Peterson, CJ Malgieri, Dillon Muth, Alex Schipkova, Cassie Ostroski, Bridge Morgan, Ben Hobson, Meghan Meredith, Edward Lau, Tyrun Ray, Joey Clark
Excused: Daniel Klauer, April Brown, Swati Khambe, Reyahd Kazmi, Andria Demosthenous, Michelle Chiang, Andrew Fuchs, James Johnson, Ryan Corte, Andrea Homan, Alyssa Chen, Ashley Uhl, John Mbagwu
Peter Koltak, Buckeyethon:
Peter began by giving brief background on Buckeyethon and how it is run. Buckeyethon is a series of fundraising events that take place throughout the year, culminating in a dance marathon at the end of the year. It is a fourteen hour dance marathon. Over the past few years, over $350,000 has been raised for Nationwide Children’s Hospital. We want to gather information on how to involved graduate and professional students in this event. It is a large time commitment, as the dance itself is fourteen hours long. However, it is a great event and has great social events going on as well. We were discussing splitting the fourteen hour shift for graduate and professional students into two separate shifts. Alternate Senator Zientek: I think it would be a great idea to split it into two. It would be a great chance to get more involved and much more feasible. Senator McDonald: I think it would make me a lot more interested in participating if there was less of a time commitment. However, how would the undergraduate students respond? Peter Koltak: What is the best way to get the word out about this event? Would volunteers from each school be willing to head up the effort there? Vice President Slanina: I think using the list serves within each college would be a good way to get the word out. Each school has its own set-up, but if we coordinate we could get this set-up. Peter Koltak: If you guys have people in your schools or organizations that would be interested, can you forward that information to Meghan Slanina and she can pass it on to me? Vice President Slanina: The main reason for looking into more involvement is to expand to the level of schools such as Penn State that bring in $7.2 million. So please forward any information to me and I can pass that along.
Executive Updates, Vice President Slanina:
ProjectONE Review: I have information regarding Project ONE and its impact on the Cannon Drive parking lots. It is looking like it’s going to be a little further off than initially anticipated. Rather than the three years in our information, it will probably be much more like ten years. We will have a speaker at our January meeting to provide us with more details.
Dr. Joseph Hines, DDS Memorial Fund: This fund is being organized in honor of a recent dental graduate who passed away soon after graduation. They are currently discussing a scholarship fund. We will discuss this further at the January meeting.
Michelle Obama: There is currently a movement to organize an event in which Michelle Obama would speak. If there is no objection, we will sign our name to the request as IPC supporting the issue.
Chief Justice Update, Tyrun Ray: Checks have been cut for Professional Development Funding. They were sent to the Union for processing. That occurred approximately three weeks ago. We are still waiting for further information as far as when reimbursement will be available. If people ask regarding their reimbursement, let them know that the Union will contact them following the final approval.
Ohio Union Council Update, Joey Clark: For those of you who don’t know, the Ohio Union council is an organization that is formed to govern the new student Union. It keeps alumni from various organizations involved in the student union. It will open March 29th. As of right now, it looks like it should be opening on schedule. They are looking for suggestions for events that graduate professional students would be interested in attending.
External Committee Updates, Meghan Slanina: If you have any problems with your external committee, please contact April Brown regarding any these conflicts and she can work with that.
Social Committee Update, Molly McDonald: We are going to do two happy hours a month. We are still unsure which bars we are going to be using and how we will be rotating these bars. We are also going to form a Facebook group to pass along information. We are looking at events and games, such as trivia, to make these events more enticing.
Service Committee Update, Dillon Muth: We didn’t set up an event for this quarter, but we are still working on organizing a career day at a local school for sometime in the next two quarters. In addition, we are interested in setting up a list serve for each of the committees.
Outreach Committee Update, Meghan Meredith: Though we had great intentions of getting three outreach luncheons this quarter, they actually are being postponed until next quarter. We will do all six luncheons next quarter. If you have any ideas for promotional items, please contact me.
Board of Trustees Graduate/Professional Representative: The current graduate/professional member is Jason Marion. We are looking for a graduate or professional student member. You are eligible to apply if you have two years remaining in your education. We submit three unranked names to the governor and he selects the final representative. There will be three informational sessions. These sessions will have no impact on your invitation to interview.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Megan Offenberger, IPC Secretary