Rio Grande Elementary

Fourth Quarter Syllabus

First Grade


Together we are a team striving to help your child succeed in mastering each quarter’s indicator expectations. First grade students are expected to master the following indicators (the “I CANS” listed below) by the end of this quarter.


q  Guide through the completion of daily homework.

q  Review class assignments, tests, and weekly newsletter.

q  Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences.

q  Use The Education Connection as a tool to keep current classroom and school news (446-4320 Teacher code ______).

q  Encourage your child to always do his/her best.

q  Share a daily reading experience with your child.


q  Be available to talk with you about your child’s progress at scheduled Teacher-Parent conferences.

q  Talk with you during scheduled planning times. Call the school for teacher availability. RGE 740-245-5333

q  Work to the best of my ability to guide your child to meet his/her first grade goals.



Number, Number Sense and Operations Standards

c 5. I can use place value to show numbers in different ways:

c b. Show patterns and groups in a 100's chart and tell how many tens and ones are in the many.

c c. Know that the first digit in a two-digit number is the number that is most important to tell the size of the number and its nearness to 10 or 100.

c 6. I can show, name and tell the worth of a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and dollar.

c 7. I can determine the value of a small group of coins (up to one dollar) using different kinds of coins.

c 9. I can show fractions using words and models for halves, thirds and fourths, knowing

that fractions are equal size parts.

c 13. I can show multiplication as repeated addition in real life situations.

c 16. I can create strategies for basic addition facts, such as:

c d. doubles,

c e. doubles plus or minus one

c f. make ten

c g. using tens frames

c h. adding zero

c 17. I can create strategies for basic subtraction facts, such as:

c a. counting up (7-3 =? As 3 plus ? equals 7)

c b. one less, two less

c c. all but one (8-7, 5-4)

c d. using tens frames

c e. Missing addends.

Measurement Standard

c 3. I can use time order to sequence events.

c 4. I can estimate and measure weights using everyday objects.

c 5. I can estimate and measure length using everyday objects and a ruler.

Geometry and Spatial Sense Standard

c 1. I can identify, compare and sort shapes. For example:

c b. Describe a shape using the number of sides and corners.

c 2. I can create new shapes by combining or cutting apart already made shapes

c 3. I can tell the names of the sides that make up a 3-D shape.

c 5. I can copy and draw simple shapes from memory.

Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Standard

c 1. I can sort, classify, order and explain how objects with two or more like properties were


c 2. I can add on to sound, shape and number patterns and create and write similar patterns. For example:

c b. Continue repeating and growing patterns with materials, pictures and shapes.

c 3. I can name the parts of a repeating plan or pattern.

c 5. I can tell and show how to solve a word problem using numbers, number sentences, objects Or pictures.

Data Analysis and Probability Standard

c 3. I can show data using picture graphs and bar graphs.

c 4. I can read charts, picture graphs, and bar graphs and identify the main ideas, and make

conclusions and predictions on the data.

c 5. I can make up a question that can be answered by using information from a graph.

c 7. I can answer questions about the number of objects on a picture graph, bar graph or table

graph ( the most, the least, altogether, many more).

c 8. I can describe if an event is possible/impossible and more likely/less likely to happen (when

using spinners, number cubes, etc.).

Language Arts:

Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition and Fluency

c 3. I can match sounds to letters and letter patterns.

c 5. I can use word families to sound out unfamiliar words.

c 9. I can read first grade level books fluently.

c 10. I can read aloud using expression that shows I understand the meaning of punctuation and the idea of the whole sentence.

Acquisition of Vocabulary

c 2. I can use words that have the same or opposite meanings.

c 4. I can read first grade level sight words.

c 5. I can identify words that sound alike but have different meanings.

c 7. I can read contractions and abbreviations.

c 9. I can use a beginner's dictionary to figure out the meaning of words I do not know.

Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self-Monitoring Strategies

c 1. I can describe the jobs of authors and illustrators.

c 6. I can retell the main ideas in fiction and non-fiction stories.

c 7. I can make and use graphic organizers, with teacher's help, to show that I understand what I have read.

c 9. I can ask and answer questions while reading alone or in a group in order to help myself

understand what I am reading.

c 10. I can use what I know about authors and types of books to choose my own stories for

independent reading

c 11. I can independently read books for fun or to find out information.

Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text

c 3. I can ask the who, why, where, what, when and how questions when reading a non-fiction


Writing Processes

c 1. I can brainstorm ideas with others for writing.

c 3. I can write for a reason and for an audience.

c 6. I can write sentences with a naming part (subject) and a telling part (verb).

c 7. I can use other story patterns in my writing.

c 8. I can use a computer or tape recorder to write a story.

c 9. I can reread my own writing to make sure it makes sense.

c 10. I can use describing words and details in my writing.

c 11. I can use a word wall and a beginner's dictionary to choose words.

c 12. I can check my spelling, capitals and end marks by proofreading my writing.

c 13. I can improve my writing by using a rubric or conferencing with others.

c 14. I can rewrite and illustrate my writing for sharing with others.

Writing Applications

c 1. I can write stories with a beginning, middle and end that include describing words and details.

Writing Conventions

c 2. I can use short and long vowel patterns to spell words correctly.

c 3. I can spell first grade words correctly.

c 5. I can spell new words by sounding out the letters and using word families.

c 6. I can use different end marks correctly.

c 7. I can use capital letters correctly.

c 8. I can use naming words (nouns), action words (verbs), and describing words (adjectives).


c 1. I can talk about ideas that I might investigate.

c 2. I can get information about my topic, with help from my teacher, and from other places

(library, community and classroom).

c 3. I can use books or observations to gather information to explain a topic with teacher help.

c 4. I can retell important information about a topic with teacher help.

c 5. I can report information to others.

Communication: Oral and Visual

c 1. I can use active listening skills like making eye contact or asking questions.

c 2. I can compare what I hear with what I already know.

c 3. I can follow simple spoken directions.

c 4. I can speak clearly so people can understand me.

c 5. I can give a presentation that:

c a. shows I understand a topic

c b. includes important information and details about a topic

c c. includes a clear beginning and ending

c d. tells my opinions.

c 6. I can tell about something that happened to me using details and staying on my topic.

c 7. I can recite poems, rhymes, songs and stories.

*These are in addition to those standards previously taught.

Evaluation of Student Progress

Students are given assessments in all subject areas to determine their progress. A variety of assessments are used such as:

q  Tests/quizzes

q  Observations

q  Checklists

q  Data collection

q  Standardized testing

q  Work samples

q  Daily class work

q  Oral reading

q  Mastery of “I CANS” (indicators)

Grading Scale

The District grading scale is as follows:

90%-100% A

80%-89% B

70%-79% C

60%-69% D

0%-59% F


Homework is an important reinforcement tool and should be taken very seriously at the first grade level. Homework reinforces the skill taught and responsibility. Please refer to your child’s homework folder and weekly newsletter.

Missed/Make-up Work

If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student and parent to complete and return to the teacher as soon as possible.


March 29 Variety Show

April 2-6 Spring Break (Tentative)

April 18 Class Picture Day

April 27 Interims

May TBA Field Day

May 25 Rio Rewards Extravaganza

May 8 Memorial Day – No School

May 31 Last Day of School and End of the Grading Period