Our Vision – Student Success!
2008 – 2009
LemonBayHigh School
District Mission: We will provide an innovative educational environment that allows and inspires success for everyone
School Co-mission: The mission of Lemon Bay High School is to inspire students, teachers, and parents to form a community of learners, to promote excellence through a varied curriculum, to provide the tools necessary to foster positive contributions to our society, and instill a commitment to academic and personal achievement.
School District of Charlotte County
SSP Writing Team/ SAC Approval
Writing Team Members:
Dan Jeffers
Tammi Harvey
/Assistant Principal
Jon Arritt
Peggy Huber
/Support Staff
Dorothy Moore
Member of LBHS Leadership CouncilMatthew Masucci
Edison Dual Enrollment InstructorSusan Chabot
/Teacher & Parent
Member of LBHS Leadership CouncilMaryJo Holleran
/Teacher & Parent
Member of LBHS Leadership CouncilAndy Dodd
/SAC Chair & Parent
Plan Submitted to SAC for Approval:
(Please attach a copy of your SAC Roster)
SAC ChairDate
School District of Charlotte County
“Big Rock” Plan
“Big Rock” Strategy Name: The Lemon Bay Way
Three to Five Year “End in Mind” Vision Statement:
LemonBayHigh School will establish our core beliefs, as identified during the 2007-2008 school year by our staff and compiled by our Leadership Council, as our school culture with emphasis on professionalism and positive relationships. We refer to these core beliefs as The Lemon Bay Way.The Lemon Bay Way is a commitment to our students, staff, and community that focuses on building and fostering positive relationships among and between our “school family” and our “community family.” The Lemon Bay Way values these relationships and understands that they are an integral part of student success.Our vision is that LemonBayHigh School will infuse the Lemon Bay Way into the school culture in order to foster positive relationships among staff, students, and our community. This culture values communication, customer service, Manta Ray Pride, and the LemonBay “Family.”The Lemon Bay Way staff exemplifies professionalism, professional growth, and instruction that is rigorous, relevant, and research-based.
In order to nurture the Lemon Bay Way, all staff will be trained in “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and will follow up in the spring with the “Seven Habits Maximizer” as a refresher.Additionally, the “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens” is built into the 9th grade curriculum. Our belief is that integrating and following the “Seven Habits” philosophy will foster positive relationships among our staff and students and build effective communication skills.
Our Leadership Council will implement monthly C.A.S.E. (Collaborate and Share Everything) study groups that address our core beliefs and give teachers time to share ideas on instruction and work together on issues such as increasing student attendance and decreasing the student dropout rate. Groups will present and share research-based strategies, lesson plans, and activities that promote student achievement.All LBHS faculty will participate in these study groups which will take place before school from 7:30am-8:15am.
Academic teams will collaborate and discuss progress-monitoring test data, differentiated instruction with standards-driven lesson plans, and the social, emotional, and academic needs of students in an effort to increase individual student achievement. Facultyteaching the same courseswill collaborate with one another to create common formative and end of course standards-based assessments.
LBHS S.A.T. (Student Assistance Team) members will meet on a bi-weekly basis to identify potential dropouts and will monitor these students throughout the school year. The S.A.T. will include the school social worker, assistant principals, guidance counselors, deans, and selected teachers. The social worker and guidance counselors at LBHS will meet with students who are considering dropping out to discuss alternatives and options.
Resources Needed to Realize Vision:
Human Resources / We will continue to include a diverse selection from the work force in order to nurture the Lemon Bay Way. This includes: all faculty, counselors, deans, and assistant principals as well as Manta Mentors, a social worker, clerical and support staff, the technology facilitator, school resource officers, parents, and community members. Furthermore, we will need “Seven Habits” Trainers and C.A.S.E. participants.Physical Resources / LemonBayHigh School facilities
Technology Resources / Existing school equipment will be utilized for meetings/trainings.
Information Resources / The following informational sources will be provided for faculty and students: “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,”“Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens,”Marzano’s High Yield instructional practices, and Performance Matters.
Instructional Resources / We will continue to utilize the following training or resources for instructional delivery: C.A.S.E. study groups;interdisciplinary teacher teaming, differentiated instruction methods; faculty resource library; an instructional delivery model that includes warm ups, instructional blocks; and cool downs; and unified progress reports to locate students having difficulties in multiple subjects. Teachers will continue to reference Robert Marzano’s “Classroom Instruction That Works” and implement the 9 high yield instructional strategies. We will also expand PSAT/SAT & ACT prepthroughout the curriculum. Our remedial classes will utilize three computer labs with the following programs: Larson’s Math, Achieve 3000, FCAT Explorer, and FCAT Simulator. In addition, we will implement Janet Allen’s “Plugged Into Reading” program in our intensive reading classes. Our 9th grade Academy will continue theAcademic Acceleration program offered after school for students in need of extra academic assistance and reinforcement of standards.
Partnerships / We will continue to build and reinforce family and community partnerships through,but not limited to,MantaUniversity and our new executive internship program.
Fiscal Resources / We will continue to draw funds from the following resources: Gulf Coast Community Foundation Strategic Grant for Education, District Funds, Community Partner Donations, and School Advisory Committee.
Alignment to District Goal(s):
Success for All Optimal Facilities
Comprehensive Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Diversity of Workforce
Technical & Career Education Leadership
EffectiveSchools and Classes Compensation & Benefits
Recruitment, Support, and Retention Technology Equipped
Professional & Staff Development Effective Communication
Fiscal ResponsibilityEnhance Relationships
Build Partnerships
School District of Charlotte County
Needs Assessment
Data Reviewed:
√School Demographics (F/R Lunch, Minority, LEP, ESE)
√FCAT Scores (including disaggregated data)
√Florida AccountabilitySchool Grade Report
Florida Accountability Return on Investment Report
√NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress Report
Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screening (FLKRS)
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Scores
√Kaplan Achievement Scores
√Promotion Rates
√Graduation Rates
√Climate Survey
√School Discipline Data
√Parent Involvement Data
√School Environmental Safety and Incident Report (SESIR)
√Highly Qualified Teachers
Key Findings (include specific NCLB sub-group needs):
LemonBayHigh School / AYP Sub-Group DataSchool wide AYP Met? / % AYP
No / 85%
AYP Group / Reading Proficient / Reading AYP Met? / Math Proficient / Math AYP Met?
All / No / Yes
Caucasian / No / Yes
African American / N/A / N/A
Hispanic / N/A / N/A
Asian / N/A / N/A
American Indian / N/A / N/A
Multi-Racial / N/A / N/A
SWD / No / No
ELL / N/A / N/A
ED / No / Yes
Data was compiled from the Florida Department of Education and Performance Matters. Some discrepancies in the data were discovered.
- LBHS is moving toward having 100% of the staff members highly qualified.
- Parent involvement has continued to show growth as per MantaUniversity sign-in logs and course offerings.
School District of Charlotte County
Goals & Objectives
2008-09 Student Success Annual SMART Goals:
Reading / Increase students achieving a 3 or better on FCAT Reading from 56% to 58%. Special emphasis on increasing the learning gains of the lower 25% from 40% to 50%.Writing / Increase the number of studentsachieving a 3.5 or above on FCAT Writes from 88% to 91%.
Mathematics / Increase students achieving a 3 or better on FCAT Math from 88% to 90%. Special emphasis on increasing the learning gains of the lower 25% from 65% to 66%.
Science / Increase students achieving a 3 or better on FCAT Science to 51%.
2008-09 Objectives to implement “Big Rock” and meet Student Performance Targets:
Objective (What) / Strategy (How) / Evidence of CompletionSchool Culture– positive, professional relationships among staff and students / All staff will participate in Lemon Bay Way committees to define the core beliefs of LBHS that support and enhance Student Success. Eight sub-committees will address each of the following core belief areas: Professionalism, Professional Growth, Research-based Strategies, Relevant Curriculum, Communication, Customer Service, Manta Ray Pride, and Lemon Bay Family. These definitions will become part of a document. This handbook will be used for staff development, staff retention, new staff orientation, as well as providing information for the community and perspective community members on the core beliefs of LBHS. / Lemon Bay Way Committee Definitions; Lemon Bay Way Handbook
Positive Relationships with school and community / Executive internships with students and businesses in our community; Diversified Career Technology placement in on the job training; Manta University meetings with parents and community members;open invitations to SAC meetings; Manta Messenger; LBHS website; local newspapers;Community Revision Meeting; ParentLink; and ParentConnect. / Student enrollment in internships; business community survey results,attendance sheets, hits on website, Englewood Herald Insert
Collaboration / Leadership Council; C.A.S.E. study groups; Preschool and year long vertical and lateral team meetings; curriculum mapping and common assessments used among academic courses; 9thGradeAcademy and Grade Level Meetings / Scheduled meetings attended by all staff; sign-in sheets and feedback forms; lesson plans and end of course exams
Increase Student Achievement / Increase rigor in the curriculum; increase relevance through interdisciplinary, current, non-fiction materials; increase remediation with differentiated instruction; Progress Monitoring; continue efforts in making student learning gains in the lower 25% and upper 25% with added emphasis on increasing learning gains for the high level 2 and the lowest 20% of level 3 students. / Cooperative lesson plans with integrated relevance and more scheduled remediation. Decreased number of Level 1 and 2 students, which includes the ESE and Economically Disadvantaged subgroups.
Reduce Drop Out Rate / Identify at-risk students; S.A.T. meetings to discuss identified students and strategies and interventions; social worker, guidance counselor, and/or assistant principal meeting with potential drop-outs to discuss alternatives and options. / Increase gradation rate from 83% to 84% (waiting for November dropout data from 2008 graduation class).
For each Sub-group that did not meet NCLB-AYP; For Students Scoring at Level 1 & 2 and the Lowest 25% on the FCAT /State Accountability System, Objectives for 2007-08:
Sub-group Objective (include subject area) / Strategy (research-based) / Progress Evaluation IndicatorsIncrease Reading Achievement by one year’s growth (77 point Developmental Scale Score Gain) in our ESE and Economically Disadvantaged subgroups. / Continue Intensive Reading Classes and provide before and after school FCAT Prep courses. Also, the new “Plugged into Reading” program. / Scheduled Intensive Reading Classes. ESE AYP Grant Pullout for eligible students.
Increase Math Achievement by one year’s growth (48 point Developmental Scale Score Gain) in our ESE and Economically Disadvantaged subgroups. / Continue Intensive Math Classes. Provide before and after school FCAT Prep courses. / Scheduled Intensive Math Classes. Student Mentor schedules and logs. ESE AYP Grant Pullout for eligible students.
2009-10 “Big Rock” Objectives:
Objective / StrategyContinued improvement, enhancement, and implementation of the Lemon Bay Way. / Implementation of committee Action Plans; Increase community involvement in the culture of Lemon Bay Way; Introduce Lemon Bay Way Core Beliefs to the LAAMS Leadership Council.
2010 – 2012 “Big Rock” Objectives:
Objective / StrategyContinued implementation of the Lemon Bay Way. / Revisit and refine the Lemon Bay Way Core Beliefs (as necessary);
support LAAMS in familiarizing students in the Lemon Bay Way Core Beliefs.
NCLB and State Compliance Areas to Address for 2008-09:
Area / Objective (What) / Strategy (How) / Indicators/MeasuresAcademic Progress Monitoring / Implement KAPLAN and the district progress monitoring system. / Administer the KAPLAN assessments; ensure all instructional staff is utilizing “Performance Matters.” Provide staff development / “refreshers” and new for those who haven’t been using. / Student scores/ utilization of reports “Performance Matters”
Extended Learning Opportunities for Struggling Learners / Improve student academic performance. / We will implement and continue programs such as KAPLAN, Achieve 3000, PLATO, Larson’s Math, FCAT Explorer, and FCAT Simulator for student instruction. We will implement the “Plugged Into Reading” program. We will add Science Round Robin teaching for FCAT prep push.Core Academic Instructors will complete Progress Monitoring Plans (PMPs) for eligible students. We will continue to offer the ESE AYP Grant Pullout program during school as an option for Level 1 and Level 2ESE students. Also, we will offer before and after school FCAT Preparation; and will schedule the lowest 20% of Level 3 students into language arts classes with special emphasis on reading strategies. / Student scores and reports / utilization reports of “Performance Matters” / Pullout Attendance Logs / FCAT Prep Logs / KAPLAN scores / PMPs
School Safety/ Discipline / Produce an environment conducive to learning. / We will maintain a Ninth Grade Academy which will produce a concentrated learning environment. In preparation for the Academy, incoming freshman receive bullying/hazing training. This same training will also be provided to staff and upperclassmen. We will hold class meetings for all students to go over the Student Code of Conduct and School Expectations. Finally, we will distribute the School Climate Survey to students, faculty, staff, and community leaders. / School Climate Survey Results / SESIR Report
And a 9th grade Academy Survey
Technology / Increase access and training for students and staff in technology. / We will provide professional development for teachers in all new technologies. Venice Foundation Grant monies and District funds will be utilized for this training. In addition, we will offer scheduled lab usage for training students in new technologies and increase their time using educational programs. / Increased proficiency by student and staff / Lab Usage Schedule
Student Health & Fitness (include parent awareness) / Implement the District Wellness Policy. / We will work with the District to provide information to parents and students, making them aware of the District Wellness Plan. We will offer scheduled time for access to our fitness facilities. Teen Health Issues are discussed at Family Focus Night. We will provide training for equipment usage by the Physical Education instructor.We have developed a School Wellness Plan. / Attendance Logs / Access Schedule / Reports / School Wellness Plan
Indoor Air Quality/ Physical Environment / Provide a clean and safe environment. / Address any concerns about the school environment and take steps to correct the issue. Can the custodial issue be addressed here? Because there’s no way we can say our environment was clean and safe with this year’s issues. / Rectification of complaint issues / Health and Safety Inspection Results
Continuous Improvement Model Schools Implementation / To continue to align LemonBay with the Model Schools Program. / Provide continuous training to instructional staff, share and implement “Model Schools” best practices and strategies during C.A.S.E. study groups, implement the SSP utilizing CIM processes, and utilize grant funds to purchase materials and provide needed training. / Lesson Plans, SSP, Model Schools best practicesand strategies shared and implemented through C.A.S.E. study groups
Parent Involvement & Empowerment / Continue to increase parent involvement and communication. / We will continue to distribute the Manta Messenger and post it on our website;continue MantaUniversity, increase SAC committee involvement, continue the development of the school web page, and continue implementation of Parent Connect. / Manta Messengers / Parent Attendance Logs / Web and Parent Connect Access Data
Highly Qualified Teachers, Administrators, and Paraprofessionals / To continue professional development and hire Highly Qualified Teachers, Administrators, and Paraprofessionals. / We will provide professional development opportunities, continue our Reading Endorsement training and elicit district support for training. / Attendance Logs, Teacher Certification and Endorsements.
School District of Charlotte County
Professional Development Plan
Summary of Professional Development Objectives Targeting SSP Goals/Objectives and Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs):
C.A.S.E. Study Groups/ Teacher collaboration of best practices and research-based strategies.Speed of Trust Training/ To enhance professional relationships.
7 Habits Training /Provide a framework for our core beliefs.
Professional Learning Communities / Focus on Goal-Setting and Teaching Strategies.
Continuous Faculty Training in KAPLAN Program / On how to administer, score, utilize student data.
Continued training in implementation of Marzano’s high yield instructional strategies,Performance Matters, and continuous faculty training in new technologies/ To keep the faculty updated on the newest strategies and technologies.
Summary of Research-Based Professional Development Delivery Strategies: