Headway Pre-Intermediate

1. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. He’s the …..……… (funny) boy in the class.

2. This pig is …..…….. (fat) than that pig.

3. Greg is the ………… (bad) player in the team.

4. The …………..… (discover) of America changed the course of history.

5. Have you ever received an ...... (invite) for a wedding?

6. It’s very ...... (polite) to ask a woman about her age.

7. The subway in New York is always very ...... (crowd).

8. Mount Everest’s ...... (high) is 8848 meters.

9. The film had a lot of ...... (frighten) scenes.

10. She ……….. (throw) the paintings into the canal.

11. He went into the museum and ……….. (hide) the painting under his coat.

12. He took the girl by the arm and …………. (lead) her to the bathroom.

13. Have you ……….. (give) up smoking yet?

14. I’m looking forward to ………….. (see) you.

15. On eBay, there are 125 million buyers and ……………. (sell).

16. Hurry up! The train …………. (leave) in 20 minutes.

17. It’s too dark. I’m …………. (feed) up with the winter.

18. I don’t understand this maths task. The instructions are …………… (confuse).

19. The plane was late, so the passengers were …………… (annoy).

20. She’s thinking of …………. (break) up with her boyfriend.

21. Pietro is going to meet us before he ...... (see) Janet.

22. It’s too dark. I’m …………. (feed) up with the winter.

23. She’s thinking of …………. (break) up with her boyfriend.

24. I have ………… (know) Jenny for two years.

25. There was an accident on the road, but ……………. (fortune) nobody was injured.

26. The student was confused because the teacher’s …………….. (explain) wasn’t clear.

27. Our holiday in Scotland was ………..…. (disaster) because it was raining all the time.

28. Have you made much ...... (improve) in your English since September?

29. What do you think is the secret of ...... (happy)?

30. I think it was a bad ...... (decide) to borrow money from the bank.

31. What’s the ...... (different) between advertise and advertisement?

32. After their big ...... (argue), they got divorced.

33. The president didn’t begin his speech until the ………… (arrive) of all the guests.

34. I don’t employ an ………… (account) because I’m able to manage the bills myself.

35. ….….….. (fluent) in English is a great gift for London’s immigrants.

36. If Sonia ...... (lie) to me once more, I’ll be furious!

37. After many hours of walking, we ……….…… (event) arrived at the train station.

38. If you can’t find a book, ask the ………… (library) for help.

39. Fortunately, the operation was ...... (success).

40. Before you can get a credit card, you have to give a lot of ...... (person) information.

41. My sister is very ...... (care). I lent her my watch and she lost it.

42. I speak French, which was very ...... (use) when I went to work in France.

43. Do you easily lose your ...... (patient)?

44. Does you school ...... (employment) a security guard?

45. I need to speak to Mr Boyle …………. (urgent).

46. I have ………. (much) time today than yesterday.

47. In villages there is ……….. (little) traffic than in cities.

48. It was snowing …………. (heavy) in the street.

49. Did you finish …………. (paint) the kitchen?

50. They haven’t always …………. (get) on well together.

51. She spends hours ...... (talk) on the phone.

52. She usually ...... (spend) the weekend with her family.

53. Do you enjoy ...... (read) in bed?

2. Complete the gaps with one word.

1. How ……… homework do we have for the weekend?

2. Sorry, we don’t have ……… cakes left. Would you like a biscuit?

3. He pointed his gun straight ………. Bond.

4. I love rock music. I ….….. loved it all my life.

5. Mike has broken his leg. I feel sorry ……… him.

6. They’re going to move out ………. the city centre next year.

7. ………. she has many friends, she feels lonely.

8. Korean restaurants are famous ………. a dish called kimchi.

9. „Do you know my sister?” „Yes, I think I ...... met her already.”

10. Next to the bridge is the Arts Centre, ………... you can see many paintings.

11. We haven’t had a break ……….. two weeks ago.

12. I ...... seen your new house yet.

13. All the children ………. sleeping, when Santa dropped in his gifts through the chimney.

14. I …….. have a tea and a cheese sandwich, please.

15. I haven’t seen you ….….. ages.

16. If we ...... leave soon, we’ll be late.

17. Do you want an advice? I think you ...... see a doctor.

18. You ...... smoke here. It isn’t allowed.

19. You ...... come to the party. It will be good fun.

20. What ...... you do if you fail the exam?

21. You ...... have to get up early tomorrow because it’s the weekend.

22. Oh no! I forgot to feed the cat! I will do it as ...... as we get home.

23. I’m afraid I left my car key in the house. Wait here ...... I come back.

24. Don’t drink too much coke in the cinema because you will ...... to go to the toilet.

25. A lion doesn’t run as fast ...... a cheetah.

26. If it’s sunny, we ...... go to the beach.

27...... I get a coke please?

28. A policeman ...... to wear a uniform. A teacher doesn’t.

29. …….. you frightened when she screamed?

30. Sophie Dall ...... be a model since she was 17.

31. There are seven bridges over the river, ……….. link Newcastle to the next town.

32. Go …………. the path, …………. the gate, and ………… the bridge.

33. The bus stop is in front ………… the newsagent’s.

34. Dear sir or madam, I am writing to apply ……….. the advertised job.

35. Dear sir or madam, I would like to enquire ……….. your courses.

36. Could you tell me ...... quickest way to get to London from here?

37. Who is the ...... popular actor in your country?

38. What kind ...... jokes do you like most?

39. What ...... Jim like? Is he intelligent?

40. A pen is a pointed thing ...... writing.

41. A cherry is a small, red fruit ...... grows in May.

42. A sports centre is a place ...... people go training.

43. A dentist is a doctor ...... looks after your teeth.

44. If it’s sunny tomorrow, we ...... play tennis.

45. BuckinghamPalace ...... opened to the public in 1995.

46. A cure for malaria has just ...... found by scientists in Paris.

47. He has been working here ...... ten years.

48. If you stopped smoking, you ...... cough so much.

49. What ...... you doing at 6.00 yesterday morning?

50...... you have a good time last weekend?

51. I forgot ...... lock the door in the morning.

52. If I ...... you, I would go to bed early.

53. He ...... going to check it on the Internet.

54. A doctor has ...... wear a uniform. A teacher doesn’t.

55. Do you want an advice? I think you ...... see a doctor.

56. I hear you were at Jane’s party last night. What was it ...... ? Enjoyable or boring?

57. We’ve invited Jerry for dinner but he ...... be late. It depends on the traffic.

58. You don’t ...... to get up early because it’s the weekend.

59. Oh no! I forgot to feed the cat! I will do it as ...... as we get home.

60. I’m afraid I left my car key in the house. Wait here ...... I come back.

2. Rewrite the sentences.

1. Cindy is prettier than Jane. / Jane isn’t ......

2. He is tired because he doesn’t sleep enough. / If he ......

3. We are late because the traffic is bad. / If the traffic ......

4. Europeans didn’t invent paper. / Paper ......

5. Guards protect the queen. / The queen ......

6. „I am hungry” she said. / She said ......

7. They make BMW in Germany. / BMW ...... …………………………

8. They will repair my bike tomorrow. / My bike ......

9. A man told us not to walk on the grass. / We ......

10. The police has arrested three criminals. / Three criminals ......

11. Salinger wrote The Catcher in the Rie. / The Catcher in the Rie ......

12. I am shorter than my son. / My son isn’t as ……………………………………….

13. Jill is more clever than Bill. / Bill isn’t ……………………………………………

14. England isn’t as hot as Spain. / Spain is ………………………………………….

15. I can’t read as quickly as you. / You can read ……………………………………

16. His mark was worse than my mark. / My mark wasn’t ……………………………

17. Kati didn’t sing as well as Timi. / Timi sang …………………………………….

18. His mother cooks better than him. / He can’t cook ………………………………

19. Tokio is further away than Bei Jing. / Bei Jing isn’t ………………………………

20. „Will you help me?” she asked me. / She asked if………………………………...

21. I last saw her at the weekend. / I ………………………………………..... since the weekend.

22. She last rode a bike in the summer. / She …………………………………. since the summer.

23. Tony last rang me a year ago. / Tony ………………………………………. for a year.

24. We last wrote a test three weeks ago. / We ……………………………….. for three weeks.

25. It’s raining but I’m happy. / Although ………………………………

26. I’m said because it’s raining. / It’s raining, …………………..

27. Did they invite us to the wedding? / Were …………………………………………?

28. They have cancelled the match. / The match ……………………………………….

5. Complete the missing words

1. She was feeling desp………….. because her child was totally out of control.

2. Why isn’t Tony in school today? Is he ill or is he just playing tr……..?

3. Security guards, policemen, doctors, barmen often do nightsh………. at work.

4. London will h…….. the 2012 Olympic Games.

5. Who is resp…………... for cleaning the house in your family?

6. Ned has a negative opi………… of life. ‘I hate everything’ he says.

7. I can’t weigh myself because I don’t have a sc………..

8. We’ll buy her a b…….. of flowers for her birthday.

9. Mike didn’t have the cour…….. to try bungee jumping.

10. 80% of the people invited couldn’t att……. the reception.

11. John cheated in the test, so he knew he didn’t dese……. to pass.

12. I can’t buy this coat because I can’t aff……. it.

13. Fighting and bullying is bad beh………. for students.

14. He felt disa…………..... because he came second in the race.

15. Will you do me a fav……. and give me a lift to the station?

16. Jeremy didn’t come to school today because he has a sore thr…… and stom……. ache.

17. “Did you take your temp…..……?” asked the doctor.

18. There is a lot of preju….… against male nannies.

19. Please fill out an appl………… form and send it to the agency by post.

20. The doctor wrote a presc……….... for antibiotics.

21. I’d like to become an ar………….. because I think I would enjoy designing buildings.

22. The government wants to create eq………. opportunities for women.

23. Bad weather can ru…… the enjoyment of a holiday.

24. Malaria, AIDS and TBC are dise……..s

25. Perhaps the cu…. for malaria will be discovered soon.

26. The world curr…….. has a population of 7 billion.

27. According to scientists, there is no evi…….. that the volcano will erupt.

28. Many people in Africa suffer from fam…… They have nothing to eat.

29. You shouldn’t drop lit……. on the floor. Pick it up!

30. We made a compl……. to the manager because the food was yucky.

31. James is a heavy drinker. It seems he’s addi……. to alcohol.

32. Burning oil is bad for the envir……….

33. Dinosaurs have been ext……. for hundreds of thousand years.

34. When lying in sun, you must be careful not to get sunb…….

35. Jameson made his fort…….. in the whisky production business.

36.Ar….. is the same as an argument.

37. How many words does this dictionary con...... ?

38. When I failed my exams last summer, my dad was furi......

39. Jamie watches films in English because he wants to imp...... his listening skills.

40. Sorry, I didn’t reco...... you because I didn’t have my glasses on.

41. How much will it cost to org...... the wedding?

42. „Are you sure, you don’t want a coffee?” Yes, def......

43. We asked the waiter to rec...... us a good red wine.

44. Don’t be imp...... ! The bus will come in a few minutes.

45. The fridge didn’t work, so we took it back to the shop and asked for a ref......

46. Our sports centre has two tennis courts, a football p...... and a swimming pool.

47. Scientists often do ex...... s with rats.

48. Scottish people have a rep...... for being mean.

49. Let me finish my sentence, and don’t interr...... me.

50. Don’t drink from the river because it’s contam......

51. Careful! Don’t s...... the wine on my new carpet!

52. You shouldn’t leave anything val...... in your car, like money or mobile phones.

53. If you use this washing powder, the dirt will disa...... completely.

54. It’s difficult to find a job without university qua......

55. James used to work for Shell but now he’s unem......

56. How much is this painting wor...... ? 10 thousand maybe?

57. Anna is very tal...... in chess. At the age of 14, she was already a grandmaster.

58. My flatmate doesn’t contr...... to the bills. I told him to pay half or he must leave.

59. Bad weather can make a holiday a disa......

60. What was the most mem...... moment during your honeymoon?

61. What kind of books have you read rece...... ?

62. The boss will never ad...... that he has made a mistake.

63. If I could comp...... songs, I would become a pop-star.

64. He didn’t enter the garden because there was a war...... sign for dogs.

65. Who won the last political el...... s in Spain?

66. A synomym for advice is sugg......

67. Before you go down to the metro, inspectors usually check your ticket at the entr......

68. There is an interesting art...... about secret agents in today’s newspaper.

69. When you analyze a drama, you have to des...... the personality of the characters.

70. When I phone my female friends, my wife is always je......

71. Universities usually offer cheap acc...... for students.

72. The articles says that people today talk faster than prev...... generations.

73. Some people believe they can pr...... the future from dreams.