Prairielands Council Boy Scouts of America


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Call to Order: John Frauenhoffer, Council President, called to order the regular meeting of the Prairielands Council Executive Committee at 6:00 pm on Thursday, June 14, 2012 at the Raymond Lee Scout Service Center, Champaign, Illinois

Attendance: Five Executive Committee Members, one staff were present. A quorum requirement of a majority of voting members of the Executive Committee present was met.

Executive Committee Present: David Crow, John Frauenhoffer, Gabrielle Martin, Mike Potts, Glen Semple

Executive Committee Excused: Brian Egeberg, Stan Herrin, Jack Jones, Eric Meyer

Staff: Timothy J. Manard

Summary of Actions

1. Council Treasurer Report was approved. Glen Semple, Council Treasurer, presented the May 2012 council financial reports for review and approval. Semple reported that on the Statement of Operations the Support & Revenues continue to be positive year-to-date; though May was slightly behind budget. The Expenses are in line with budget though a couple of line items are being watched; Employee Benefits and Insurance are slightly over budget. In total Expenses year-to-date are approximately $5,000 under budget. The Statement of Financial Position continues to show improvement. The council currently has $152,000 cash on hand with much of that from fees for summer camp.

In summary the council is tracking very close to the revised budget on the controllable expenses and is ahead of budget on support and revenue. The improving liquidity trend is beginning to reflect the operational improvements through expense controls and exceeding revenue projections. Key drivers will be the successful finish to the FOS campaign and a successful summer camp program while controlling expenses.

Motion to approve the Treasurer Report by Gabrielle Martin; second by David Crow; carried.

2. A motion to approve an Action Area program at Camp Drake using Paintball guns was approved. Council Shooting Sports Committee Chair Tony Martin presented a proposal to create a Paintball based Action Area at Camp Drake. The use of Paintball guns has now been approved by the National Council under the restriction that none can be shot at living things or targets that resemble living things. Martin has proposed a course that will have circular targets. Motion to approve the plan as presented by Mike Potts; second by Glen Semple; carried.

Council Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, page 2

3. A motion to approve a pistol shooting plan as written to begin on Week 1 of the 2012 Boy Scout Summer Camp season while at the same time presenting the proposal in writing to the National Council was approved. Tony Martin presented a plan to introduce pistol shooting as part of the older Scout Vermillion Tre-X program at Summer Camp. The use of pistols will be limited to “Scouts who meet Venturing membership qualifications and are enrolled in the Vermillion Tre-X summer camp program.” The Executive Committee agreed that the plan was well conceived and crafted by Martin. A review of the National Standards revealed that Boy Scouts are not allowed to shoot pistols but their Venturing counterparts, the same age, are permitted to do so. Martin had written his proposal to address the issue by requiring that Scouts participating must meet the membership requirements for Venturing. Scout Executive Tim Manard expressed concern that we might be playing with semantics that could jeopardize our camp operations or liability support from National in the event of an accident. After further discussion the Executive Committee determined that we should present the proposal to the National Council but begin the program during the 2012 season. Motion by Mike Potts; second by David Crow; carried.

4. The Goals and Measurements for Scout Executive Tim Manard were reviewed and approved for presentation to the full Executive Board. Mike Potts reviewed the Scout Executive goals established by an ad hoc committee created by the Council President. The goals had gone through several revisions and included Manard’s input. After reviewing the goals, the committee moved to forward them as written on to the Executive Board for review and approval. The goals will also require approval of the Central Region Area Director. Motion by David Crow; second by Gabrielle Martin; carried.

Council Reports

Kuchenbrod Resignation Council President John Frauenhoffer announced that Ellen Kuchenbrod has resigned as Council Commissioner to focus on her professional responsibilities and other Scouting obligations. The search for a new Council Commissioner is currently underway.

Fund-Development Update. Tim Manard, Scout Executive, reported that the Merits of Scouting Campaign is complete and an overwhelming success. The “thank you” newspaper insert will appear in the Sunday, June 24th edition of the News Gazette.

Manard, Dan Baker, President Frauenhoffer and other Board Members continue to focus on the successful completion of the Friends of Scouting campaign by June 30. As of this meeting, the campaign has raised $196,461.00 or 89.3% of the $220,000.00 goal.

Membership Update Tim Manard shared with the Executive Committee that post-rechartering membership numbers were disappointing. In addition to the expected losses in ScoutReach, dictated by the new budget, the council is still down over 500 traditional youth members compared to last June. The numbers are still fluid as there is some rechartering clean up to do; we will have a clearer picture by month-end.

Scout Executive Report. Tim Manard, Scout Executive, shared a written report of his activities with the Executive Committee. He also reported that earlier in the day it was announced that the Oregon Supreme Court had ruled against the Boy Scouts of America and ordered the Ineligible Volunteer Files , it detracted form, be made available for public review. The Ineligible Files are files kept on individuals who have been denied BSA membership or had their membership revoked due to conduct inconsistent with Scouting values.

Council Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, page 3

Scout Executive Report con’t

The National Council is giving quick guidance to Scout Executives as to how to handle media inquiries concerning this new information. The National Council believes this will be a story that will linger for some time. Manard will be participating in a webinar tomorrow related to the issue. He has also made contact with Mike Graham and John Marquardt at Camp Drake and Lovetta Ash-Simpson, Day Camp Staff Advisor, in the event that a reporter might choose to come to a camp to get a statement. All media inquiries are to be directed to Manard.

Manard reiterated that we should not be alarmed as this story may not become big news in our Council area, but he is taking the steps necessary to be prepared in the event that it does attract local media attention.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Minutes submitted by: ______Timothy J. Manard

Scout Executive

Minutes Approved by ______John Frauenhoffer

Council President