held in Room 407, 1 University Gardens on 23rd September 2015
PRESENT: Lynn Abrams, Thomas Clancy, Pauline McLachlan, Ann Gow, Ian Ruffell, Steve Marritt Fiona Macpherson Nyree Finlay, Peter Jackson, Jenny Hutcheson
APOLOGIES: Jeremy Huggett, Karin Bowie
Table of Contents
Minute of the meeting held 10th June 2015 1
Matters Arising …………………………………………………………...... 1
Head of School Update……………………………………………………………………………………………2
Process Improvement …………………………………………………..…………………………………...... 2
Head of Subject Update. 2
Head of School Administration Update 3
School Committees …3
AOB ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
1. /Minute of the meeting held 10th June 2015
The minute was approved. PMcL would circulate to all School colleagues. / PMcL2. / Matters arising
2.1 Disability officer – To be progressed by SoH. FMacp suggested approaching Michael Brady.
2.2 Archaeology REF Review – An Archaeology subject meeting was held to review the report and produce a response. NF is keen to know how to respond, e.g. is there a template. PMcL would confirm with Kerry Revel.
LA will discuss the deadline for responses with the HoC under the circumstances, due 07/10/15. 2.3 Philosophy REF review meeting – A Philosophy meeting will be held on 23/09/15 and LA would attend.
2.4 Classics Review – To be held 12/11/15 & 13/11/15. CS and Ian Ruffell would attend, with confirmation awaited on LA attending.
2.5 TRM - Implementation delayed until January 2016. Clarification was sought regarding whom in College Research Office to contact for existing support for project. PMcL confirmed that purchasing would remain with School Administration.
2.6 Melbourne – An IPDF bid had progressed through College. Confirmation was sought of who is visiting from Melbourne.
2.7 GTA Policy – FMacp reported that it had been an onerous process. CS reported that her experience had been that it had worked well in Classics. CS would support a ‘benchmark’ to aid Subject /School decision making.
2.8 GTA Budget - JH has produced draft 2015-16 GTA and consumable budgets, to be confirmed with HoC Finance. JH would arrange budget update meetings with HoSubs and circulate budget allocations.
2.9 Exam Boards – A wash-up session was to be arranged when TSSA is appointed.
2.10 Dissertation word limits - KB as L&T Convenor would take forward.
2.11 EAA Conference – NF reported that it had gone extremely well, with 20 parallel sessions and over 2000 delegates. Fiona Hislop spoke, the conference had its own tartan produced with an opening ceremony, dinner, field trips/excursions all over Scotland. It also featured the launch of two exhibitions. Delegate feedback received to date had been extremely favourable, with questionnaires still being collated.
2.12 ICCS – TC reported that there had been 500 delegates, and the event had gone very well; held mainly on campus
2.13 School QA Officer - One applicant had come forward and had met with JWH. An announcement will be circulated to confirm the appointment.
2.14 Dudley Knowles Memorial Conference had been organised in conjunction with the Stevenson Trust. FMacp reported that it had been very well attended an annual lecture is being developed. / LA/PMcL
3. /
Head of School Update
3.1 Staffing - PMcL provided an update on current Humanities recruitment. An update would be circulated in advance of the School Forum in October.AG noted thanks and appreciation for Emma Fisher’s contribution to HATII student support
3.2 PDR - LA reported the deadlines for submission of Grade 9, Grade 10 and G1 – 8 sample forms. The Humanities moderation meeting would be held on 8th October. Concern was raised regarding the lateness of forms and guidance being made available (July). CS reported difficulty agreeing performance assessment grades due to there being 2 grades available above High Q34.3
3.3 Co-Location of College of Arts – LA reported that the Head of College is keen that Humanities discuss this topic at a School Forum meeting. It was agreed that this would be a good way to progress as colleagues had been unable to attend the consultation sessions. Discussion surrounding structure, administrative support and how staff should be located e.g. by School versus Subjects versus College. LA reported that this was to be discussed further at College Council on 23 September. Concern was expressed at the tightness of the consultation process.
3.4 College Advisory Group – LA reported that the Head of College would set up a group meeting (CAG) with Heads of Subjects.
3.5 Promotions – The 2015-16 round would be live soon, with guidance sessions to be arranged for each School. Rewards and Recognition would also soon be live. / PMcL
4. / Process Improvement
Agreed to discuss at a future meeting.
5. / Head of Subject Update
5.1 Archaeology
NF expressed concerns at delays in recruitment process e.g. approval of posts and business cases. It was stressed that delays are not at School level, but do have an impact on Subjects with a significant impact on teaching provision. CS had also experienced delays. FMacp and TC expressed concerns with the Arts generic JD. LA would feedback to CoA HR.
5.2 Celtic & Gaelic
Room Bookings – TC reported that almost all the History Honours teaching is St Andrews Building. Some allocations are felt to be counterintuitive. NF provided an example where it was physically impossible to arrive in time to commence three concurrent classes in widespread locations. JH would review how issues were communicated last year, gather inefficiencies and liaise with CTT.
5.3 Philosophy
FMacp reported on the issues concerned overspill rooms and the need to block-book an additional room for the full semester even though it may not be used after the first few weeks of term / LA
/Head of School Administration Update
JH offered thanks to colleagues for her welcome to Humanities so far and provided a brief update on HoSA activity:· College Secretary - Chris Andrews commences on 12th October 2015.
· TSSA – The recruitment process was on-going, but it was hoped to report news soon.
· TRM/CRO - Clarity and guidance sought and system introduction delayed until December 2015.
· L&T Support - JH would review the current L&T support structure and discuss further with HoSubs, ScMG and L&T conveners. The appointment of a TSSA would be important to this. PJ reported that consistency is important.
· Finance/Budgets – JH offered apologies for the delay in budget allocations being made. LA and JH would meet to agree and JH would then meet with HoSubs to discuss allocations. TC sought a retrospective end of financial year analysis for subjects. JH & and Liz Broe are to meet on 24 September to review 2014-15. JH reported that the 2015-16 budgets do not vary significantly from last year.
· Budget Allocation models - FMacp was keen to have a review of the School budget allocation model and it was agreed to have these discussions in 2015-16.
Subject Incentivisation allocations would follow. / LA
7. /
School Committees
7.1 Learning & Teaching Committee
KB was not in attendance, but had provided a brief update.
· NSS – Don Spaeth had asked that School L&T conveners produce 2015 NSS action plans.
· Moodle – Fraser MacBride had reported an issue surrounding the loss of anonymity. KB would pursue with the new TSSA to produce guidance on moodle and how to set-up maintain anonymity.
/ 7.2 Graduate StudiesSM reported on recent Graduate Studies activity.
· PTES results had been circulated – ‘Assessment return’ Humanities score was 29%, with the lowest Subject score at 19%; ‘Course well organised’ scores of between 21% - 67%. SM reported that feedback issues are the fundamental problem. SM suggested better planning e.g. staggered deadlines and production of marking schedules. School administrative support (Emma Fisher and Cara Graham) were keen to assist and support developments. TC and SM reported on their positive PGT administration experiences in other Schools. SM stressed that more action and a commitment to improvement is required. TC reminded colleagues of the industrial action marking boycott, which may have impacted on returns. SM would liaise rigorously with subject Graduate Studies Conveners.
· PGT Funding - JWH had agreed that the School Graduate Studies fund could be used to support students e.g. attending conferences. SM encouraged colleagues to direct PGR’s to College funding sources and use School funds for PGT. PJ reported on Scottish Graduate School funding opportunities and agreed that more promotion is required.
· PGT Students numbers – CS expressed concern at low PGT numbers and the viability of PGT programmes. SM agreed further discussion is required. It is suspected that high fees may be a contributing factor.
7.3 Research Committee
PJ reported briefly on recent Research activity, but would report in further detail at the next ScMG meeting.
· CMG discussion – LA reported on discussion surrounding the requirement for FEC costing for all non-FEC awards, resulting in negative contribution rates and we would have to consider further the School portfolio.
· College Research Support Office (CRO) - One week notice required for PAFs.
· Integrity Officers – To be appointed at School and College level.
· SRA round 1 2015-16 – An extended deadline was being negotiated with CRO. Research Leave deadlines would be circulated.
· Promotions deadline – Expected to be announced in October, with an internal School deadlines also to be set. / SM
8. / Any Other Business
8.1 Action Reporting – actions agreed
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