Dade Middle School Curriculum Planning

Teacher / Stone / Connections / Careers
Unit Dates / 11/11-15, 2013 / Essential Question(s) / How will practicing and understanding employability skills enhance your career?
Unit Opening / Teacher
Directed / Learning Target(s) Week Five /
  1. Describe conflict resolution skills.
  2. Demonstrate that you accept responsibility for your behavior.
  3. Access the way you interact with others.

Big Idea / Comprehension, Knowledge and Skills Application / Students will examine and demonstrate an understanding of employability skills to enhance career success. / PRE / Demonstrate the correct way to accept responsibilityfor you behavior, the impact of your positive personal characteristics, understand conflict resolution skills in business environment.
PST / Review knowledge gained through group assignments, class discussions, and exercise.
Performance Task Description / Formal and Informal Assessments
LESSON FRAMEWORK / Learning Target Focus / Understand and connect real life to certain occupations in career clusters, the new Vocabulary and education value to skills and occupations. / Approx. Lesson Duration / 5 Days
LESSON TAGS: TO = Teacher Obs. FA = Form. Assess. D = Differentiation SSA = Student Self-assessment SE/GE = Special/General Ed. Teacher
The TEACHER will…
(Each entry below must begin with an italicized verb.) / The STUDENT will…
(Each entry below must begin with an italicized verb.)
Opening /
  • Administer math problems from real life examples (TO)
  • Interact and Monitor student work (TO), (D)
  • Prove students’ knowledge by checking answers for grade and class discussions (FA)
  • Analyze math problems and understand how it will affect them in real life (SSA), (FA), (D)
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding by working through problems (SSA)
  • Prove knowledge of math by checking answers and grade (SSA), (FA)

Work Session /
  • Defineconflictand resolution skills and how to use them(TO), (SSA)
  • Create understanding of work ethics and who to be responsible(D)
  • Analyze behavior, work ethics and responsibility(FA)
  • Define and Apply conflict and skills for resolution of conflict.(SA), (D)
  • Demonstrate how you accept responsibility for your behavior.(SSA)
  • Connect life to behavior, work ethics and responsibility(FA), (D)

Closing /
  • Assessunderstanding and relevance of journal writing inself to world(D), (TO)
  • Apply journal writing to real applications (FA)
  • Check for Understanding by group discussions(TO)
  • Demonstrate knowledge by discussion of journals as it relates to real life(D), (SSA)
  • Express understanding of knowledge gained(TO), (SA)
  • Prove knowledge by group discussions and grade on journals(SSA)