Subchapter 81.2
- Twenty-four hour, toll-free emergency telephone service to the CommunicationsCenter from the public shall be available via Enhanced –911 (E-911) to facilitate easy and quick contact from all citizens within Lafourche Parish. The 911 emergency telephone numbersare easy to remember and are prominently displayed on marked Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office vehicles, listed in the local telephone directories and the Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office web site.
- An emergency 9-1-1-telephone call for the Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office service area shall be transferred to the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office from the Public Service Answering Point (PSAP), located at the Lafourche Parish Communications District, to the 911 remote sites located in the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Communications Center.
- The CommunicationsCenter shall be staffed with operators who rotate shifts to be available twenty-four hours per day to maintain all emergency equipment.
B.In addition to E-911, the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office shall maintain non-emergency telephone numbers. The non-emergency telephone numbers shall be formatted to use local prefixes for the different exchanges in the parish and with common suffix numbers that spell “CALL,” such as the following:
1.Houma area868-CALL or 868-2255
2.Thibodaux area446-CALL or 446-2255
449-CALL or 449-2255
3.Lockport area532-CALL or 532-2255
4.Larose area798-CALL or 798-2255
a.These telephone numbers may be used in conjunction with, or in lieu of, E-911.
C.Telephone equipment shall be available to receive emergency calls for service from those with hearing impairments (e.g., Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) equipment).
The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office shall provide twenty-four hour, two-way radio capability providing continuous communications between the CommunicationsCenter and field units. The nature or area of an assignment may dictate an exception to this requirement and recorded telephone communications may be required.
- Portable radios shall be issued and radio signal amplification equipment (Convert-a-Com) shall be installed in mobile units for use in areas of limited reception. Extra radios shall be available for checkout as needed for special events or assignments.
- The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office shall maintain base station capability at the, CriminalOperationsCenter, Personnel and FleetOperationsCenter, and the South Lafourche Substation as back-up sites.
- Recorded telephone lines shall be maintained in the CommunicationsCenter and utilized for the exchange of information, requesting assistance, receiving orders or instructions and responding to calls for service.
All personnel assigned to the Communications Section shall use computer-aided dispatch (CAD) to document the following information when a call for service is received whether criminal, non-criminal, and/or self-initiated. The following information shall be entered into the CAD System for each complaint.
A.Computer-Aided Dispatch is programmed to automatically assign a control number to calls for services.
B.Computer-Aided Dispatch is programmed to automatically record the date and time of each call for service
C.Complainant’s name, address, and telephone number shall be obtained by the Communications Equipment Operator whenever possible and shall input this information into the call taker and/or dispatch screen of the CAD System.
- The call taker and dispatch screen of the CAD System has fields to document the type of call for service. The call taker or dispatcher shall complete these fields. Additional fields shall be utilized when:
- The nature of the call for service differs from the initial information reported, and/or
2.In the deputy’s discretion more than one type of call to the incident applies.
- Types of calls for service are accessible to Communications personnel on the table’s screen of the CAD System.
- Location of Incident
1.The call taker and dispatch screen of the CAD System contains a field for a landmark and a cross street to assist in better locating the incident.
2.These fields shall be completed when able to obtain this information.
- Primary responding deputy and assisting deputy.
- The status of the deputy shall be documented by highlighting the radio call number unique to the primary and/or secondary deputy and depressing the assign unit button located on the dispatch screen of the CAD System.
2.The radio call number shall be unique to each employee upon hire and is issued by the Personnel Division.
3.This information shall be obtained by the Communications Section from the Uniform Patrol Section at each shift change of a grid form.
a.Each grid form shall reflect at least:
(1)The name of all active deputies
(2)The radio call number assigned to all active deputies, and
(3) The area of which all active deputies shall be responsible for.
- Computer-Aided Dispatch is programmed to record the time of dispatch automatically upon assigning a deputy to a call for service on the dispatch screen of the CAD System.
- Computer-Aided Dispatch is programmed to automatically record the time of deputy’s arrival upon depressing the on-scene button located on the dispatch screen of the CAD System.
- Computer-Aided Dispatch is programmed to automatically record the time a deputy completes an assignment by depressing the 10-98/10-8 button located on the dispatch screen of the CAD System.
1.Upon depressing this button the CAD automatically places the deputy back in service.
- The deputy shall advise headquarters of the disposition upon completion of an assignment. The dispatcher shall input the related number into the appropriate field of the dispatch screen of the CAD System.
1.More than one disposition code may be used.
- The deputy shall advise headquarters of a follow-up upon completion of an assignment. The dispatcher shall input the related number into the appropriate field of the dispatch screen of the CAD System.
1.More than one follow-up code may be used.
Note: Certain situations that require the deputy to utilize telephone communications shall do so by calling into the CommunicationsCenter on a recorded line.
L.In cases where the CAD System fails, back-up procedures shall be as follows:
1.All personnel assigned to the Communications Section shall use the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Complaint form to document the following information when a call for service is received whether criminal, non-criminal, and/or self-initiated. The following information shall be entered for each complaint.
a.The control number, which is generated by the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office, shall be in the following format:
(1)The letters of the alphabet A through L, representing the months of the year January (A) through December (L), followed by a hyphen (-) beginning with 000001 for the first call on January 1st and proceeding incrementally through the last call on December 31st of the current year.
Example – A-000001-02 represents the first call for service on January 1, 2002.
(2)The complaint, with the assigned control number, shall be entered into the CAD System, once system is operational. The complaint is forwarded to the Uniform Patrol Section. The Uniform Patrol Section then forwards the complaints to the Records/Warrants Section for filing.
b.The date and time the call is received;
c.Complainant’s name, address, and telephone number, if possible. If this information cannot be obtained, it shall be so noted in the narrative section of the complaint form;
- Type of incident reported;
- Location of incident reported;
- Primary responding deputy and assisting deputy;
- Time of dispatch;
- Time of deputy’s arrival;
- Time of deputy’s completion of the call and return to service;
- Disposition or status of reported incident; and
k.Follow-up status of reported incidents.
- The procedure for radio communications to and from field deputies shall include specific circumstances requiring radio communications to include, at a minimum, all changes of deputy status, calls for service, and self-initiated service.
- All field units shall maintain continuous contact by radio communications. Communications personnel shall maintain a radio log to reflect the disposition of field units.
C.The following call numbers shall be utilized to identify Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office personnel during radio transmissions:
2.Chief DeputyLS2
3.Department Heads LS3 – LS9
4.Command Staff LS10 – LS99
5.Patrol Division100 - 200 Series
6.Support Services Division300 Series
7.Investigation Division 400 Series
8.Corrections Division500 Series
9.Work Release Division600 Series
10.Civil Department700 Series
11.Training and Range Section800 Series
12.Reserves Section 900 Series
- The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office radio system has the capability to access the Louisiana State Police coordinate call groups for statewide troops, Thibodaux Fire Department, Thibodaux Police Department Supervisors, Lockport Police Department, Golden Meadow Police Department, Lafourche Parish Fire Protection District #3, and State Police Troop “C” through individual portable radios and/or headquarters of the agencies.
- When receiving calls for service, the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Communications Section shall dispatch a single unit.
- The Shift Supervisor shall be notified if there are any calls in which extenuating circumstances indicate a potential danger to the assigned deputy and/or the general public.
- If additional deputies are required, the Shift Supervisor may assign as many deputies as needed.
- Any deputy on the scene shall make an evaluation of the status and may call for as much back up as deemed necessary.
F.The Shift Supervisor shall assume command at all major felony crime scenes and certain types of calls or incidents. The on-duty Uniform Patrol Shift Supervisor shall direct operations and establish communications with the CommunicationsCenter and the on-scene deputy. Generally, these calls or incidents shall be major felony crimes including, but not limited to:
- Major fires;
- Natural disasters;
- Hostage situations and barricaded suspects;
- There has been a loss of life;
- Deadly response to resistance, aggression or situational danger;
- A Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office employee has been injured;
- An “all unit response” has been requested;
8.A Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office vehicle has been involved in a crash;
- Rape;
- Outside agencies are involved; and
- Any other incident as directed, dispatched, requested, or at the direction of the Patrol Division Commander.
G.Upon the request of the on-duty Uniform Patrol Shift Supervisor, or assigned designee, the Communications Equipment Operator shall call out the appropriate personnel whether on or off-duty
- The Communications Section shall be supplied with an on-call list from each section that abides by such call-out procedures.
a.Each on-call list shall have information as to how to contact on-call personnel.
- Communications Equipment Operators shall make every attempt to contact the Supervisor of the section needed for call-out authorization.
a.Police Social Services – Person on call.
b.Evidence Custodian – Lieutenant of the Investigations Division, or assigned designee.
c.Juvenile Detective – Lieutenant of the Juvenile Section, or assigned designee.
d.Narcotic Agent – The agent on call.
e.Detective - Lieutenant of the Investigations Division, or assigned designee.
f.Communications Equipment Operator – Communications Deputy Supervisor, or assigned designee.
g.Uniform Patrol Deputy – Patrol Division Commander, or assigned designee.
h.Bicycle Patrol Deputy – Traffic Section Supervisor, or assigned designee.
i.Motorcycle Patrol Deputy - Traffic Section Supervisor, or assigned designee.
j.Water Patrol Deputy –Support Services Division Deputy Commander, Criminal Department Head, or assigned designee.
k.School Guard – Traffic Section Supervisor, or assigned designee.
l.Reserve Deputy –Support Services Division Deputy Commander, or assigned designee.
m.K-9 Deputy –Support Services Division Commander, or assigned designee.
n.Animal Control Deputy - Patrol Division Commander, or assigned designee.
o.All other personnel within the Civil, Criminal, or Corrections Department shall be at the discretion of the appropriate Division Commander, or their assigned designee.
(1)In cases where the on-call deputy is unavailable or unable to be contacted, the Communications Equipment Operator shall notify the authorizing supervisor who shall in turn take over the call out procedures and notify the CommunicationsCenter and/or Uniform Patrol Shift Supervisor with the responding deputy.
- Upon the request of the on-duty Uniform Patrol Shift Supervisor or assigned designee and/or the call-out of off-duty personnel the Communications Equipment Operator shall make appropriate notifications. Notifications shall consist of every attempt to make contact with the following:
1.Patrol Division Commander, or assigned designee;
2.Criminal Department Head, or assigned designee;
3.Chief Deputy, or assigned designee; and
- Sheriff, or assigned designee.
a.Each shall be informed with as much information as possible at the time of notification, following through with any request of such.
b.An alpha page shall cervice as notification to the Senior Staff at the discretion of the on-duty Uniform Patrol Shift Supervisor, assigned designee, or above when a notification is in order before the next business day.
c.Notifications that involve the Civil or Corrections Departments shall consist of every attempt to make contact with the appropriate Division Commander and Department Head.
Communications Section personnel shall have immediate access to the following:
- Deputy in charge by portable radio, wireless telephone, and/or alpha/numeric paging system;
- Daily grid sheet;
- Personnel roster;
- Maps;
- The CommunicationsCenter shall have geographical maps that detail the parish of Lafourche. These maps shall be readily available to personnel assigned to the CommunicationsCenter.
- The CommunicationsCenter maintains a street directory that visually shows the location of all parish streets.
- Radio logs and complaint forms;
1.The Communications Equipment Operator shall monitor calls for services by the dispatch screen, call taker screen, and/or the radio log which is displayed in the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System
2.The Communications Equipment Operator shall monitor all calls for service utilizing the complaint form and the radio log indicating deputies’ status when the CAD System is not in service.
3.The Communications Equipment Operator shall regularly check the status of individual field units in order to ensure officer safety.
- Emergency and necessary telephone numbers are immediately available to the Communications Section personnel in the Emergency Operations Flipchart;
- A list of local and surrounding area emergency telephone numbers are maintained in the CommunicationsCenter available to all personnel in the Emergency Operations Flipchart. These telephone numbers are also available in a binder located at each telephone answering station within the CommunicationsCenter.
a.A Communications Deputy Supervisor shall be responsible for obtaining, maintaining and updating local and surrounding area emergency telephone numbers that are maintained in the CommunicationsCenter.
- Local essential services utilized by the Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office include, but are not limited to:
- Lafourche Parish Fire Protection Districts;
- Local utility companies;
- Local law enforcement agencies;
- Lafourche Parish Council;
- Local wreckers;
- Local hospitals and ambulance services;
- JuvenileDetentionCenter;
- District judges’ home and office numbers;
- Coroner’s home and office number;
- Louisiana Department of Transportation; and
- Red Cross.
- Dispatch plans;
- The Communications Section shall maintain an Emergency Operations Flipchart. This flipchart outlines the responsibilities required of Communications Equipment Operators during emergency operations.
A.Communications Equipment Operators frequently serve as the primary means by which victims/witnesses obtain twenty-four hour information of services available within the Sheriff’s Office or from outside agencies.
- Communications Section personnel shall evaluate the circumstances and characteristics of the calls to determine whether an emergency or non-emergency response is needed.
- The request for service shall be prioritized according to the information received from the caller. In return, this information shall be relayed to the appropriate division, outside agency, and/or patrol supervisor.
- If the victim/witness is seeking information available in this area, or a referral for assistance, the Communications Equipment Operator shall accurately answer the question(s) by referring to the information provided in the Victim/Witness’ referral brochure Peace of Mind, which shall be maintained in the Communications Center.
- Non-emergency telephone numbers or for an emergency, 911 may be dialed to contact the Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office Communications Section. All questions shall be answered concerning victim/witness services. The victim/witness services available through the Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office are also available through each patrol deputy who has access to the Peace of Mind handout and resource handbooks. Both sources of information are available twenty-four (24) hours a day. If specialized information is needed, the Communications Section personnel shall put the caller in touch with the Police Social Services deputy on call for further information.
The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office has the capability of immediate playback of recorded telephone and radio conversations while maintaining continuous recordings of radio transmissions and emergency telephone conversations within the CommunicationsCenter. The Communications Shift Supervisor shall ensure that all equipment is in working order at the beginning of each shift.
- All recordings shall be retained for a period of six (6) years in the CommunicationsCenter after which shall be destroyed.
- The Communications Section Supervisor, or assigned designee, shall be responsible for maintaining the Voice Logger.The Communications Section Supervisor, or assigned designeeshall, authorize, review, and copy recordings upon request.
1.Data is logged and maintained within the hard drive on the voice logging system and shall be stored for six (6) years in the Communication Center after which time the Communications Deputy Supervisor shall request they be destroyed.
C.Information contained on the Voice Logger may be reviewed through the use of instant playback, by accessing the Real-timeMonitor on the desk top at each station.