Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Project Coordinator report to Recovery Team phone link up 5-9-11

Covering period 27-5-11 to 2-9-11


This period has been dominated by activities based generally around; end of year reporting, establishing the Nest Incentive, obtaining funds and the usual ongoing tasks as required. For this reason (and because of a lack of time) I have foregone the usual practice of reporting against the Recovery Plan.

A couple of highlights are that directly after last meeting, Oisin Sweeney (DENR) obtained $2400 to cover costs of the last newsletter, we then received notice of $15,000 from Wilderness Society Dara Foundation and a further $30,000 from SA Community Grants. This will see us through the 2011-12 year and I’m continuing approaches to the three NRM agencies to secure ongoing funding from 2012.

I also need to thank Jim McGuire for obtaining more nest tree protection material and taking the time to cut this to size. Jim wanted me to pass on that he believes there is a rapid growth in the number of people taking firewood from native forests.

Below is a summary of actions since last meeting

Nest Incentive

Finalise Nest Incentive guidelines, application forms and instructions for nest confirmation and upload to new page on website. Note that DSE, DENR and Greening Australia have agreed to help out with nest use confirmation. This is a great outcome and could potentially save the project from many hours of work.

Prepare media release for Nest Incentive, resulting in several press articles and two radio interviews (5SE & southeast ABC)

Organise for more nest tree protection materials from Jim McGuire.


Meet with SENRMB CEO Tim Collins

Negotiated with OIsin for $2400 funding (thanks to OIsin and DENR)

Contacted several potential corporate sponsors (SANTOS, Minerals Foundation, SeaGas, Australian Pipeline Authoritty)

Prepared documents relating to project costs and story of our flagship status to assist in funding attempts by Martine Maron, James O’Conner and Paul Evans (Birds Australia Fundraising Manager) (mecu The Trust Foundation)

Application to Handbury Foundation to fund Recovery Plan review $10000(unsuccessful)

Application to Wildcountry Dara Foundation (Wilderness Society) $15000 to fund general operations (successful)

Application to SA Community Grants $30,000 (successful)

Pursue funding talk with Aust Gov regional facilitator Peter Wilcock

Contact Sue Mudford as requested (no funding available)

Talk to Ian McLachlan (ex Fed Minister) about funding opportunities in SA

Organise for presentations to WCMA (Sept 2011) GHCMA (Autumn 2012) and prepare submission to SENRMB

Meet Birds Australia staff in Melbourne (funding)

Negotiate new contracts and action tables with GHCMA & WCMA


Finalise Buloke factsheet and publish on website

Put Steve Kenny (SA Roads) in contact with Ken & Katrina Jones to have dead tree planted on their property (it appears that this is going ahead)

Prepare volunteer guidelines and then advertise for volunteer. Received several offers and accepted offer from Felicity Lord who is doing a great job responding to website sightings and additions to mailing list. Respond to other offers

Learn how to update website then give site a general upgrade and then regular (every fortnight) update

Pursue information on burn trials and crusher trial for Rob Loechel

Article in GHCMA Landline Magazine

Finalised Annual Count numbers and prepared media release/ report and map (upload results to website), Updated OH&S forms for next years count. Conduct one post count ABC interview

Attend Habitat Restoration Workshop in Naracoorte

Attend NRM network day in Mt Gambier

Attend SWIFF in Hamilton

Attend Landholder Farm Planning Day in Lucindale as support to Kerry Gilkes, Cockies helping Cockies project

Attend tree planting day with Kalangadoo PS in Lucindale

Attend Wimmera Biodiversity Day to wave Red-tail flag to 150 attendees inc mecu staff Natimuk

Organised seed trays for Kalangadoo PS to allow planting of 1500 stringybarks each year

Prepare August Red Tail News organise printing and distribution (over 1000 now)

New sign to Lucindale PS and Casterton PS

Finalise Terms Of Reference Draft

Visit 300 acre Red tail block being damaged by Eastern Greys and pursue solutions


Prepare annual reports for WCMA & GHCMA (copy also sent to SENRMB)

General finance admin (payments to suppliers, invoices to funders)

Update of mailing list and email list

Minutes of last meeting

Assist Dave in ABC update

End of year report to SA Community Grants (Kalangadoo PS grant)