Dodworth Practice 2014Patient Survey

BACKGROUND – since 2011 we have had a Patient Participation Group, and some of these questions are based on their main concerns. Other questions have been included following suggestions from other patients. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions, which could help us improve the Practice.

1. Our appointment system allows patients to pre-book routine appointments up to 3 weeks in advance, or to book SAME DAY urgent appointments with a GP when you're ill. How easy do you find this?

Extremely easy 26 responses (17.3%)
Very easy 37 responses (24.6%)
Moderately easy49 responses (32.6%)
Slightly easy 10 responses (6.6%)
Not at all easy 28 responses (18.6%)
Other (please specify)

2. The vast majority of patients are excellent at keeping their appointments. However there is a significant minority of patients who make appointments with the Doctor or Nurse and then do not turn up for theappointment. For example: in December - 60 patients failed to attend their GP appointments which is a waste of their professional time. Do you always remember to cancel an unrequired appointment?

Yes, always 140 responses (93.3%)
Yes, sometimes 7 responses (4.6%)
No - I forget 3 responses (2%)
Other (please specify)

3. In the last 12 months, when you phoned Dodworth Practice during regular opening hours, how often did you get an answer to your medical question that same day?

Never 4 responses (2.6%)
Sometimes 29 responses (19.3%)
Usually 43 responses (28.6%)
Always 61 responses (40.6%)
Other (please specify)
13 not used (8.6%)

4. During your most recent visit, did your doctor or nurse listen carefully to you? Did the GP or nurse explain things in a way which was easy to understand? And were you treated with dignity and respect?

Yes, definitely 116 responses (77.3%)
Yes, somewhat 31 responses (20.6%)
No 3 responses (2%)
Other (please specify)

5. How long has it been since your most recent visit with Dodworth Practice?

Less than 1 month 83 responses (55.3%)
At least 1 month but less than 3 months 27 responses (18%)
At least 3 months but less than 6 months 19 responses (12.6%)
At least 6 months but less than 12 months 13 responses (8.6%)
12 months or more 8 responses (5.3%)
Other (please specify)

6. How professional were the staff at Dodworth Practice?

Extremely professional 81 responses (54%)
Quite professional 56 responses (37.3%)
Moderately professional 12 responses (8%)
Slightly professional 1 response (0.6%)
Not at all professional
Other (please specify)

7. We currently offer extended opening hours on a Thursday evening each week (until 7:30pm). How suitable do you find these appointments?

Very suitable 76 responses (50.6%)
Suitable 40 responses (26.6%)
Not suitable (I work evenings) 1 response (0.6%)
Not suitable (can attend anytime)33 responses (22%)
Other (please specify)

8. Overall, how satisfied are you with the care you receive at the Surgery?

Extremely satisfied 55 responses (36.6%)
Quite satisfied 64 responses (42.6%)
Somewhat satisfied 23 responses (15.3%)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3 responses (2%)
Somewhat dissatisfied 3 responses (2%)
Quite dissatisfied 1 response (0.6%)
Extremely dissatisfied 1 response (0.6%)
Other (please specify)

9. How clean do you find the facilities and premises at the Surgery?

Very clean 128 responses (85.3%)
Fairly clean 22 responses (14.6%)
Not very clean
Not at all clean
Other (please specify)

10. How old are you? Are you male or female?

MALE (57 responses – 38%)
FEMALE (93 responses – 62%)
Under 16 1 response –0.6% 16.6% practice figures at 18.02.14
18 – 24 13 responses – 8.6 % 8.4% practice figures at 18.02.14
25 – 34 14 responses – 9.3 % 11.1% practice figures at 18.02.14
35 – 44 21 responses – 14 % 12.7% practice figures at 18.02.14
45 – 54 36 responses – 24 % 15.9% practice figures at 18.02.14
55 – 64 24 responses – 16 % 12.5% practice figures at 18.02.14
65 – 74 25 responses – 16.6 % 10.7% practice figures at 18.02.14
75 – 84 15 responses – 10 % 6.9% practice figures at 18.02.14
85 and over 1 response – 0.6% 2.8% practice figures at 18.02.14
Thank you for taking the time to compete our survey.
The results will be displayed in the waiting room and on the website.