Wilmington College Lesson Plan OHIO STANDARDS Long
Candidate: Christal Cornett Age/Grade: 2nd Subject: Intro/Research Lesson Date:______
Cooperating teacher ______School ______District______
1. Learning Goals
Standard: Research Standard. Benchmark A: Generate questions for investigation and gather information from a variety of sources. Indicator 1: Create questions for investigations, assigned topic or personal area of interest.
Indicator 2: Utilize appropriate searching techniques to gather information from a variety of locations (e.g., classroom, school library, public library or community resources).
Benchmark B: Retell important details and findings. Indicator 5: Sort relevant information into categories about the topic with teacher assistance.
Indicator 6: Report important findings to others.
Why have you chosen each of these goals?
2. Student Grouping
How will you group students for instruction?
Whole class- to give an overview of the activity and to give directions.
Small groups- to increase student involvement/ engagement and to accommodate students with special needs.
Individual- Individual accountability.
Why have you chosen this grouping?
3. Methods
What teaching method(s) will you use for this lesson?
Teacher directed- to give directions and go over the activity.
Inquiry- to engage students in exploration and to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning.
Cooperative learning- to accommodate students with special needs and to increase student involvement.
Why have you chosen this method or these methods?
4. Materials
What instructional materials will you use? Include teacher-provided and student-provided materials .Have you included technology?
Teacher provided: Color-coded index cards, research information packets, research folder with checklist, list of groups, list of animals, list of jobs, posters, fact sheets, highlighter, computers, colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, glue.
Student provided: pencils, paper.
5. Activities
Include: explanations, important questions, and transition statements.
Time Allocated (Write the number of minutes you expect the opener, each activity, and the closure to take.)
Lesson Opener: I’m going to put you into groups of 3 or 4. I’m going to show you a list of farm animals and your group is going to choose one animal for you all to do a research project on. I have all of the materials that you will need, so please tell your parents that they don’t need to buy anything. Within your groups, you are going to assign yourselves jobs. Everyone needs to work together so you can all be a team and your project will be a success! (1min)
Activities: DAY 1:Divide students into groups.(2mins) Go over the list of animals that they can choose from, and assign animals (10mins). Explain what each jobs expectation is and allow students to assign their own jobs (2mins). Have students get out a piece of paper and brainstorm 3 things that they would like to know about their animal. (3mins). Pass out folders (1min). “Write everyone in your groups name on the front of the folder.” Pass out research packets (1min). Go over packet and answer any questions. (3mins), Pass out the first fact sheet (1min). “The fact finder in your group is going to highlight the information that you need for each section. YOU ARE ALL GOING TO WRITE THIS INFORMATION IN YOUR INDIVIDUAL PACKETS! Once you have completed the task, the paper that’s attached to the front of your folder, you’re going to put a check mark on the line. This way you will know that you have already completed this step. When you have your 3 facts for Description section, have the informant in your group bring me a paper so I can check that you’re writing in complete sentences. This is going to be the only section that we work on today.” “When you’re group has shown me the description section, I want you to place all of the packets, the fact sheets, and your questions into the folder and give it to the keeper in your group. Keepers, I would like for you to place your groups folder in the cubby with your groups number on it.” (20mins)
DAY 2: check the group folders to make sure that everyone has their description section completed and checked off. Go over the “what do they eat” section. (3mins). Have students get into their groups, and work on this section of the packet. Also, have the writer in the groups, using in their best handwriting, write the description of their animal on their white index card. (15mins). Pass out new index cards for the “what they eat” section. (1min) Have students all write this information in their own packets. (2mins) Remind them to check off each step as they go along. Pass out new fact sheet, so that students are using a variety of resources. (1 min) “When you’re group has shown me the “What do they eat” section, I want you to place all of the packets, the fact sheets, and your questions into the folder and give it to the keeper in your group. Keepers, I would like for you to place your groups folder in the cubby with your groups number on it.”
DAY 3: Check the group folders to make sure that everyone has their “what do they eat” section completed and checked off. Allow students, during center time, to get on the computers and look at the website (that’s already pulled up) to listen to the sound their animal makes and print the first page of the information provided. (10mins) Students are to work on the “reproduction” section today. “Remember to write 3 complete sentences for each fact.” Pass out new index card for the “reproduction” section. “When you’re group has shown me the “Reproduction” section, I want you to place all of the packets, the fact sheets, and your questions into the folder and give it to the keeper in your group. Keepers, I would like for you to place your groups folder in the cubby with your groups number on it.”
DAY 4: Check the folders to make sure that everyone has their “reproduction” section completed and checked off. Pass out new index cards for the “Interesting Fact” section. Have students get into their groups. “Today we are going to go over the interesting fact section. EVERYONE in your group is to find 1 fact that they find interesting. You’re going to write everyone’s facts down in your packet under this section. REMEMBER TO USE COMPLETE SENTENCES! When your group is finished, have the informant in your group come to me and show me what you’ve written so I can mark you off and the writers in your group can write everyone’s facts on the index card.” “When you’re group has shown me the “Interesting Facts” section, I want you to place all of the packets, the fact sheets, and your questions into the folder and give it to the keeper in your group. Keepers, I would like for you to place your group’s folder in the cubby with your group’s number on it.”
DAY 5: Check the folders to make sure that everyone has their “Interesting Facts” section completed and checked off. Pass out new index cards for the “What have you learned” section. Have student’s get into their groups. “Today we are going to work on the final section of your packet. Everyone in your group is going to write in their packets 3 things that they have learned. It’s okay if someone in your group finds the same thing as you interesting. I will be coming to your groups to check to make sure you’re writing in complete sentences and to see what you’re learning. Once I have looked at your packet, I would like for each of you, using your best handwriting, to write on the index card what you have learned. Remember, you have to write 3 full sentences.” “When doing a research project, it’s very important for you to tell where you got your information. Everyone needs to fill in their “Resources I used” section and the writer will write this information on the index card.” Go over how to cite research. “When you’re group has shown me the “resource” section, and I’ve checked you off for your “What have you learned” section, I want you to place all of your papers and information into your folders. Keepers, I would like for you to place your group’s folder in the cubby with your groups number on it.”
DAY 6: Check the folders to make sure that everyone has all of the sections in the packet completed and checked off. Allow students to get into their groups.“Today you are going to get into your groups and make a poster about your animal. I have all of the supplies that you need and 1 person from your group can come get the supplies as you need them. The poster is all that we are going to work on today and tomorrow you will present. Everyone needs to work on this project together, you’ve all found the information on your animals as a team and now you’re going to do something creative, AS A TEAM! On your posters, I would like to see a drawing of your animals, what sounds they make, and all of the index cards that you’ve made MUST be on there. Make this as neat as you can. Are there any questions?” “When you are finished with you posters and I have looked at them, I would like for the keepers in the groups to put your poster on the reading table facing down. Make sure that you have everything checked off on your folders that you need to and put them into the cubbies.” Ask volunteers to go first for presenting. Make a list of who’s going when, if no more volunteers groups must go in order according to their group number.
DAY 7: Have students get into their groups and get their posters. Have students present their posters.
Lesson Closure: Have an open discussion about what everyone learned, if they liked the project, what they thought about it, see how many groups learned what they wanted to learn about their animals.
6. Contingency Plans
What are you going to do if the lesson ends early, runs long, or just doesn’t work?
Early- find additional facts on their animals, or share something that they thought was interesting or what they had learned.
Long- have students finish up during center time.
Doesn’t work- Go to the computer lab and have students find their own information using a back up list of sources.
7. Accommodation: Ability Level
How are you accommodating for the unique needs of students with learning differences in your classroom?
Students will be working in groups. I will also be using several of the learning modalities (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) to teach all learners.
8. Accommodation: Diverse Experiences
How are you incorporating student background experiences and/or addressing gender, race/ethnicity, English language proficiency, economic status, and/or physical challenges of students in your classroom?
I will be providing materials for all students in the classroom to value diversity.
9. Assessment Data
How will you evaluate student achievement of each learning objective? Number the explanations to correspond with each objective.
To what extent did the students achieve each learning goal?
1.) Use student checklists to make sure that students are on target and making progress.
2.) Use a rubric while students present their poster to the class, checking for how well they present their poster to the class, creativity, and how well they work as a group..
10. Post-Lesson Reflection – Address all questions.
Animal List Job List
1.) Cow 1.) Keeper
2.) Pig 2.) Writer
3.) Chicken 3.) Informant
4.) Goat 4.) Illustrator(s)
5.) Sheep 5.) Fact Finder
6.) Llama
7.) Bull
8.) Duck
Collaborative Work Skills : Farm Animal Presentation
Teacher Name: Christal CornettStudent Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Working with Others / Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together. / Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause "waves" in the group. / Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member. / Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player.
Contributions / Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A definite leader who contributes a lot of effort. / Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A strong group member who tries hard! / Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A satisfactory group member who does what is required. / Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. May refuse to participate.
Pride / Work reflects this student's best efforts. / Work reflects a strong effort from this student. / Work reflects some effort from this student. / Work reflects very little effort on the part of this student.
Research packet lay out.