Art & Design


National Curriculum - Purpose of study
Art, craft, and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire, and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invest, and create their own works of art, craft, and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity, and wealth of our nation.

National Curriculum –Aims
the national curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture, and other art, craft and design techniques
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms

Year 7

Brief overview: Key stage 3 art and design follows an adapted national curriculum, which involves studies in drawing, painting, modelling and print making. Themes covered- Art Folio (what can I do in art?) / Texture and patterns/ Holidays.

Careers statement:
To make pupils aware of:-
  • working safely
  • working on their own/ small groups (with or without support)
  • awareness of time- punctuality/ completing tasks on time
  • develop an awareness of their surroundings/ other cultures through Art
These skills will help pupils prepare themselves for the work-place in the future.
7 Scheme of Learning
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / P5-P7 - Base level
1-12 / What can I do in Art? / Art folio
Clay / Students will canny out different art tasks (with no help) so that a ‘base line’ assessment level can be given. Activities will include:-
  • using a pencil
  • scissors
  • painting
  • colouring crayons
  • wax crayons
  • clay works
  • pattern cutting
  • creating a collage
/ SEMSC / To understand the meaning of art and to be made aware of art from different cultures.
IT / Google images
Clip art
ILS / Emphasis on safety
To learn how to work independently
Numeracy / Pattern making – using shapes
Communication / Keywords
Evaluating work
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / P5-P7 and classroom monitor
13-15 / Practical skills / Tissue paper
Vivelle Clay
Fabric / To reinforce skills learnt in weeks 1-8. Practical tasks will use a mixture of skills learnt.
  • Clay tile with patterns
  • calendar
  • tissue paper (3D) fish
  • fruit bowls (texture/colour)
  • 3D placemat (textiles)
/ SEMSC / To look at art examples from different colours e.g. paintings
IT / Google images
ILS / Emphasis on safety and re-addressing skills learnt
Numeracy / Calendar months
Dividing a tile (clay)
Communication / Keywords
Evaluating work (making a comment about their work)
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / P5 – P8
15-25 / Texture and patterns / Paint
Tissue paper
Wool / Pupils study texture
  • feel and describe sheets
  • texture printings
  • texture rubbings
  • tissue paper binds (3D)
  • weaving-plastic bags/wool
  • 3D bind using lentils etc.
  • texture hanging
  • study artists who paint/ sculpt
/ SEMSC / To look at adornment of bodies using different textures – emphasis/ meaning on birds in decoration.
IT / Google images
Clip art
Digital camera
ILS / Safety
To work independently
Numeracy / Planning a wall hanging
Counting when weaving
Communication / Evaluation
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / P5 – P8
26-38 / Holidays / Video
Plaster (Mod-Roc)
Vivelle felt
Tissue paper
Textiles / Pupils will:-
  • watch holiday video and discuss
  • research holidays
  • create a 3D holiday postcard
  • create a holiday themed collage
  • create a clay/plaster tile with a holiday theme
  • Plan/print calico apron with holiday theme.
/ SEMSC / To look at meanings of holidays in different cultures
IT / Google images
Clip art
Digital camera
ILS / Safety
Working independently
To experience handling different textures
Numeracy / Measuring (clay and plaster tile)
Communication / Evaluation
Discussing ideas