2016 Rides (April to June)
Saturday 16th April: Moncreiffe Hill, Perth
10.00 a.m. meet, set off at 10.30 a.m.
Leader: Jenny Herd ( , 07813 540683)
Wednesday 11th May: Strathallan Castle
6.00 p.m. meet, set off at 6.30 p.m.
Leader: Anna Roberts ( , 07721 755108)
Thursday 26th May: Strowan/Laggan Hill
6.00 p.m. meet, set off at 6.30 p.m.
Leader: Sheena Haddow ( , 07952 015527)
Sunday 29th May: BHS Sponsored Ride at Balmoral Estate
(details are on the BHS website – – to book, contact BHS direct)
Sunday 5th June – Drummond Estate
10.00 a.m. meet, set off at 10.30 a.m. Walk, trot, canter – for confident riders.
Day Ride – bring picnic
Leader: Sally Coutts ( , 07958 037903)
Tuesday 21st June – Pole Hill, Rait – Summer Solstice Ride
6.00 p.m. meet, set off at 6.30 p.m.
Leader: Jenny Herd ( , 07813 540683)
We will arrange more rides for the rest of the season and will send out the information when it is available. If any of you would like to suggest and organise a Ride, please let one of the Committee Members know.
For further information regarding parking & meeting points, type of ride, terrain,
speed, distance etc, please contact the Leader mentioned above and give her your
mobile number when booking.
Rides are mostly slow and sometimes on rough tracks. All participants should wear
a helmet and hi-viz waistcoat. The Leader will be able to advise you if the ride is
suitable for your level of competency. Please don’t be shy about contacting our
Leaders to find out about the rides. We have arranged them for StrathRRAG and we
want people to come along and enjoy them!
Fee for rides is £5.00 for Members and £8.00 for Non-members & guests. If you wish
to attend a ride, please phone the Leader and book in – you should also bring a
signed booking form with you to the ride. A form is attached with this e-mail – for
If you do not have transport, please contact a Committee Member who will try to
put you in touch with someone willing to help out. Also we would like to attract
more Members, so please tell a friend and bring them along to an event.
Walkers and cyclists are very welcome to accompany these rides. Please let a
member of the Committee know in advance if walkers and cyclists wish to come.
Evening Rides: meet at 6.00pm and depart at 6.30pm
Day Rides: meet at 10.00 am and depart at 10.30am
(bring picnic)