Lay Leadership of Cameron United Methodist Church (2016)*
Mostpositions are elected for a one-year term. Those elected by three-year terms noted by year of termination. Committees are encouraged to recruit persons for short term projects or task groups. Committees arenot limited to those elected but may include others recruited for work deemed necessary by the committee.
Please note the “VACANT” positions. If you feel led to explore an area of Christian service to Cameron, please contact the committee chair. This is a living document subject to change due to staff or Lay Leadership changes during the year. Contact the church office for an update.
Church Council
General Leadership
Council ChairBarbara Cushman703-924-1938
Council Vice-Chair...... Julie Fleming703-329-2993
Recording Secretary...... Monica Bellebia703-960-9505
Delegate to Annual Conference
& District Steward...... Kathy Henry703-960-4540
Lay Leaders...... Joseph Fisher, Julie Fleming
Committee Chairs
Trustees...... Dave West
Stewardship & Finance...... Lindsay Holzrichter
Staff Parish Relations...... Howard Nestlerode
Children’s Council…………………………..Erin Stewart
Mission and Outreach……………………….Robin Schaub
Worship & Music...... Sarah Bloomfield
Welcoming...... Debbie Bowling
Communications...... Kathy Henry
Designated Officers
Treasurer (CUMC)…………………………..Galen Bessert
Assistant Treasurer (CUMC)...... Steven Johnson
Assistant Treasurer (CUMC)...... Elizabeth Santana
Financial Secretary...... Ruth Harte
Membership Secretary...... Kathy Henry/Monica Bellebia
Beacon Editor...... Kathy Henry
Members At Large
...... Jim Hudson
UMW President...... Carol Malzahn
UMM President…...... Tim Stewart
Certified Lay Servants...... Jim Hudson, Barbara Turpyn, Kathy Henry
Administrative Committees
Chair...... Dave West …………………..703-971-5499
Class of 2016Mary Sue SmithBarbara Cushman
Class of 2017Trevor SpechtCarl BonJim PoeMike Vicory
Class of 2018Dave WestRuth HarteRon Spriestersbach
Lay Leadership Development/Nominations
Chair...... Reverend Oliver Box ……...... 703-960-9505
Lay Leader...... ………………………………….Joseph Fisher, Julie Fleming
Martha FisherRuth Harte
Jim HudsonErin Stewart
Dave West
Staff-Parish Relations
Chair...... Howard Nestlerode III……….703-960-2962
Lay Leader……………………………………………….....Joseph Fisher, Julie Fleming
Delegate to Annual Conference/District Steward………….Kathy Henry
Class of 2015Jim HudsonHoward Nestlerode
Class of 2016Debra BessertAnn BorchevskyMike Carty
Class of 2017 Kim BennettDana ClabbersCarol Malzahn
Class of 2018Jim HudsonHoward Nestlerode
Subcommittee (no vote): Parsonage (see Trustees subcommittee)
Stewardship and Finance
Chair...... Lindsay Holzrichter …………..585-414-7813
Treasurer (CUMC)…………………………...... Galen Bessert
Assistant Treasurer (CUMC)...... Steven Johnson
Assistant Treasurer (CUMC)……………………………….Elizabeth Santana
Financial Secretary…………………………………………Ruth Harte
Delegate to Annual Conference & District Steward……….Kathy Henry
Church Council Chair………………………………………Barbara Cushman
Trustees Representative…………………………………….Dave West
Endowments……………….……………………...Howard Nestlerode III
Memorials………………………...... Shirley Campbell
Ministry Committees
Mission and Outreach
Chair...... Robin Schaub…..…………………715-858-7839
Debra BessertCarl BonTerrill Ray
Julie FlemingVelda YehleShirley Campbell
Worship and Music
Chair...... Sarah Bloomfield………………….703-329-2993
Debbie BowlingWarren HelwegeSarah BloomfieldCarol Schaub
Chair...... Kathy Henry……………………703-960-9505
Web Page...... Joe Fisher
Beacon Editor...... Kathy Henry
Historian...... Dee Helwege
Welcoming Team
Chair...... Debbie Bowling………………..703-822-0368
Lost Sheep Ministry…………………………...... Dee Helwege
Welcome Center...... Donna Henry
Hospitality………………………………………………….Sharon Akins
Welcome Bag/Gift Ministry………………...... Debbie Bowling
Coffee Hour...... Dottie Holstine
Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism
Chair……………………Mary Sue Smith.………………..703-960-2166
Children’s Council
Chair...... Erin Stewart …………………. 404-895-7307
Reverend BoxRuth HarteLindsay Holzrichter
Elizabeth Santana
Please be in prayer for our church staff and lay leadership and remember your membership vows to “be loyal to The United Methodist Church and uphold it by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness”.
As of September 22, 2015Page 1