Why did you close?

In October 2014, the Board of Directors made the decision to temporarily close Community Welcome House (CWH) to address much need repairs. At the time, it was thought that the repairs were minor and would take approximately two months. Once the repairs began, it was clear that the work required was far more extensive than anticipated.

When will you reopen?

The house will reopen on in mid-August.

What happened to the women who were in the house when you closed?

Beginning in September 2014, new clients were directed to other nearby shelters. An individual plan was made for each of the women still residing in the house and all transitioned out by the end of October 2014. As of August 2015, 80% of those women are still living independent, self-sufficient lives.

What renovations have been done to the house?

By May 2015, the house received all new electrical paneling, all new plumbing, repairs to the roof, new security cameras and monitors, new furniture, including new bedbug proof mattresses in every room, paint to the walls and ceilings in almost every room.

The Board of Directors decided that, since the house was already closed, it made sense to address more extensive work to the house, including the foundation and floors. If the foundation and floors were not addressed now, CWH would have to close again in just a few years to complete the renovations then.

Was the house unsafe?

The house was always safe, it just needed extensive repairs. In the mid-1980s, previous owners added a second story to the house; however, the foundation was never able to support this additional weight. Over time, the weight of the second story was pushing down on the walls of the first story, creating a severe bowed-effect to the floors on the first level.

Because of the bowing, the flooring had cracks and gaps, some as big as one inch, that needed to be addressed.

Who paid for all of these renovations?

Initial renovations were paid by CWH. Generous donations to the house, the profits from events like Coweta Dancing Stars and O Christmas Tea, and the profits from the resale store, New Beginnings, helped to pay for repairs and the operational costs. Additional fundraising was secured to address the needs of the foundation and flooring.

CWH receives no state or federal funding. Proceeds come from donations, sponsorships, grants, events, and the resale store.

How could you have operational costs if you were closed?

While CWH was not taking in new clients during this time, the 24/7 crisis line was still operational and manned by one full-time staff member. Operational costs like mortgage, heat, gas, electric, and phone were still incurred during this time.

Do you now have your occupancy?

CWH never lost their certificate of occupancy at any time. We have always had, and still have, a certificate of occupancy.

Do you still have a resale store?

New Beginnings is the resale store for Community Welcome House. Since the location of the shelter is confidential, New Beginnings is our face in the community and is located at 7 W. Washington St in downtown Newnan. All donations for the store and the house are brought to New Beginnings.

How many women and/or children can you house?

Because of the renovations, we have increased our capacity from 26 to 30. Nine women and as many as 21 children can be housed now.

How can I help?

There are many ways to help Community Welcome House.

  • Give a monetary gift in the amount of your choosing. Donations can be made online at communitywelcomehouse.org or by mail to PO Box 1631, Newnan, GA 30264.
  • Volunteer at the house or at the resale shop, New Beginnings. Volunteer opportunities at the store are always available. Email the store at or call 771-683-8029. For volunteer opportunities at the house, email .
  • Donate clothes, furniture, food, and household items. All donations are taken to New Beginnings at 7 W. Washington in downtown Newnan.
  • Like us on facebook to get more information on upcoming events and ways to get involved. There are two facebook pages Community Welcome House and New Beginnings by CWH. Also, you can sign up for our newsletter on our website.
